The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body
Моллабердиев Ениш Джумагелдиевич родился 2 ноября 1996 года в городе Ашхабад. Национальность туркмен.
В 2003-2013 годы учился в средней школе № 17 города Ашхабад, получил среднее образование.
В 2014-2019 годы учился в Международном университете гуманитарных наук и развития, окончил его по специальности международное публичное право.
В 2019-2021 годы проходил военную службу по призыву.
В 2022-2024 годы работал ведущим консультантом Отдела по кадрам и контролю над исполнением Министерства адалат Туркменистана.
7 июля 2024 года был избран депутатом Меджлиса Туркменистана VII созыва.
С 13 июля 2024 года работает членом Комитета Меджлиса Туркменистана по защите прав и свобод человека.
Выдвинут кандидатом в депутаты инициативной группой граждан.
Aşgabat şäheriniň 6-njy «Köpetdag» saýlaw okrugy
Кулыев Максат Ходжамырадович родился 16 сентября 1988 года в Каракумском этрапе Марыйского велаята. Национальность туркмен.
В 1995-2004 годы учился в средней школе № 2 Каракумского этрапа Марыйского велаята, получил среднее образование.
В 2004-2006 работал рабочим хлебопекарного цеха Общества потребителей Каракумского этрапа Марыйского велаята.
В 2006-2011 годы учился в Туркменском государственном университете имени Махтумкули, окончил его по специальности правоведа.
В 2009-2011 годы был на военной службе (на военной кафедре университета).
В 2011-2012 годы был стажёром в должности помощника прокурора Векилбазарского этрапа Марыйского велаята.
В 2012-2013 годы работал в должности помощника прокурора Векилбазарского этрапа Марыйского велаята.
В 2013-2017 годы работал в должности следователя прокуратуры Сакарчагинского этрапа Марыйского велаята.
В 2017-2022 годы работал в должности прокурора Беркарарлыкского этрапа города Ашхабад.
В 2022-2024 годы работал в должности прокурора отдела контроля за исполнением законов на транспортных средствах прокуратуры города Ашхабад.
7 июля 2024 года был избран депутатом Меджлиса Туркменистана VII созыва.
С 13 июля 2024 года работает председателем Комитета Меджлиса Туркменистана по международным и межпарламентским связям.
Женат, имеет троих детей.
Выдвинут кандидатом в депутаты инициативной группой граждан.
Berkararlyk etrabynyň Gündogar köçesiniň N.Halmämmedow köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, N.Halmämmedow köçesiniň ugry bilen B.Annanow köçesine çenli, şol ýerden B.Annanow köçesiniň ugry bilen Oguzhan köçesine çenli, Oguzhan köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Garlyýew köçesine çenli, A.Garlyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, A.Nyýazow şaýolunyň ugry bilen B.Annanow köçesine çenli, B.Annanow köçesiniň ugry bilen Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluna çenli, Gurbansoltan eje şaýolunyň ugry bilen Hoja Ahmet Ýasawy köçesine çenli, şol ýerden demir ýoluny kesip geçip, Hoja Ahmet Ýasawy köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Gönübek köçesine çenli, A.Gönübek köçesiniň ugry bilen B.Annanow köçesine çenli, B.Annanow köçesiniň ugry bilen, Garagum derýasyna çenli, şol ýerden Garagum derýasynyň ugry bilen, Ahal welaýatynyň Ak bugdaý etrabynyň araçägine çenli, şol ýerden Ak bugdaý etrabynyň araçäginiň ugry bilen Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluny kesip geçip, Gündogar köçesine çenli, Gündogar köçesiniň ugry bilen N.Halmämmedow köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Базаров Реджеп родился 10 апреля 1958 года в генгешлике Амыдерья Болдумсазского этрапа Дашогузского велаята. Национальность – туркмен.
В 1965-1975 годы учился в средней школе № 42 бывшего Губадагского этрапа Дашогузского велаята.
В 1975-1980 годы учился на ветеринарном факультете Туркменского сельскохозяйственного университета имени С.А.Ниязова и окончил его по специальности ветеринарный врач.
В 1980-2000 годы работал старшим, главным ветеринарным врачом дайханского объединения «Amyderýa» бывшего Губадагского этрапа Дашогузского велаята, ветеринарным врачом – серологом ветеринарной лаборатории этого этрапа, старшим ветеринарным врачом, руководителем ветеринарной службы.
В 2000-2005 годы работал заведующим отдела сельского хозяйства хякимлика бывшего Губадагского этрапа Дашогузского велаята, председателем Сельскохозяйственного акционерного общества этого этрапа, заместителем председателя Сельскохозяйственного акционерного общества «Obahyzmat».
В 2005-2008 годы работал председателем объединения профсоюзов Туркменистана бывшего Губадагского этрапа, в 2008-2009 годы работал заместителем хякима по сельскому хозяйству бывшего этрапа имени Гурбансолтан эдже, в 2009-2011 годы работал хякимом бывшего Губадагского этрапа Дашогузского велаята.
В 2011-2012 годы работал заместителем хякима Дашогузского велаята по сельскому хозяйству.
В апреле-июле 2012 года работал заместителем министра сельского хозяйства Туркменистана, руководителем Службы земельных ресурсов при министерстве.
В 2012-2014 годы работал министром сельского хозяйства Туркменистана.
В апреле-октябре 2014 года работал заведующим отделением экономического анализа Отдела сельскохозяйственных отраслей Кабинета Министров Туркменистана.
В 2014-2016 годы работал членом Комитета Меджлиса Туркменистана по охране окружающей среды, природопользованию и агропромыщленному комплексу, председателем Центрального совета Аграрной партии Туркменистана.
В 2016-2017 годы работал заместителем Председателя Кабинета Министров Туркменистана.
В 2017-2018 годы работал управляющим делами аппарата Совета старейшин Туркменистана.
В 2018-2021 годы работал управляющим делами Аппарата Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана.
В апреле-июне 2024 года работал временно исполняющим обязанности управляющего делами Аппарата Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана.
Депутат Меджлиса Туркменистана V, VII созывов.
С мая месяца 2017 года по совместительству работает заместителем Президента Гуманитарной ассоциации туркмен мира, с марта 2021 года – исполнительным директором, вице-президентом Благотворительного фонда по оказанию помощи нуждающимся в опеке детям имени Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова, с июля 2024 года –управляющим делами Аппарата Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана.
В 2014 году награждён медалью Туркменистана «Magtymguly Pyragy», в 2015 году – юбилейной медалью Туркменистана «Garaşsyz, Baky Bitarap Türkmenistan», в 2016 году – юбилейной медалью «Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 25 ýyllygyna», в 2019 году – почётным званием Туркменистана «Hormatly il ýaşulusy», в 2020 году – юбилейной медалью «Türkmenistanyň Bitaraplygynyň 25 ýyllygyna», в 2021 году – юбилейной медалью «Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 30 ýyllygyna», в 2022 году – знаком «Ynsanperwerliginiň sarpasy», в 2023 году – медалью Туркменистана «Arkadag».
Женат, имеет шестерых детей.
Выдвинут кандидатом в депутаты Аграрной партией Туркменистана.
Berkararlyk etrabynyň Gurbansoltan eje şaýolunyň S.Türkmenbaşy şaýoly bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Gurbansoltan eje şaýolunyň ugry bilen B.Annanow köçesine çenli, şol ýerden B.Annanow köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, A.Nyýazow şa- ýolunyň ugry bilen A.Garlyýew köçesine çenli, A.Garlyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Galkynyş köçesine çenli, Galkynyş köçesiniň ugry bilen S.Türkmenbaşy şaýoluna çenli, S.Türkmenbaşy şaýolunyň ugry bilen Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluna çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
12 October 1982 Turkmengala district, Mary province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1990–2000 Secondary school №2 of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2003–2007 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and graduated as a chemistry teacher.
Professional Experience:
2001–2003 Military service.
2007–2022 Chemistry teacher, acting director at secondary school №11 of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2022-present Director of secondary school №11 of Turkmengala district of Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on science, education, culture and youth policy.
Family status:
Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Tagtabazar etrabynyň Serhetabat şäheriniň, Üzümçilik, Serhetçi, Çemenabat, Ýeňiş, Galaýmor, Ahal geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini we degişli harby bölümleri hem-de Ýolöten etrabynyň Ymambaba, Döwletli geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
12 October 1988 Tagtabazar district, Mary province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1995–2004 Secondary school №3 in Tagtabazar district of Mary province.
2004–2005 Vocational school №1 in the city of Mary.
2009–2014 International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasawi and graduated with a degree in computer science and software development.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Military service.
2015–2020 Chief specialist in banking technologies in the accounting and reporting department of the Mary province branch of the «Türkmenistan» State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan
2020-present Chief specialist of the
branch of the Mary province of the «Turkmenistan» State Commercial Bank.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee on working with local authorities and self-governance bodies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status:
Married, has three children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Tagtabazar etrabynyň S.Nyýazow adyndaky, Pendi, Erden, Daşköpri, Saryýazy, Sandykgaçy geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini we degişli harby bölümleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
28 January 1992 Tagtabazar district, Mary province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1999–2009 Secondary school №5 of Tagtabazar district, Mary province.
2014–2019 Turkmen Agricultural Institute and graduated with a degree in agronomist.
Professional Experience:
2009–2010 Tenant in the «Daýhan» farm association.
2011–2012 Military service.
2013–2014 Worker in the «Polimeks inşaat» construction company in Ashgabat city.
2019–2021 Specialist in the agronomy department at the cotton ginning enterprise of Tagtabazar district in Mary province.
2022-present Computer operator for managing the digital network of committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan of Tagtabazar district in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee on environmental protection, natural resources using and agro-industry complex of Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Tagtabazar etrabynyň Tagtabazar şäherçesiniň, Marçak, Söýünaly, Gulja geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini hem-de degişli harby bölüminiň okuw merkezini we serhet galalaryny öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
19 December 1974, Murgap district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1982–1992 secondary school №17 of Murgap district, Mary province.
1993–1998 Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction and graduated with a degree in economics
Professional Experience:
1998–2006 Tenant in the “Watan” farmer association of Murgap district.
2006–2012 Social security specialist, head of the labor sector in the social security department of Murgap district, Mary province.
2012–2014 Head of the sector, head of the labor and employment department of Murgap district, Mary province.
From 2014 to 2018, he was a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
From 2018 to 2021, he worked as Chairperson of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
From May 2021 to March 2023 worked as Deputy Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the V, VI and VII convocations.
2023-present Member of the Committee on social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Awarded with 3 state medals.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Murgap etrabynyň Çäçdepe, Miras, Gökdepe, Şordepe, Gowşutbent, Azatlyk, Gatyýap geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
6 September 1989, Murgap district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1996–2005 Secondary school №27 of Murgap district, also in a specialized province school in the city of Shatlyk.
2009–2014 Belarusian State Agricultural Academy and graduated with a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Military service.
2018–2020 Instructor at the Main Department of Physical Education of “Bagtyýarlyk” sports complex in the city of Mary, and as a chief accountant at the “Murgap” sports complex of the Main Department of Physical Education and Sports of Murgap district, Mary province.
2020 Chief specialist of the department of labor and employment of the population of Murgap district in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on economic issues.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Murgap etrabynyň Oguzhan, Deňizhan şäherçeleriniň we Ylham, Mülkýazy, Rowaçlyk, Gylyçdurdy Sähetmyradow adyndaky, Dostluk geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
28 June1994, Murgap district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
2001–2011 secondary school №28 of Murgap district, Mary province3.
2011–2016 Turkmen Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and graduated with a degree in teaching English language and literature.
Professional Experience:
2016–2019 Teacher of English language and literature at secondary school №1 of Murgap district, Mary province.
2019–2022 Teacher of English language at secondary school №7 in Murgap district, Mary province.
2022-present English teacher at secondary school №28 in Murgap district of Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and interparliamentary relations.
Family status:
Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Murgap etrabynyň Murgap şäheriniň we Deňizhan, Hyrslan Jumaýew adyndaky, Galkynyş, Suhty, Watan geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
3 May 1988, city of Yoloten, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1995–2004 Secondary school №2 of Yoloten district, Mary province.
2012–2016 Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala of the Republic of Belarus and graduated with a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Military service.
2009–2010 Secretary at the «Bezeg» garment factory in Yoloten district, Mary province.
2016–2017 Teacher at secondary school №36 in Yoloten district, Mary province.
2018–2019 Cashier, supervisory cashier of the Yoloten branch of the «Halkbank» State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan.
2019-2024 Specialist in the lending and money circulation department of the Yoloten branch of the «Halkbank» State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan.
2024 Acting manager of the Tagtabazar branch of the «Halkbank» State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on economic issues.
Family status:
Married, has three children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Ýolöten etrabynyň Ýolöten şäheriniň demirgazyk-gündogar böleginiň araçäginiň Murgap derýasy bilen birikýän ýerinden başlap, Gorkut ata, Saryhan, Gurt Gaýypow köçeleriniň demirgazyk-gündogar böleginiň hem-de Ýolöten etrabynyň Ahunbaba, Hakykat, Goýunjy, Momataý, Agzybirlik, Şöhrat, Baýraç geňeşlikleriniň we Akgüzer geňeşliginiň Lälezar obasynyň araçäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
14 April 1985, city of Yoloten, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1992–2001 Secondary school №1 of Yoloten district, Mary province.
2010–2015 Suleyman Demirel University in Isparta and graduated with a degree in animal engineering.
Professional Experience:
2001–2003 Security guard in Yoloten branch of the State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan “Halkbank”.
2003–2005 Military service.
2006–2007 Mechanic of the II category of road equipment of the Ashgabat road construction of the Ashgabat city administration.
2017 Worked as a specialist at the construction site of the individual enterprise “Ojar Aziýa" in the city of Mary.
2017–2018 Mechanic at the “Döwletli” livestock farm of the Agricultural Production Association under the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan.
2018–2020 Specialist at the Yoloten City Gengesh of Yoloten district, Mary province.
2020-present Chief specialist of the department for coordinating the work of employees and local government bodies of the city administration of Yoloten district in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on work with local representative authorities and self-government bodies.
Family status:
Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Ýolöten etrabynyň Ýolöten şäheriniň demirgazyk-gündogar böleginiň araçäginiň Murgap derýasy bilen birikýän ýerinden başlap, Gorkut ata, Saryhan, Gurt Gaýypow köçeleriniň günbatar-günorta böleginiň hem-de Ýolöten etrabynyň Garaköl, Gambarbaba, Hüjüm, Soltanbent, Arkadag, Ýokary Suhty, Rahat geňeşlikleriniň we Akgüzer geňeşliginiň Akgüzer, Bozýatan obalarynyň araçäklerini öz içine alýar .
Date and place of birth:
6 March 1994, Turkmengala district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
2001–2011 secondary schools №3 of Turkmengala district, also №14 of the city of Mary, then at school №24 for gifted children of the city of Mary.
2011–2016 International Turkmen -Turkish University and graduated with a degree in textile and light industry product engineering.
Professional Experience:
2016–2018 Military service.
2018–2019 Textile machine operator at the textile factory named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi at Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2019–2020 Production accountant, accountant-cashier at the textile factory named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi at Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2020–2022 Economist at the “|Turkmengala” factory for the production of paper spools for yarn.
2022 Economist of the factory producing silk paper in Turkmengala of Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on work with local representative authorities and self-government bodies.
Family status:
Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Türkmengala etrabynyň Kemine adyndaky, Rehnet, Hasyl geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Baýramaly etrabynyň Azat geňeşliginiň Türkmenistan obasynyň we Ýalkym geňeşliginiň Bereket obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
30 December 1993, Turkmengala district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
2000–2010 Secondary school №20 Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2012–2018 State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan, majoring in restoration of architectural monuments, teacher of painting and drawing.
Professional Experience:
2010–2012 - Tenant in the "Turkmenistan" farmers’ association of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2018-present Drawing teacher at secondary school №2 of Turkmengala district in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation is a member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Legislation and its norms.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Türkmengala etrabynyň Türkmengala şäheriniň, Täzedaýhan, Magtymguly adyndaky, Serdarýap, Soltanýap geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
15 May 1980, Hojambaz district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1987–1996 Secondary schools №2, also №14 of Hojambaz district, Lebap province.
1997–2001 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and received a specialty as a teacher of chemistry and biology.
Professional Experience:
2001-present Biology teacher at secondary school №23 of Garagum district in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation is a member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and interparliamentary relations.
Family status:
Married, has five children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Garagum etrabynyň Ýagtyýol şäherçesiniň, Täzeoba, Tarpýer, Şatlyk, Göbeklidepe, Akmeýdan, Durnalyýap, Sähra geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
26 April 1970, Turkmengala district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1977–1987 Secondary school №5 of Turkmengala
1987–1993 Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, graduating with a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
1988–1989 Served in military.
1993–1995 Economist at the wholesale trade plant for fruit and vegetable products of the Turkmengala district, Mary province.
1995–1998 Accountants assistant, chief accountant of the procurement production trade association of Turkmengala district. Mary province.
1998–2005 Chief accountant of the procurement production association of Yoloten district, Mary province.
2005–2006, Chief accountant of the first association of markets in the city of Mary.
2006–2007 Accountant-cashier at the “Ýüpek ýol” market of the Mary city.
2007–2008 Chief accountant of the first association of markets in the city of Mary.
2008–2010 Chief accountant, forwarder of the procurement production trade association of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2010–2012 Forwarder for the Turkmengaly Consumer Society district, chief specialist of the market department of the association of consumer societies of Mary province, chief accountant of the consumer society of the former Oguzkhan district of the association of consumer societies of Mary province.
2012–2013 Chief accountant of the Garagum river production enterprise
2013–2022 Commodity expert, leading forwarder of the Consumer Society of the association of consumer societies of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2022-present Economist at the Consumer Society of the Association of Consumer Societies of Turkmengaly district in Mary Province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on economic issues.
Family status:
Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Baýramaly etrabynyň Mekan, Berkarar, Bagtyýarlyk şäherçeleriniň, Bagt, Guşlyoba geňeşlikleriniň we Ýalkym geňeşliginiň Ýaýlak, Şereket, Ýylgynly, Ýalkym, Rafsanjani, Täzeoba, Uçgun, Tokaýly obalarynyň hem-de Murgap etrabynyň Çöňür geňeşliginiň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
19 August 1995, Garagum district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
2002–2012 Secondary school №16 of Garagum district.
2014–2019 Turkmen Agricultural Institute, graduating with a degree in software engineering.
Professional Experience:
2019–2021 Military service.
2021–2022 Specialist in raw materials and accounting and economics department at the “Garagum” Cotton Ginning Enterprise of the"Mary pagta“ Production Association of Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan.
2022-present Technical safety specialist of «Garagum» cotton ginning company of «Türkmen pagta» state concern, «Marypagta» industrial association.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and interparliamentary relations.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Baýramaly etrabynyň Azat geňeşliginiň Azat, Dogryýap, Pagtasaraý, Hazarly obalarynyň we Erkana, Murgap, Agaýusup adyndaky, Gatakar geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Baýramaly şäheriniň 11-nji, 12-nji ýaşaýyş jaý toplumynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
1 June 1971, Bayramaly district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1978–1988 Secondary school №22 of Bayramaly district, also in secondary school №7 of Murgap district, Mary province.
1989–1994 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, graduating with a degree in teaching Turkmen language and literature.
Professional Experience:
1989-present, Teacher of Turkmen language and literature at secondary school №22 in Bayramaly district of Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on science, education, culture and youth policy.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Baýramaly etrabynyň Höwesli, Beýikköpri, Gadyrýap, Merw, Bahar, Hangala geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
15 April 1992, Mary district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1999–2009 Specialized secondary school №16 in the city of Mary.
2010–2016 State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev, graduated with a degree in general medicine.
Professional Experience:
2009–2010 first category concrete worker at the individual enterprise “Sary şöhle ".
2016–2017 Intern at the Multidisciplinary Hospital of Mary Province.
2017 Doctor at the Ak Altyn village health center of the Mary district hospital in Mary province.
2017–2019 Military service.
2019-present Director of the department for family doctors of the health center of Mary district hospital in S.Turkmenbashi town of Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on social policy.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Sakarçäge etrabynyň Bereket, Keseýap, Çaşgyn, Çerkezköl, Sakarçäge geňeşlikleriniň we Gyzylgum geňeşliginiň Gyzylgum obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
22 November 1992, Sakarchage district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1999–2009 Secondary school No.10 of Sakarchage district, Mary province.
2009–2014 Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction, graduating with a degree in civil engineering.
Professional Experience:
2014–2015 Road foreman at the Mary Province Highway Operations Department.
2015–2017 Road foreman of the road department of the Mary district of the Mary province Highway Operations Department.
2018–2019 Foreman of the 5th Housing Administration of the Housing and Maintenance Trust of the city of Mary.
2019 – 2024 Senior foreman of the 5th Housing Administration of the Housing and Maintenance Trust of the city of Mary of the Public Utilities Association of Mary province.
2024-present, Head of the 4th Housing Department of the Housing Administration of the Mary city.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on economic issues.
Family status:
Married. Has two children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Sakarçäge etrabynyň Gorgangala, Daýhan, Garaýap, Agzybir, Görelde, Söýünsary geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Mary etrabynyň Aşgabat geňeşliginiň Gowkyzereň obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
11 February 1996, Sakarchage district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
2003–2013 Secondary school №12 of Sakarchage district, Mary province.
2014–2019 Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications and graduated with a degree in mechanical engineer.
Professional Experience:
2019–2022 Specialist in the legal department of the “Mary awtoulag” Production Association of the “Türkmen awtoulaglary” agency, as a duty dispatcher in the operation department.
From January to September 2022 worked as a foreman of the 6th branch of the “Demirýollary” Open Joint Stock Company.
2022 - 2023 Clerk at the 6th branch of the "Demirýollary” Open Joint Stock Company .
2023-present, Railway guard at the 66th station of the Mary station of the 31st branch of the «Demirýollary» Open Joint Stock Company.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status:
Married, has one child.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Sakarçäge etrabynyň Sakarçäge şäheriniň, Gyzylgum geňeşliginiň Mawyteber, Böri, D.Sähedow adyndaky obalarynyň, Hojadepe, Akýap geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Mary etrabynyň Aşgabat geňeşliginiň 8-nji mart obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
21 July 1987, city of Mary, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1994 to 2003 Secondary school №12 in the city of Mary.
2003 – 2005 Technical school №1 in the city of Mary, graduating with a degree in carpenter-measurement and drilling tool repairperson.
2013–2017, Western Ukrainian National University named after Vladimir Dahl and graduated with a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
2005–2007 Military service.
2007–2013 Mechanic of the first, highest category in the department of thermal automation and metering devices at the Mary Power Plant.
2013–2014 Chief marketing specialist in HR department, assistant to the head of the Consumer Association of Mary province.
From June to August 2014 he worked as deputy head of the Mary wholesale sales base of Mary province.
2014–2015 Deputy director of the Manufacturing Enterprise in the city of Bayramaly, Mary district.
From January to September 2015 he worked as deputy director, director of the Manufacturing Enterprise in the city of Bayramaly, Mary province.
2016–2018 Director and deputy director of the economic multifunctional sports complex of Mary province.
2018–2019 Deputy director of the Main Department of Physical Education and Sports of Mary province, director of the “Bagtyýarlyk” sports complex in the city of Mary, Mary province.
2019–2020 worked as the head of the physical education department and sports of the Mary district, director of the sports complex “Mary” of the Mary district, Mary province.
2020–2023 Specialist in the pension department of the Pension Fund of the Mary district, Mary province.
2023 Head of the pension department of the Sakarchage Pension Fund district of the Mary district in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation is a member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Wekilbazar etrabynyň Wekilbazar şäherçesiniň, Halyl, Mülkbükri, Mollanepes adyndaky, Täzedurmuş, Mülkýusup geňeşlikleriniň we Mary-2 harby şäherçesiniň, Jumadurdy Atajanow adyndaky geňeşliginiň Işçi obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
23 April 1970, Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1977–1987 Secondary school №12 of Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
1987–1993 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi, graduating with a degree in geography and biology.
Professional Experience:
1988–1989 Military service.
1993–2012 Geography teacher at secondary school
№12 of Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
2012–2022 – Deputy Director for educational work, director for educational work, acting director of secondary school №35 of Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
2023 Director of secondary school №35 of Vekilbazar district in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on environmental protection, environmental management and agro-industrial complex.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Wekilbazar etrabynyň Egrigüzer, Alladurdy Gandymow adyndaky, Çarlakýap, Rysgally geňeşlikleriniň we Jumadurdy Atajanow adyndaky geňeşliginiň Jumadurdy Atajanow adyndaky, Çebişgen, Garajaköw, Haşyrdyk obalarynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
28 May 1971, Murgap district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1978–1988 Secondary school №3 of Murgap district, Mary province.
1990–1995 Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi, as a teacher of Turkmen language and literature, methodologist in educational work.
Professional Experience:
1988–1990 Tenant in Murgap district, Mary province.
1995–1996 Military service.
1996–2012 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature, deputy director for academic work at secondary school №11 in the city of Mary, Mary province.
2012–2016 Interim director and director of secondary school №1 in the city of Mary, Mary province.
2016–2021 Deputy director for academic affairs of secondary school №8 in the city of Mary, Mary province.
2021-2023 Acting director of secondary school №23 of Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
2023 Director of secondary school №23 of Wekilbazar district of Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on science, education, culture and youth policy.
Family status:
Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Wekilbazar etrabynyň Mollanepes adyndaky şäherçesiniň we Gökje, Goňur, Akgoňur, Mülkamaşa geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
26 March 1992, Turkmengala district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1998–2008 Secondary school №8 of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2008–2012 International Turkmen-Turkish University, graduating with a degree in software for automated systems and computer technology.
Professional Experience:
2012–2013 Military service.
2013–2016 Technician in maintenance department No.12 “Mary welaýat agyzsuw” Association of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2016–2017 Computer science teacher at secondary school №13 of Turkmengala district Mary province.
Since 2017, she has been working as a computer science teacher in secondary school №33 specialized in studying foreign languages in Turkmengala district of Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Türkmengala etrabynyň Zähmet şäherçesiniň, Täzedünýä, Täzeýol, Gatlaly, Seýitnazar Seýdi adyndaky we Zähmet geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
12 July 1977, Mary district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1984−1992 Secondary school №4 of the Mary district, Mary province.
1992−1995 Anatolian Pedagogical School in Antalya and received the specialty of a history teacher.
1995−2000 Faculty of Law at Seljuk University in Konya and received a degree in law.
2000−2003 Institute of Social Sciences of Seljuk University in Konya and received a master's degree.
Professional Experience:
2004−2005 Bailiff of Vekilbazar district court of Mary province.
2005−2007 Electrician and computer engineer, as first category archivist in the State Archives of Mary Province, and as a bailiff of Vekilbazar district court, Mary province.
2007−2011 Administrative and procedural-executive judge of the former Oguzkhan district court, Mary province.
2011–2014 Chief lawyer of the Bayramaly branch of the Mary province department of the State Commercial Bank " Türkmenbaşy", head of the housing commission of the Mary housing maintenance department of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan.
2014–2017 Adviser on state reporting to the Mary province court.
From February 2017 to March 2018 - member of the Social Policy Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Since March 2018, he has been working as Chairperson of the Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Member of the V, VI, VII convocations of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Awarded with 2 state medals.
Family status:
Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Mary etrabynyň Peşanaly şäherçesiniň, Peşanaly, M.Lorsy adyndaky, Ak altyn, Abadanlyk, Akybaý geňeşlikleriniň we Diýar geňeşliginiň Keleter obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
29 October 1964, Mary district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1972–1982 Secondary school №18 of the Mary district, Mary province.
1985–1989 Agricultural Academy in the Republic of Belarus and received a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
1982–1984 Military service.
1984–1985 Worked in the peasant association “Zarpchy” of the Mary district, Mary province.
1989–1998 Head, senior inspector of the social security department, head of the center for issuing pensions and benefits of the Mary district, head of the social security department of the Mary district.
1998–2005 Head of the Social Security Department of Mary province.
2005–2013 Member of the committee, chairperson of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Economics and Social Policy.
2013–2017 Mayor of Mary province.
2017–2018 – Chaiperson of the Mary province committee of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan.
Since January 2018 - Chairperson of the Central Council of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the IV, VI, VII convocations.
2023 Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on environmental protection, environmental management and agro-industrial complex.
Awarded with 8 state medals.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Mary etrabynyň Täzegüýç, Adalat, Ajap Mämmedowa adyndaky, Gaýgysyz Atabaýew adyndaky geňeşlikleriniň we Aşgabat geňeşliginiň Ata, Egrigüzer obalarynyň hem-de Mary şäheriniň Mülkburkaz ýaşaýyş jaý toplumynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
12 July 1993, Mary district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
2000–2010 Secondary school №7 in the city of Mary, also at a specialized school in the city of Shatlyk, Mary province.
2010–2015 Belarusian State Agrarian and Technical University, majoring in engineer-manager.
2021 Civil Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan.
Professional Experience
2015–2017 Military service.
2018–2022 Leading specialist in the department of industry, construction and other sectors of the city administration of the Mary district, Mary province.
2022 - 2024 Architect in the department of industry, construction and other branches of the city administration of the Mary district.
2024 Deputy Mayor of Mary city in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Mary etrabynyň Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy adyndaky şäherçesiniň we Akmyrat Hümmedow adyndaky, Jemgyýet, Babasary, Türkmen ýoly, Ruhubelent geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
18 June 1980, city of Mary, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1986–1996 Secondary school №34 of the Mary district.
1996–1997 city of Mary at Economic Lyceum No.5, majoring in artistic design.
1998–2004 State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan, specializing as a miniaturist.
Professional Experience
1997–1998 Engaged in the renovation and design of houses in the city of Mary.
2004–2005 Military service.
2005–2006 Artist at the Union of Artists of the city of Mary.
