Меджлис (Парламент) Туркменистана является представительным органом, осуществляющим законодательную власть
A significant step for the world community along the way to achieve sustainable peace and full and comprehensive progress and, in general, to preserve human civilisation is the declaration of 2025 the International Year of Peace and Trust at the global level. This step is significant because it will not only fill interstate relations with concrete actions, but also provide the platform for revert international relations to a positive direction for a long term. This motto of 2025 in Turkmenistan spotlights the role of our country in designing a new architecture of peace and cooperation.
The year 2025 was declared the International Year of Peace and Trust in accordance with the Resolution of the UN General Assembly. By voting for it, the Community of Nations expressed support for neutral Turkmenistan in its efforts to harness peaceful political and diplomatic means of conflict and dispute resolution and fostering a constructive dialogue in the spirit of mutual understanding and trust.
“The unanimous adoption of the Resolution ‘International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025’ by the UN General Assembly at the initiative of Turkmenistan vividly testifies to the international recognition of the foreign policy of the Motherland, based on peacefulness and mutual understanding. Moreover, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the Resolution ‘Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation of Central Asia’ proposed by our country. This proves once again that your policy, based on the principles of good neighbourliness, is becoming increasingly popular on the world arena,” the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his Address to the President of Turkmenistan.
Today, no one doubts that an urgent issue of modern world politics is the lack of trust and mutual understanding in interstate relations and respect for national interests. All this affects the geopolitical situation. The trust factor is particularly important in the context of emerging integration economic processes and the desire of the peoples of the world to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Therefore, the lack of trust that is essential for maintaining peace and sustainable development is discussed by politicians and experts at various international venues.
In this context, the declaration of 2025 the International Year of Peace and Trust can be said to be very timely and is intended to become an important event in the life of the world community. This is confirmed by the fact that 86 UN Member States co-authored the Resolution. The document reflects the fundamental goals and principles of the UN Charter, particularly the commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes.
In his New Year’s message to the people of Turkmenistan, our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised our country would continue its efforts to maintain peace and trust on the planet and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
As world history shows, different states have different potentials for forging trust-based relations with other countries. In this regard, we rightly state that Turkmenistan has a unique potential for establishing peaceful and trusting interstate relations.
First of all, the Turkmen people enjoy trust thanks to our cultural traditions that have been formed throughout history. An ancient farming civilisation emerged in the Turkmen land, our people are known for diligence and commitment to family values, which served as the foundation for peace and harmony in the family and society, and have always sought to live in peace and harmony with neighbouring nations. Intangible, moral and cultural values, openness and goodwill towards other nations have been passed down from one generation to another.
After gaining independence, this served to maintain political stability in the country and was embodied in the foreign policy. Its crowning glory was the recognition by the world community of the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan. Having realised itself as part of an interdependent world community, the neutral Turkmen state set active cooperation with the UN as a strategic aspect of its foreign policy to maintain international peace and good neighbourliness and to prevent conflicts.
Sovereign Turkmenistan has the weighty powers to act as a viable supporter of peace and confidence-building measures among states. Over the years of independence, our country has built reliable good-neighbourly relations with neighbouring states and has established and promotes constructive cooperation with the countries of Europe, Asia, and America. Turkmenistan is the host country of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia. This unique outpost of the United Nations, founded in 2007, successfully serves the region in settling issues through preventive diplomacy and confidence-building measures among the Central Asia countries.
Given the objective realities and modern trends of geo-economic and geopolitical development, Turkmenistan has initiated the adoption of resolutions on global issues of the modern world by the UN General Assembly. Along with the Resolution “International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025”, the UN General Assembly adopted the Resolutions “United Nations Games”, “Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia and “Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation of Central Asia” at the initiative of Turkmenistan in 2024.
As a result, our country has positioned itself for many years now as an authoritative and reliable partner, a staunch supporter of peace, a pillar of regional stability and a mediator of international dialogue. The practical implementation of the resolutions adopted at the initiative of Turkmenistan gives an impetus to international cooperation to develop specific measures to ease tensions, to use peaceful, political and diplomatic means of settlement of disputes and conflicts, to bridge the gap of trust and mutual understanding and to strengthen peace on the planet. Turkmenistan is recognised as a strategic partner of the United Nations in using confidence-building measures through dialogue in such areas as energy security, sustainable transport, environment protection and humanitarian development. Furthermore, Turkmenistan inevitably considers such important elements of international relations as peace and trust to be key ones in solving all problems.
The political and philosophical doctrine “Dialogue is a Guarantee of Peace”, launched by Turkmenistan with the support of the United Nations, is of enduring importance. It was put forward by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag and is viewed today by the world community as a new philosophy of interstate relations.
Resolutely promoting peaceloving initiatives, Turkmenistan takes a responsible approach to implementing the humanistic ideas embedded in them. Complex measures, aimed at maintaining global stability and sustainable socioeconomic development, are implemented under the leadership of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who consistently and purposefully pursues the policy of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
In particular, foreign government officials and public figures, politicians and experts note the role of Turkmenistan in strengthening peace, maintaining good-neighbourly relations and creating a climate of trust in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea Basin. In particular, the key issue for the Central Asian states is the settlement of the situation in Afghanistan and the involvement of this country in the implementation of major transport, energy and communications projects as an equal and full-fledged partner. Making consistent efforts for this purpose, Turkmenistan has successfully implemented several regional, transport, energy and communications projects.
We should say proudly that Turkmenistan has undoubtedly contributed to the development and adoption of the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea, signed by all the five Caspian states. Five-party meetings at various levels have become an effective mechanism for cooperation that allows comprehensively considering issues arising in the region with a view to developing joint ways to tackle them in a way that respects each other’s interests.
Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the effective use of parliamentary diplomacy mechanisms, the Women’s Dialogue, and the involvement of youth and the business community in building interstate relations in the context of the philosophy “Dialogue is a Guarantee of Peace”.
The diversity and complexity of the tasks set to UN Member States today are obvious. They can be fulfilled only through collective efforts and the awareness of the responsibility of each country, authoritative international organisations for preserving peace and security on our planet. The unchanging position of our country is to promote the enhancement of the UN role on the world arena in establishing equal and mutually respectful relations among states and nations and achieving sustainable development of all states. The declaration of 2025 as the International Year of Peace and Trust under the auspices of the UN serves to build up the peacekeeping potential of this organisation. The goals and objectives of the Resolution indicate the guidance vector for the promotion of cooperation and constructive dialogue for peace.
The Turkmen people highly value the peaceful and happy life that the Hero-Arkadag ensured with his wise policy and Arkadagly Hero Serdar continues and wish them good health and long life.
The Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs considers it its high duty to elucidate the major aspects of the domestic and foreign policy initiated by the Hero-Arkadag and successfully pursued by Arkadagly Hero Serdar to cement the unity, to stir labour enthusiasm and to raise patriotic spirit of the people.
Saparmyrat OVGANOV,
Chairman of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, a member of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan