​Меджлис (Парламент) Туркменистана является представительным органом, осуществляющим законодательную власть






The social status of a woman in every country is assessed by a number of indicators, one of which is equal rights and opportunities for women and men. The term of gender equality implies a society with equal opportunities, rights and responsibilities for men and women in all areas of life. It is now widely accepted that gender equality is a key aspect of sustainable development strategies. 

Turkmenistan under the leadership of esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is pursuing the gender policy that promotes the equal participation of women in all spheres of political, economic, social and cultural life of the country. Our state creates conditions under which women can take an active part in the life of the country and society. Today, women of Turkmenistan demonstrate their best professional and personal qualities in a variety of spheres, hold key positions and work in advanced areas of activity. One of the striking examples of the high results and international prestige of Turkmen sports is the successful performance of a Turkmen athlete Polina Guryeva at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, who won a silver Olympic medal for the first time in the history of Turkmen sports.

A high state award – the Order «Zenan kalby» is awarded to women who have showed outstanding results in professional and social activity. The state is taking comprehensive measures to support large families and improve their living and working conditions. The honorary title «Ene Mähri» is conferred on mothers of many children. Women are entitled to up to 3 years of an unpaid infant care leave with job preservation, nursing mothers are entitled to shortened workdays and a staggered work schedule, mothers of many children are entitled to the early retirement age and state child benefits. 

The signing of the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025 is fully consistent with the goals of strategic partnerships with the UN and its agencies. The Cooperation Framework is closely linked to the national social and economic development programmes and testifies to the commitment of our country to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its international obligations on human rights and gender equality. 

Achieving gender equality in all spheres of life of the country remains an important milestone on the path of sustainable development of Turkmen society. 


Jennet OVEKOVA, 

A member of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, 

a member of the Committee on legislation and legal 

norms of Mejlis of Turkmenistan