2006–2009 Engaged in entrepreneurial activities, working as a welder at the Sanjar hotel in the city of Mary, and as a data collector for the Production Association of Agricultural Services of the former Altyn Sahra district, Mary province.
2009–2015 Chairperson of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly of the former Altyn Sahra district, Mary province.
2015-present Chairperson of the Mary Province Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the V, VI and VII convocations of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Since April 2023, he has been a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
Family status:
Married, has three children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Sakarçäge etrabynyň Şatlyk şäheriniň, Parahat, Döwletli zaman şäherçeleriniň, Soltanyz, Gülüstan, Gumgüzer, Merdana, Altyn zaman, Ýyldyzhan, Gökhan geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Mary etrabynyň Diýar geňeşliginiň Garainjik obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
3 November 1971, Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1978–1988 Secondary school №12 of Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
1988–1993 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and graduated with a degree in historian and history teacher.
Professional Experience
1993–2011 History teacher at secondary school №21 of Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
2011–2013 Teacher at the Department of Social Sciences at the Turkmen State Energy Institute.
2013–2014 History teacher at secondary school №31 of Vekilbazar district.
2014–2015 Human resources specialist in the education department of Bayramaly district, Mary province.
From January to September 2015 worked as a human resources specialist at the Main Department of Education of Mary Province.
2015–2021 Teacher of the methodological association of social disciplines at the Bayramaly agro-industrial secondary school of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.
2021–2023 - Member of the Committee on Regional Development, Environmental Protection and Agro-Industrial Policy of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.
From January to April 2023 - Teacher of the methodological association of social disciplines at the Bayramaly agro-industrial secondary school of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee on science, education, culture and youth policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Awarded with 1 state medal.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Baýramaly şäheriniň 11-nji, 12-nji ýaşaýyş jaý toplumlaryndan beýleki ähli çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
3 September 1986, Mary district, Mary province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1993–2002 Secondary school №31 of the Mary district, Mary province.
2005–2011 State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev, graduated as a pediatrician.
Professional Experience:
2002–2004 Junior nurse in the surgical department of the Mary district hospital.
2004–2005 Tenant in the “Zarpçy” peasant association of the Mary district.
2011–2013 Clinical resident at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics at the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev.
2013–2015 Head of the military therapy department of the Mary province, also as a doctor in the children's department of hospital №3 in the city of Mary.
2016–2017 Doctor in the adolescent department of Hospital №3 in the city of Mary, and as a resuscitator in the intensive care unit of the hospital of the Mary district, Mary province.
2017 Head of the children's department of the hospital of the Mary district in Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Mary şäheriniň Mollanepes köçesiniň Murgap derýasy bilen kesişýän ýerinden başlap, Murgap derýasynyň ugry bilen Mary şäheriniň demirgazyk araçägine çenli, şol ýerden Mary şäheriniň demirgazyk araçäginiň ugry bilen Garagum derýasyna çenli, şol ýerden Garagum derýasynyň ugry bilen günorta tarapa Mary — Baýramaly awtomobil ýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Mary — Baýramaly awtomobil ýolunyň ugry bilen Daşoguz köçesine çenli, Daşoguz köçesiniň ugry bilen Margiana köçesine çenli, Margiana köçesiniň ugry bilen Aga Hanjaýew köçesine çenli, Aga Hanjaýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Kemine köçesine çenli, Kemine köçesiniň ugry bilen Gowşut han köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Murgap derýasynyň köprüsinden geçip, Ene mähri merkezine çenli, şol ýerden harby bölümi öz içine alyp, R.Hojagulyýew köçesine çenli, R.Hojagulyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Murgap köçesine çenli, Murgap köçesiniň ugry bilen Aşgabat köçesine çenli, Aşgabat köçesiniň ugry bilen Murgap derýasyna çenli, şol ýerden Murgap derýasynyň ugry bilen Mollanepes köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
26 November 1990, Bayramaly district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1997–2006 Secondary school No.1 of Garagum district, Mary province.
2008–2014 Lugansk State Medical University of Ukraine and graduated with a degree in general medicine.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Tenant in “Aşgabat” peasant association of Garagum district of Mary province.
2016–2017 Doctor-intern at the Mary province multidisciplinary hospital.
2017 Doctor at the hospital №2 in the city of Mary.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Mary şäheriniň Margiana köçesiniň Daşoguz köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Margiana köçesiniň ugry bilen Aga Hanjaýew köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Aga Hanjaýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Kemine köçesine çenli, Kemine köçesiniň ugry bilen Gowşut han köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Murgap derýasynyň köprüsinden geçip, Ene mähri merkezine çenli, şol ýerden degişli harby bölümi öz içine alyp, R.Hojaguly- ýew köçesine çenli, şol ýerden R.Hojagulyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Murgap köçesi- ne çenli, Murgap köçesiniň ugry bilen Muhadow köçesine çenli, Muhadow köçesiniň ugry bilen Ý.Kulyýew köçesine çenli, Ý.Kulyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Bedew köçesine çenli, şol ýerden günorta tarap Mary — Serhetabat awtomobil ýoluna çenli, şol ýer- den Mary — Serhetabat awtomobil ýolunyň ugry bilen Garagum derýasyna çenli, şol ýerden Garagum derýasynyň ugry bilen Mary — Baýramaly awtomobil ýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Mary — Baýramaly awtomobil ýolunyň ugry bilen Daşoguz köçesine çenli, Daşoguz köçesiniň ugry bilen Margiana köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
10 July 1985, Vekilbazar district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1992–2001 Secondary school №4 of Vekilbazar district, also in secondary school №11 in the city of Mary, Mary province.
2003–2007 State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan and graduated with a degree in energy engineering.
Professional Experience:
2001–2003 Electrician of the 1st category of the Mary province of "Türkmengaz "department.
2007–2008 Military service.
From July to September 2008 worked as an electrician of the 2nd category in the electrical shop of the Mary State Power Plant of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan.
2008–2009 Senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Electric Power Systems of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan.
2009–2019 Teacher at the Department of Electric Power Systems at the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan.
2019 Teacher at the Department of Digital Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Mary şäheriniň Aşgabat köçesiniň Mollanepes köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Aşgabat köçesiniň ugry bilen Murgap derýasyna çenli, şol ýerden Murgap derýasynyň ugry bilen Mary şäheriniň demirgazyk araçägine çenli, şol ýerden Mary şäheriniň demirgazyk araçäginiň ugry bilen Mary — Serhetabat demir ýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Mary — Serhetabat demir ýolunyň ugry bilen şäheriň günorta araçägine çenli, şol ýerden şäheriň günorta araçäginiň ugry bilen Mary — Serhetabat awtomobil ýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Mary — Serhetabat awtomobil ýolunyň ugry bilen Arzuw köçesine çenli, şol ýerden gündogara tarap Bedew köçesine çenli, Bedew köçesiniň ugry bilen Altyn asyr aýlaw ýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Ý.Kulyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Muhadow köçesine çenli, Muhadow köçesiniň ugry bilen Murgap köçesine çenli, Mur- gap köçesiniň ugry bilen Aşgabat köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
11 February 1974, city of Turkmenabat, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1981–1991 Secondary school №30 in the city of Turkmenabat.
1991–1995 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and graduated with a degree in history teaching.
Professional Experience:
1995–1999 Clerk at the “Miras” manufacturing enterprise in the city of Turkmenabat.
2000–2005 Teacher at kindergarten №29 "Hazyna" in the city of Turkmenabat.
2005–2007 Acting head of kindergarten №39 in the city of Turkmenabat.
2007 Head of the «Ülker» kindergarten №39 in the city of Turkmenabat.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Köýtendag etrabynyň Magdanly şäheriniň we Köýten geňeşliginiň Täzeçarwa, Bazar- depe, Leýlimekan, Mälik, Köýten, Hojaýpil obalarynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
7 January 1988, city of Ashgabat.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1995–2006 Secondary school №1 of Koytendag district, Lebap province, also in specialized secondary school №37 of Kerki district, Lebap province.
2009–2014 International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev and graduated with a degree in mining engineer.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Military service.
From May to July 2009 Specialist at the “Koytendag” grain receiving point of the “Dostluk” grain production enterprise in Lebap province.
2014–2016 first-class machinist of the team of drillers of the “Köýtendag geologiýa gözleg” party of the “Türkmen geologiýa gözleg” expedition of the “Türkmengeologiýa” corporation, as a first-level assistant to the machinist of the construction materials group.
2017–2018 Manager of the finished products warehouse at the “Koytendag” grain receiving point at the “Dostluk” grain production enterprise in Lebap province.
2019 Engineer-constructor of the mechanical workshop of the equipment repair and use workshop of the "Lebap" cement plant of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Köýtendag etrabynyň Köýtendag şäheriniň, Kelif, Garlyk, Gurşun magdan käni şäherçeleriniň, Garnas, Ters, Zarpçy, Megejik, Garrygala, Çärjew geňeşlikleriniň we Köýten geňeşliginiň Gyzylaý obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
25 June 1989, Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1996–2005 Secondary school №20 of Khojambaz district.
2009–2010 Lyceum No.1 named after Gurbansoltan eje and graduated from it with a degree in accountant-computer operator.
2010–2014 Tajik State Pedagogical University named after Sadreddin Ayni, graduated with a degree in physics and mathematics
Professional Experience:
2005–2006 Tenant in the peasant association named after Dzhumaguly Mamedov.
2007–2009 Military service.
2014–2019 Teacher of physics and astronomy at secondary school №10 of Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
2019–2022 Deputy director for academic work at secondary school №14 of Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
From December 2022 to April 2023 - worked as the director of secondary school №20 of Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee on science, education, culture and youth policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Köýtendag etrabynyň Dostluk şäheriniň, Mukry şäherçesiniň, Ýalkym geňeşliginiň Türkmenistan obasynyň we Surhy obasynyň Ak bugdaý, Täze ýol, Azady, Şir Kurban, Parahat, Kemine, Mollanepes, Gökhan, Gorkut köçeleriniň hem-de Burguçy, Türkmenistan, Daşrabat, Garahowuz, Akgumolam geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
20 May 1982, Sayat district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1989–1998 Secondary school №4 of Sayat district, Lebap province.
