The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body




Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system to consider draft documents, as well as a number of other issues.

First to speak was Chairwoman of the Mejlis D. Gulmanova, who informed about the activities of the national parliament to improve the country’s legislative framework.

As was reported, currently, working groups in association with representatives of ministries and sectoral departments are preparing drafts of a number of new laws, and amendments and addenda are introduced made to current legal instruments in accordance with modern requirements.

At the same time, concrete steps are taken to strengthen relations with the parliaments of foreign countries and authoritative international organizations. Thus, deputies of the Mejlis participated in a working meeting on issues of ensuring human rights, organized by the Representative Office of the International Organization for Migration in our country.

People’s representatives are carrying out active work to explain to the general public the content of national legislation, the significance of 2024 in the socio-political context, as well as to popularize the literary heritage of Magtymguly Fragi.

Summing up the information provided, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that new laws required by the present time must be developed. Legal regulations must reflect the effectiveness of the current domestic and foreign policy, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized, highlighting the urgency of further relevant steps in this area.