2001–2005 Miras University of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduating with a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
2005–2007 Military service.
2007–2009 Economist at the “Ussat Saýat" enterprise, leading specialist in the financial, economic and trade department of the "Ak altyn» cotton trading enterprise, Lebap province.
2010–2013 Chief specialist of the financial and economic department of the agricultural joint-stock company of Lebap province.
2013–2014 Accountant at the “Lebap awtoulag” Production Association.
2014–2021 Leading specialist in the local economic development coordination department of the city administration of Lebap province.
2021 Chief specialist of the department for coordinating the development of local economy, trade, tourism and entrepreneurship of the city administration of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on science, education, culture and youth policy.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Hojambaz etrabynyň Hojambaz şäheriniň, Döwletli şäherçesiniň, Surhy geňeşliginiň Surhy obasynyň we Sabynly obasynyň Bitaraplyk, Garaşsyzlyk, Altyn asyr, Güneş, Lebap, Aşgabat, Ýalkym köçeleriniň, Seýdi köçesiniň 1-nji jaýyndan 26-njy jaýyna çenli hem-de Galkynyş, Kyrköýli, Pagtaçy, Berkararlyk, Tallymerjen, Täzedurmuş, Hojahaýran geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
8 April 1980, Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1986–1996 Secondary school No.42 Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
1997–2001 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi, graduating with a degree in primary school teacher and educator.
Professional Experience:
From January to September 1997 Organizer of the children's movement in secondary school №42 in Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2001–2010 Primary school teacher, labor and drawing teacher at secondary school №19 Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2010–2014 Deputy director for educational work of secondary school №3, specialist of the education department, acting director of secondary school №3 of Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2014–2019 Director and primary school teacher at secondary school №3 in Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2019–2022 Director and deputy director for educational work of secondary school №61 Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2022-present Director of secondary school №61 Charjev district of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Hojambaz etrabynyň Beşir şäherçesiniň, Gultak, Burdalyk, Gyzylgum, Mekan geňeşlikleriniň we Surhy geňeşliginiň Sabynly obasynyň Türkmenistan, S.Nyýazow, J.Şahanow, Garagum, Jeýhun, Adalat, Berkararlyk, Watan, Dostluk, Farap, Mülk köçeleriniň hem-de Seýdi köçesiniň 26-njy jaýyndan 67-nji jaýyna çenli çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
1 January 1996, Kerki district, Lebap province.
Nationality: turkmen.
2003–2013 Secondary school №2 of Kerki district, Lebap province.
2013–2017 National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov and graduated as a chemistry teacher.
Professional Experience:
2017–2019 Military service.
2020 Chemistry teacher at secondary school №5 in Kerki district of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for work with local representative authorities and self-government bodies.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Kerki etrabynyň Başsaka, Garaşsyzlygyň 15 ýyllygy adyndaky, Garamätnyýaz şäherçeleriniň, Çekir geňeşliginiň Çekir obasynyň merkezinden geçýän suwaryş ýabynyň gündogar-günorta tarapynyň, Çekir geňeşliginiň Garaja, Etbaşoba obalarynyň we Daşlyk, Gyzylaýak, Hatap, Guwak geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
23 January 1968, Sayat district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1975–1985 studied at secondary school №5 of Sayat district, Lebap province.
1988–1994 studied at the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev.
Professional Experience:
1986–1988 Military service.
1994–1996 Internship at the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev.
1999–2004 Methodologist at the Multidisciplinary Hospital of Lebap province.
2004–2008 Traumatology at the trauma center of the Multidisciplinary Hospital of Lebap Province.
2008–2017 Acting deputy chief for medical affairs at hospital №2 in the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap province.
2017–2018 Chairperson of the Lebap province commission for persons in need of care.
2018–present Deputy Head for Medical Affairs of the Lebap Province Health Department.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
2020 awarded with the state medal.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Kerki etrabynyň Kerki şäheriniň hem-de Köýtendag etrabynyň Kerkiçi, Amyderýa şäherçesiniň, Ýalkym geňeşliginiň Baýdak obasynyň we Surhy obasynyň Agzybirlik, Alp Arslan, Arçman, Türkmenistan, Görogly, Dostluk, Nowruz, Täze durmuş, Demirýol, Aşgabat, Mätäji, Zynhary köçeleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
23 March 1989, Halach district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1996–2005 Secondary school №2 of Halach district, Lebap province.
2008–2013 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and graduated with a degree in history and geography.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Military service.
2013–2022 History teacher at secondary school №20 in the city of Turkmenabat.
2022–2023 Deputy director for educational work at secondary school №17 in the city of Turkmenabat.
2023-present Director of secondary school №38 in the city of Turkmenabat.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Halaç etrabynyň Çohpetde şäherçesiniň, Okçandyr, Bagşyly obalarynyň hem-de Kerki etrabynyň Astanababa şäherçesiniň, Çekir geňeşliginiň Jeňňel, Gabasakgal, Güýç obalarynyň, Çekir obasynyň merkezinden geçýän suwaryş ýabynyň günbatar-demirgazyk tarapynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
5 October 1994, Dyanev district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
2001–2011 Secondary school №24 Dyanev district.
2011–2012 Construction primary vocational school in the city of Turkmenabat, majoring in industrial and civil engineering.
2012–2017 V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, graduating with a degree in geography.
Professional Experience:
2017–2021 Geography teacher at secondary school №43 of Dyanev district, Lebap province.
2021 Deputy Director for educational work at secondary school №28 in Danev district.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and inter-parliamentary relations.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Darganata etrabynyň Lebap geňeşliginiň Kyrançoba obasynyň hem-de Dänew etrabynyň Seýdi şäheriniň, Gabakly, Isbaz, Göýnük, Maý, Azatlyk geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
24 October, 1977 Sayat district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1985–1995 Secondary school №27 Sayat district, Lebap province.
1997–2001 Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov and graduated with a degree in agronomist.
Professional Experience:
2001–2006 Controller at the Sakar grain collection point of the “Lebap galla önümleri” Production Association.
2006–2008 Agronomist in the “Tejribeçiler” farmers’ association of "Lebap galla önümleri” Production Association of Sayat district, Lebap province.
2008–2019 Agronomist in the “Watan” farmer association of" Lebap galla önümleri" Production Association of the Sayat district, Lebap province.
2020–2021 Agronomist for seed production of the Sakar department of Sayat district of"Lebap galla önümler” Production Association.
2021–2022 Agronomist of the Sakar department of "Lebapgallaönümleri Production Association " of the Sayat district, Lebap province.
2022 Agronomist at the «Watan» farmers association of «Lebapgallaönümleri» Production Association of Sayat district in Lebap povince.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on environmental protection, natural resource management and agro-industrial complex.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Agrarian part of Turkmenistan.
Halaç etrabynyň Halaç şäheriniň, Güneşlik, Surh, Altyn asyr geňeşlikleriniň we Çohpetde şäherçesiniň Jeňňel, Täzemekan obalarynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
30 March 1989, Halach district, Lebap province.
Nationality: turkmen.
1996–2006 Secondary school No.7 of Halach district, also in the Turkmen -Turkish school of Kerki district, Lebap province.
2007–2012 International Turkmen -Turkish University and graduated with a degree in historian and history teacher.
Professional Experience:
2006–2007 Tenant in the peasant association “Chohpetde” of Halach district, Lebap province.
2012–2020 History teacher at secondary school №7, at secondary school №29 of Halach district, Lebap province.
2020 Business manager and secretary of the «Döwletli döwran» business company.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs party of Turkmenistan.
Halaç etrabynyň Oguzhan, Pelwert, Güýçbirleşik, Esenmeňli, Halaç geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
8 November 1990, Halach district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1997–2007 Secondary school №25 of Halach district, Lebap province, also in specialized secondary school №37 of Kerki district, Lebap province.
2009–2014 Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov and graduated with a degree in agronomist in the field of agrochemistry and soil science.
Professional Experience:
2007–2008 Tenant in the farmers' association named after Magtymguly in Halach district, Lebap province.
2008–2009 Computer operator in the farmers’ association named after Magtymguly in Halach district, Lebap province.
2014–2016 Assistant to the chief agronomist of the " Lebap galla önümleri” Production Association in Halach district of Lebap province.
2016–2017 Tenant in the farmers' association named after Magtymguly in Halach, district Lebap province.
2017–2022 Agronomist-breeder at the Halach grain receiving point of the «Lebap galla önümleri» Production Association.
2022 Agronomist at the Halach grain receiving point of the «Lebap galla önümleri» Production Association.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on environmental protection, natural resource management and agro-industrial complex.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Saýat etrabynyň Garabekewül şäheriniň, Yslam şäherçesiniň, Baý, Soltanýazgala, Seýdi, Dostluk, Lamma, Akgala, Rahmançäge, Ärsarybaba, Zelili adyndaky geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
23 March 1992, Sayat district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1999–2009 Secondary school №59 of Sayat district, Lebap province.
2009–2014 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and received a degree in political science.
Professional Experience:
2014–2015 Leading specialist at the Turkmenabat City Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly.
2015–2020 Party-Organizer of the Turkmenabat City Committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
2020-2023 Party-organizer in committee on Democratic Party of Turkmenistan in Lebap province
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee for the protection of human rights and freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Saýat etrabynyň Saýat şäheriniň, Suwçyoba şäherçesiniň, Mülk, Täzelikçi Çowdur, Çekiç, Topurkak geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
21 July1970 Turkmenabat city, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1977–1987 studied at secondary school №6 of Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
1987–1992 Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov and graduated with a degree in agronomist.
Professional Experience:
1992–1995 Agronomist in the peasant association named after J. Hekimov Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
1995–1997 Operator at the «Turkmenabat» cotton-spinning factory.
1997–1998 Worker at construction enterprise №2 in the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap province.
1999–2020 Grain agronomist at the Azatlyk farmers’ association, Yashyldepe, Chardzhev district.
2020–2021 Agronomist for seed production in the procurement department of the Turkmenabat grain production enterprise of the «Lebapgallaönümleri» production enterprise.
2021–2023 Senior agronomist for seed production of the Procurement Department of the “Lebap galla önümleri” production enterprise of Chardzhev district.
2023 Grain agronomist at the «Azatlyk» peasant association of «Lebapgallaönümleri» production enterprise of the Charjev district.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on environmental protection, natural resource management and agro-industrial complex.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Saýat etrabynyň Sakar şäheriniň H.Derýaýew, B.Kerbabaýew, K.Gurbannepesow, Energetik, A.Mämmedow, Nur, Bagt, S.A.Nyýazow, Sakar, Zelili, Sakar hemrasy, Watan, Bäşim Serdar, Kemine, Azady, A.Tahyrow, A.Kekilow, Demirgazyk, Adalat, Gülüstan, G.Atabaýew, Ýaşlyk, Gagarin, Parahat, Nowruz, 8-nji mart, Bazar, Türkmenistan, Borjakow, Hojalykaryk, Täze zaman, Medeniýet, Günorta, Bereketli, Raýdaşlyk, Abadançylyk, Miras, Diýar, Amyderýa, Ýeňiş, Ýalkym, Birleşik, Magtymguly, Ak altyn, Andalyp, Güýç-birleşik, Hakykat, Aşgabat köçeleriniň hem-de Suw hojalyk, Oba gurluşyk, Kerpiç zawod, Pagta arassalaýjy kärhanasynyň ýaşaýyş toplumlarynyň we Hojainebeg, Ýeňiş, Syýadag- sakar, Lebaby, Bakjaçy, Merýe, Awçy, Esgi geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
5 August 1971, Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1978–1988 Secondary school №22 of Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
1989–1991 Turkmenabat Medical School, received a nursing degree.
Professional Experience:
1991–1992 Nurse in the infectious diseases department of the Multidisciplinary Hospital of Lebap province.
1992–1999 Nurse in the infectious diseases department of Chardzhev district hospital of Lebap province.
1999–2009 Senior nurse in the infectious diseases department of Chardzhev district hospital of Lebap province.
2009 Chief nurse of Charjev district hospital of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, she is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Türkmenabat şäheriniň Azatlyk köçesi bilen Bagy-bossan köçesiniň kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Bagy-bossan köçesiniň ugry bilen S.A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden S.A.Nyýazow şaýolunyň ugry bilen Mollanepes köçesine çenli, Mollanepes köçesiniň ugry bilen Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesine çenli, Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesiniň ugry bilen Zelili köçesine çenli, Zelili köçesiniň ugry bilen Repetek köçesine çenli, Repetek köçesiniň ugry bilen Samandepe köçesine çenli, Samandepe köçesiniň ugry bilen şäheriň gündogar serhedine çykyp, şol ýerden şäheriň gündogar serhediniň ugry bilen Kölaryk kanalyna çenli, şol ýerden Kölaryk kanalynyň ugry bilen Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesine çenli, Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesiniň ugry bilen Türkmenabat şäheriniň günorta serhedine çenli, şol ýerden Türkmenabat şäheriniň günorta serhediniň ugry bilen «Azatlyk», «Güneş» ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny, Zergär, Balhana, Garawulguýy, Repetek, Çägeli (Peski), 50-nji, 51-nji, 53-nji, 54-nji, 57-nji demir ýol beketlerindäki ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alyp, Azatlyk köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Azatlyk köçesiniň ugry bilen Bagy-bossan köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
13 November 1988, Sayat district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1995–2004 Secondary school №55 of Sayat district, Lebap province.
2008–2013 Turkmen State Institute of Culture and graduated with honors with a degree in library management.
Professional Experience:
2004–2006 Junior medical worker at the Garabekevul city hospital of Sayat district.
2006–2008 Secretary and accountant of the Garabekevul City Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly.
2013–2018 Editor at the Central Library of the city of Turkmenabat.
2018 Head of the department of the Central Library of Turkmenabat city.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, she is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Türkmenabat şäheriniň Görogly beg Türkmen köçesi bilen Azatlyk köçesiniň kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Türkmenabat şäheriniň 6-njy gurluşyk materiallary zawodynyň ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alyp, Azady köçesiniň ugry bilen Bagy-bossan köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Bagy-bossan köçesiniň ugry bilen S.A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, S.A.Nyýazow şaýolunyň ugry bilen Mollanepes köçesine çenli, Mollanepes köçesiniň ugry bilen Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesine çenli, Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesiniň ugry bilen Zelili köçesine çenli, Zelili köçesiniň ugry bilen Repetek köçesine çenli, Repetek köçesiniň ugry bilen Samandepe köçesine çenli, Samandepe köçesiniň ugry bilen Türkmenabat şäheriniň gündogar serhedine çykyp, şol ýerden şäheriň gündogar serhediniň ugry bilen Görogly beg Türkmen köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Görogly beg Türkmen köçesiniň ugry bilen Azatlyk köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
12 July 1985, Sayat district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1992–2001 Secondary school №14 of Sayat district, Lebap province.
2007–2012 Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management and graduated with a degree in international information business.
Professional Experience:
2002–2005 Tenant of the Hunter farmer’s association Sayat district of Lebap province.
2005–2007 Military service.
2013- Chief specialist of the former city administration district named after Gurbansoltan eje of the city of Turkmenabat.
2013 Teacher at the Financial and Economic Secondary Vocational School of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee for the protection of human rights and freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Türkmenabat şäheriniň Görogly beg Türkmen köçesi bilen Aşgabat — Farap demir ýolunyň kesişýän ýerinden başlap, Aşgabat — Farap demir ýolunyň ugry bilen Garaşsyz Diýar köçesine çenli, Garaşsyz Diýar köçesiniň ugry bilen Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesine çenli, Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesiniň ugry bilen Derýabaş kanalyna çenli, şol ýerden Derýabaş kanalynyň ugry bilen şäheriň gündogar serhedine çykyp, Görogly beg Türkmen köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Görogly beg Türkmen köçesiniň ugry bilen Aşgabat — Farap demir ýoluna çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
7 May 1986, Darganata district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1993–2002 Secondary school №7 of Darganata district, Lebap province.
2004–2009 Turkmen State Institute of Culture and received the specialty of a librarian in school libraries.
Professional Experience:
2002–2004 Tenant in the farmers' association named after Magtymguly Darganata district, Lebap province.
2009–2012 Librarian in the library department of the Cultural Center Darganata district, Lebap province.
2012–2014 Party-organizer in Darganata district committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
2014–2015 Party-organizer in the Turkmenabat City Committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
2015–2016 Head of the department the Turkmenabat City Committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
2016–2018 Head of the civil registration department of the city administration of the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap province.
2018–2021 Head of the department of the Turkmenabat City Committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
2021–2023 Chairperson of the Committee of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan on science, education, digital system, sports and culture.
January to April 2023, worked as the head of department of the Turkmenabat City Committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
2023 Chairperson of the Committee on science, education, culture and youth policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Awarded with 1 state medal.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Darganata etrabynyň Darganata, Gazojak şäherleriniň, Lebap şäherçesiniň, Çarwadar, Hojalyk, Magtymguly, Sediwer geňeşlikleriniň we Lebap geňeşliginiň Sakararyk obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
8 September 1989, Charjev district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1996–2005 Secondary school №7 Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2006 Lyceum №1 named after Hero of Turkmenistan Gurbansoltan eje of the city of Turkmenabat and received secondary specialized education, a computer operator.
2008–2009 Agribusiness Center of the Turkmen State Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov and received the specialty of an accountant in the agro-industrial complex.
2012–2015 Kharkov State Agricultural University of Ukraine and received the specialty of accountant-economist.
2020–2021 Civil Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan.
Professional Experience:
2010–2012 Military service.
2015-2020 Manager of the economy in the organization of social services for elderly people and people with disabilities in Turkmenabat city of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Türkmenabat şäheriniň Görogly beg Türkmen köçesi bilen M.Gurbanow köçesiniň kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, M.Gurbanow köçesiniň ugry bilen Gökdepe köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Gökdepe köçesiniň ugry bilen şäheriň günbatar serhedine çykyp, şäheriň günbatar serhediniň ugry bilen Amyderýanyň çep kenaryna çenli, şol ýerden Amyderýanyň çep kenarynyň ugry bilen Türkmenabadyň köne howa menziliniň çägine çenli, şol ýerden Türkmenabadyň köne howa menziliniň çäginiň ugry bilen Derýabaş kanalyna çenli, şol ýerden Derýabaş kanalynyň ugry bilen Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesine çenli, Bitarap Türkmenistan köçesiniň ugry bilen Garaşsyz Diýar köçesine çenli, Garaşsyz Diýar köçesiniň ugry bilen Aşgabat — Farap demir ýoluna çenli, Aşgabat — Farap demir ýolunyň ugry bilen Görogly beg Türkmen köçesine çenli, Görogly beg Türkmen köçesiniň ugry bilen M.Gurbanow köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
12 December 1976, the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1984–1994 Secondary school No.7 in the city of Turkmenabat.
1997–2001 Kiev National Institute of International Relations named after Taras Shevchenko and received a bachelor's degree in international relations.
2013–2015 Graduate student at the International Turkmen -Turkish University.
Professional Experience:
1994–1995 Bailiff of the city court of the Turkmenabat city.
2002–2003 Military service.
2004–2006 Soldier of the State Service of Turkmenistan for Registration of Foreign Citizens.
2006–2007 Senior inspector of the Migration Service of Turkmenistan for the Ahal province , then for the Balkan province.
2009–2010 Assistant to the mayor of Lebap province, 1st category specialist of the department of industry, construction and other sectors of the economy of the city administration of the former A. Niyazov district of the city of Turkmenabat, supplier of the trade department of the cotton spinning factory of the city of Turkmenabat.
2010–2012 Employee of the administration of the «Buig Turkmen» French company.
2012–2013 Teacher at the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and International Business of the International Turkmen -Turkish University.
2015–2016 Leading specialist in the academic department, acting dean of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and International Business at the International Turkmen -Turkish University.
2016–2017 Chief specialist in the department for coordinating the activities of educational, healthcare, cultural institutions, public associations and the media of the city administration of Lebap province .
2017–2018 Chairperson of the Committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan of Turkmenabat City
From April 2018 to April 2023 worked as Chairperson of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Science, Education, Culture and Youth Policy.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI, VII convocations.
2023 Deputy Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Awarded with 2 state medals.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Çärjew etrabynyň Farap şäheriniň, Jendi, Hanoba, Kyraç, Osty, Hojakenepsi geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
13 January 1988, Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1994–2003 Secondary school №24 Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2006–2011 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and received a specialty as a teacher of Russian language and literature.
Professional Experience:
2003–2006 Tenant in the peasant association “Jehun” of Chardzhev, district Lebap province .
2011–2014 Teacher at secondary school №24 of Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2014–2015 Head of the organizational department of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly in the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap province.
2015–2021 Deputy director for educational work at secondary school №25 Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2021–2022 Acting director of secondary school №25 Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2022 Director of secondary school №25 Charjev district of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and interparliamentary relations.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Çärjew etrabynyň Kiştiwan, Jeýhun şäherçeleriniň, Nobat Gutlyýew adyndaky geňeşliginiň Nobat Gutlyýew adyndaky obasynyň B.Çaryýew, Bereket, Mary, S.Gylyjowa, A.Welihanow A.Babaýew, A.Jumaýew, H.Jumaýew, Ý.Pälwanow köçeleriniň we Saýatly, Saýatlyoba, Çömmekdepe obalarynyň, Bitik, Garamyş geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
28 August 1988 Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1995–2004 Secondary school №21 Chardzhev district.
2007–2011 Special art school in Lebap province, majoring in history and music theory.
Professional Experience:
2005–2006 Cleaner at the Children's Art School Charjev district of Lebap province.
2011 Teacher at the Children's Art School Charjev district of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, she is a member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and interparliamentary relations.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Çärjew etrabynyň Çärjew şäherçesiniň, Kölaryk, Zergär geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Boýrabap geňeşliginiň Tally, Boýrabap obalarynyň we Hojamiresen obasynyň Hojamiresen, Owadan, B.Ýoldaşow, Türkmenistan, K.Egemberdiýew köçeleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
23 January 1988, Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1995–2004 Secondary school №25 of Chardzhev district, Lebap province.
2009-2013 Kharkov National State Automobile and Highway University of Ukraine and received a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 he Military service.
2015 Chief specialist of the department of economics and consumer complex in the city administration of Charjev district in Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on economic issues.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Çärjew etrabynyň Boýrabap geňeşliginiň Hojamiresen obasynyň N.Hasanow, K.Muradowa, Jeýhun, Watan, Günorta, Kenarýaka köçeleriniň we Boýrabap geňeşliginiň Baýdakçy, Galkynyş, Adak, Petdeli, Gaýmakçy obalarynyň, Hojaili geňeşliginiň hem-de Saýat etrabynyň Sakar şäheriniň Altyn asyr, N.Hakberdiýew, Görelde, Azatlyk, S.Seýdi, Lebaby, Begişow, B.Ilamanow, Agzybirlik, Mollanepes, Mollaýazy, K.Şaýmanow, I.Joraýew, Lebap, Hasylçy, Günbatar, Daýhan köçeleriniň, Çaltut şäherçesiniň, Çarbagdepe, Jeňňel, Garamahmyt geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
4 October 1975 Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1982–1992 Secondary school №17 of Khojambaz district.
1992–1997 Gazi University of the Turkish Republic and received a degree in teaching.
Professional Experience:
1998–2000 Teacher at secondary school №17 of Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
2000–2003 Primary school teacher at secondary school №17 of Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
2003–2005 Mathematics teacher at secondary school №9 of Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
2005–2009 Deputy director for academic work, computer science teacher at secondary school №17 of Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
2009–2011 Deputy director for academic work at secondary school №15 of Khojambaz district, Lebap province.
2011–2013 Acting director of secondary school №18 of Khojambaz district.
2013–2015 Specialist in the Main Department of Education of Lebap province.
2015–2016 Acting director of secondary school №15 of Khojambaz district.
2016 –present Chairperson of Lebap province committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis VI, VII convocations, member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for work with bodies of local representative power and self-government.
awarded with 1 state medal.
Family status: Married, has five children.
Nominated by the Demcoratic party ofTurkmenistan.
Çärjew etrabynyň Hojagala şäherçesiniň, Amyderýa, Balta Myradow adyndaky, Bereket geňeşlikleriniň, Nobat Gutlyýew adyndaky geňeşliginiň Ýokaryaryk, Könearyk, Owlak- depe, Ýaşlar, Çöpligarawul, Täzedurmuş, Magtymguly Pyragy obalarynyň, Nobat Gutlyýew adyndaky obasynyň Ýaşlyk, Günbatar köçeleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
23 February 1990, Danev district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1997–2006 Secondary school №41 of Danev district, Lebap province.
2008–2013 Belarusian State Agricultural Academy of the Republic of Belarus and received a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
2006–2007 Tenant in the peasant association “Azady” of Danev district, Lebap province.
From September to November 2013 he worked as chief economist in the “Bereket” farmer association of Danev district, Lebap province.
2013–2014 Military service.
2014–2015 Accountant in the “Bereket” farmer association of Dyanevsky district, Lebap province.
2015–2017 Chief specialist, specialist in the finance and economics department of Danev district, Lebap province.
2017–2020 Specialist in the Department of Agriculture and Industry Development of the Department of Finance and Economics of Danev district, Lebap province.
2020, Leading specialist in the Department of Agriculture and Industry Development of the Department of Finance and Economics of Danev district of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Economic Issues.
Family status: Married
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Dänew etrabynyň Asuda, Garaşsyzlyk şäherçeleriniň, Ödeý geňeşliginiň Ak altyn, Çeges obalarynyň, Ýyldyz, Berzeň, Aşgabat geňeşlikleriniň we Çärjew etrabynyň Sarykbala geňeşliginiň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
18 July 1977, Danev district, Lebap province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1984–1994 Secondary school №10 in Danev district, Lebap province.
1996–2000 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and received the specialty of teacher of computer science and computer technology.
Professional Experience:
1995 Teacher in kindergarten №17 “Kepderi” in Danev district, Lebap province.
2000–2001 Teacher specializing in electronic computer operator at the 1st Training Center for Workers named after “Gurbansoltan eje” in the city of Turkmenabat.
2008–2014 Mathematics and computer science teacher at specialized secondary school №19 in Danev district.
2014–2017 Teacher-methodologist in the “Erteki” kindergarten.
2017–2022 Acting head of kindergarten №22 “Erteki” in Danev district.
2022 Head of kindergarten №22 «Erteki» in Danev district of Lebap province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, she is a Member of the Committee on economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Dänew etrabynyň Dänew şäheriniň, Bahar şäherçesiniň, Döwletabat, Parahat, Baragyz, Boýnuzyn geňeşlikleriniň we Ödeý geňeşliginiň Ödeý, Belme, Garagum obalarynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
20 December 1968 Boldumsaz district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1976–1986 Secondary school №29 of Boldumsaz district.
1988–1991 Medical School of Lebap Province and received the specialty of a medical assistant.
1991–1997 State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev and graduated with a degree in hygienist, epidemiologist, sanitary doctor.
Professional Experience:
1987–1988 Military service.
1997–1998 Intern doctor in the sanitary and epidemiological service of Dashoguz province.
1998–2003 Head of the sanitation and hygiene department in the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
2003–2006 Head of the department of sanitation and hygiene, acting head of the department of certification, state supervision and control of food products of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Dashoguz province.
2006–2012 Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Shavat district, Dashoguz province.
2012–2016 Sanitary doctor, head of the department of certification and state supervision and control of food products of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Dashoguz province.
2016-2023 Sanitary doctor of general hygiene of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Dashoguz province.
2023-present Head of the Dashoguz City Sanitation and Disease Prevention Service.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is a member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on work with local representative authorities and self-government.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Daşoguz şäheriniň Gurbansoltan eje köçesiniň Şagadam köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Gurbansoltan eje köçesiniň ugry bilen N.Andalyp köçesiniň kesişýän ýerine çenli, şol ýerden şäheriň günorta araçäginiň ugry bilen Şabat etrabynyň Adalat geňeşligini öz içine alyp, Aşgabat — Daşoguz awtomobil ýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Aşgabat — Daşoguz awtomobil ýolunyň ugry bilen Bitaraplyk köçesine çenli, Bitaraplyk köçesiniň ugry bilen Şagadam köçesine çenli, Şagadam köçesiniň ugry bilen Gurbansoltan eje köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
14 July 1986, city of Dashoguz.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1993–2002 Secondary school No.19 in the city of Dashoguz.
2005–2010 Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov and graduated as a water management engineer.
Professional Experience:
2003–2005 worked in the auxiliary farm of the Open Joint Stock Company “Was”.
2010–2012 Mechanic in a production organization on a self-supporting basis «Daşoguzýersuwgurluşyk».
2012–2015 Specialist in the production and technical department of the production association «Daşoguzsuwhojalyk».
2015–2017 worked as deputy chairperson, acting chairperson of the Dashoguz province committee of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan.
2017–2021 Chairperson of the Dashoguz province committee of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan.
2021–2023 - Member of the Committee of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
2023 Chairperson of the Dashoguz province committee of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan. Chairperson of the Committee on Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Agro-Industrial Complex of Mejlis of Turkmenistan
Elected as a deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Awarded with 1 state medal.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Daşoguz şäheriniň Gurbansoltan eje köçesiniň Şabat kanalynyň demirgazyk tarapy bilen kesişýän ýerinden başlap, Gurbansoltan eje köçesiniň ugry bilen N.Andalyp köçesiniň kesişýän ýerine çenli, N.Andalyp köçesiniň ugry bilen Garaşsyzlyk ýap akabasyna çenli, şol ýerden Garaşsyzlyk ýap akabasynyň ugry bilen şäheriň gündogar araçägine çenli, şol ýerden şäheriň gündogar araçäginiň ugry bilen Şabat kanalyna çenli, şol ýerden Şabat kanalynyň ugry bilen demirgazyk tarapa N.Andalyp köçesini kesip geçip, Gurbansoltan eje köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
31 August 1981 Shavat district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality: Uzbek.
1988–1998 Secondary school №58 of the Shavat district, Dashoguz province.
1998–2002 Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management and received a degree in economics.
Professional Experience:
2002–2005 1st category specialist, state tax inspector of the department of inspections of legal parties of the State Tax Service in Dashoguz province.
2005–2010 State tax inspector, senior state tax inspector of the department for monitoring the work of tax services of the State Tax Service for Dashoguz province.
2010–2013 Senior state tax inspector in the department of internal control and tax monitoring of the State Tax Service for Dashoguz province.
2013–2017 Senior state tax inspector in the internal control department of the State Tax Service for Dashoguz province.
2017 Senior tax inspector at the internal control department of Dashoguz province tax department.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on economic issues.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI and VII convocations.
Family status: Married, has five children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Ruhubelent etrabynyň Ruhubelent şäherçesiniň, Aşyk Aýdyň, Diýarbekir, Ruhnama, Tünüderýa, Şagadam, Zähmet, Ýomut Durdyýew adyndaky, Geňeş, Şabende adyndaky geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Akdepe etrabynyň Altyn toprak geňeşliginiň Göwender, Keneges, Agar, Garaşsyzlyk obalarynyň we Sapyş Çerkezow adyndaky, Üçkepderi geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
30 September 1986 Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1993-2002 Secondary school №2 in Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district of Dashoguz province.
2002-2006 Turkmen State Institute of Culture majoring in organizing children's education.
Professional Experience:
2006-2007 Military service.
2007-2008 Dance artist at the Culture Center.
2008-2010 Responsible employee of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan of the Koneurgench district council of Dashoguz province.
2010 Assistant to the mayor of Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
2011 Organizer of cultural events at the village culture house located in Ashir Kakabaev village, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
2011-2014 Organizer of cultural events in the village culture house named after S.A. Niyazov in Gallachy gengeshlik, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
2014-2016 Director of the village culture house named after S.A. Niyazov in Gallachy gengeshlik, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
2016-present Chairperson of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district committee of Dashoguz province of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee on Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Agro-Industrial Complex of Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy etrabynyň Aşyr Kakabaýew adyndaky şäherçesiniň we Täze-durmuş, Şamahy, Ýeňiş, Saparmät Hojaýew adyndaky, Döwkesen, Sarygamyş, Dostluk geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
27 May 1982, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province
Nationality: Turkmen.
1989–1998 Secondary school No.77 of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district.
2007–2012 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and graduated with a degree in teaching Turkmen language and literature.
Professional Experience:
1998–2002 Guard at secondary school №77 of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district.
2002–2004 Military service.
From January to September 2007, he worked as a tenant of the peasant association “Aybovur” in the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province .
2012–2016 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature at secondary school №77 of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province, then as deputy director for educational work of secondary school №93 of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district.
2016–2018 Director of secondary school №17 of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
2018–2021 - Director of secondary specialized school of foreign languages №94 Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
2021 Director of secondary specialized school of foreign languages №94 in the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, he is member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Economic Issues.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy etrabynyň Ruhabat, Azatlyk, Gallaçy, Bitaraplyk, Serdar, Bugdaýly, Aýböwür, Kemine, Güneşli Türkmenistan, Döwletli, Goşahowly geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
9 March 1978, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1985–1995 Secondary school No.1 of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, Dashoguz province.
1995–1999 Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management and graduated with a degree in commodity science.
Professional Experience:
2000–2001 Accountant at school No.1 in the city of Dashoguz.
2001–2002 Military service.
2002–2003 Accountant at the Dashoguz city motor transport enterprise.
2003–2008 Operator of first category at oil enterprise in the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
2011–2012 Specialist in the registration of enterprises and the conclusion of contracts of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Saparmurat district of Turkmenbashi, Dashoguz province.
2012–2014 Chief specialist of the employment department of the labor and employment of the population of the Saparmurat district of Turkmenbashi, Dashoguz province.
2014–2017 Acting head of the department of labor and employment of the population of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
Since 2017, Head of the labor and employment department of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district, Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the 7th convocation, he is the member Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy etrabynyň Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy adyndaky şäheriniň we Baýram Taganow adyndaky, Gyzyljagala, Mollaoraz Hojamämmedow adyndaky, Parahat, Ýalkym geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
18 November 1973 Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1981–1991 Secondary school №13 in the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz province.
1992–1995 Pedagogical School named after Beki Seytakovand majoring in primary school teacher.
1995–1997 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and majoring in the specialty of primary teacher classes.
Professional Experience:
1997–2011 Teacher in a secondary school №18 in Dashoguz city of Dashoguz province.
2011-present Psychology teacher at the Pedagogical School named after Beki Seytakov.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for legislation and norms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Şabat etrabynyň Şabat şäheriniň, Alyşir Nowaýy adyndaky geňeşliginiň Gamyşkak, Gumgala, Daýhanazat obalarynyň, Gülüstan geňeşliginiň Ýoldaş Ahmedow adyndaky obasynyň, Şatlyk, Şöhrat, Asudalyk geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
9 May 1988 Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1995–2004 Secondary school №40 of the Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
2009–2014 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and received the specialty of teaching English and literature.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Military service.
2014–2021 English teacher at secondary school №62 Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
2021–2023 Member of the Khalk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh Committee Turkmenistan on international issues.
2023-present Secondary school director №38 of Gorogly district in Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on science, education, culture and youth politics.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Şabat etrabynyň Hasylçy, Gaýrat, Nowbahar geňeşlikleriniň, Alyşir Nowaýy adyndaky geňeşliginiň Hemzeşyh, Birinji Gulan, Ikinji Gulan obalarynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
19 June 1992 Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1999–2009 Secondary school №6 in Dashoguz.
2009–2015 Turkmen State Medical University named after Myrat Garryev and received a specialty in medical case.
2015–2016, Intern doctor and a forensic trainee at Central Forensic Medical Examination of Turkmenistan.
2016–2018 Forensic doctor on duty in Dashoguz province forensic medical examination.
Professional Experience:
2015–2016, Intern doctor and a forensic trainee at Central Forensic Medical Examination of Turkmenistan.
2016 – 2018 Forensic doctor on duty in Dashoguz province forensic medical examination.
2018–2019, Expert in the Dashoguz province judicial medical examination, chairperson of the primary organization of the trade union.
2019–2021 Psychiatrist-narcologist in the office of anonymous treatment, head of the health department of the narcological dispensary of Dashoguz province.
2021-present, Deputy chief physician for medical work at the hospital of Gorogly district in Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Social Policy.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Şabat etrabynyň Sadylla Rozmetow adyndaky şäherçesiniň we Bossan, Biruni, Berkarar, Diýar geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
13 February 1983 Akdepe district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1989-1998 Secondary school №105 in Akdepe district of Dashoguz province.
1998-2002 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi majoring in English language and literature.
Professional Experience:
2002-2016 English teacher at the secondary school №12 in Dashoguz city.
2016-2020, Acting director of the 9th kindergarten of district named after S.A. Niyazov of Dashoguz province.
2020-2022, Director of the 9th kindergarten named after S.A. Niyazov of Dashoguz province.
2022-present, Director of the 39th kindergarten in Dashoguz city of Dashoguz province, which is specialized to foreign languages.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI, VII convocations and the member of the committee for protection of human rights and freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Akdepe etrabynyň Rejepguly Ataýew adyndaky şäherçesiniň Bamyly, Gyzyl, Çildir, Keşler obalarynyň, Gyzyltakyr geňeşliginiň Basuwly obasynyň, Magtymguly Garlyýew adyndaky, Agzybirlik geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
28 August 1963 S.Turkmenbashy district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1970–1980 Secondary school №24 of the Kone-Urgench district Dashoguz province.
1980–1985 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and graduated with a degree in philology, teacher of Turkmen language and literature.
1985–1986 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature in secondary school №24 of the Kone-Urgench district.
1986–1990 Instructor, deputy head of the department and Head of the department of the Kone-Urgench district Komsomol committee.
Professional Experience:
1985–1986 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature in secondary school. School №24 of the Kone-Urgench district.
1986–1990 Instructor, deputy head of the department and Head of the department of the Kone-Urgench district Komsomol committee
1990–1991 Head of the general department of the executive committee Koneurgench district.
1991–1995 Deputy head of the education department Koneurgench district.
1995–2009 Chairperson of the Committee on Science, education and culture of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2009-present Member of the Committee on Science, education and culture of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII convocations.
Awarded with 5 state and 2 jubilee medals.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Köneürgenç etrabynyň Köneürgenç şäheriniň we Akgala geňeşliginiň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
5 April 1986 Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1993–2002 Secondary school №29 of the Gorogly district.
2002–2009, Tenant in the Aksaraý farmer association Gorogly district.
2009–2014 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and graduated with a degree in law.
Professional Experience:
2014–2015, Trainee assistant to the prosecutor of Koneurgench district of Dashoguz province.
2015–2017, Assistant prosecutor of the Koneurgench district.
2017–2020 Senior assistant to the prosecutor of Kunyaurgench district.
2021–2022, Head of the civil registration department state of the city administration of the Kone-Urgench district.
2022 Head of the civil registration department state of the Kone-Urgench district of the Dashoguz province of the Office of Registration of Acts civil status of the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Köneürgenç etrabynyň Galkynyş, Maslahat, Akýol, Täzeýap, Derýalyk, Watan, Kyrkgyz geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Boldumsaz etrabynyň Zähmetkeş, Aşgabat geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
9 May 1975 Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1983–1993 Secondary schools №64 and №92 of the Saparmurat district Turkmenbashi, Dashoguz province.
1994–1998 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi and received the specialty of teacher pedagogy and methods of primary education.
Professional Experience:
2007–2012 Primary school teacher at secondary school №5 Ruhubelent district, Dashoguz province.
2012–2014 Primary school teacher at secondary school №64 district Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Dashoguz province.
2014-present Specialist, methodologist in academic disciplines, educational work and preschool education of the district education department Saparmurat Turkmenbashi of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and interparliamentary relations.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Köneürgenç etrabynyň Bereket şäherçesiniň, Akderýa, Pagtaçy, Ezberköl, Täzegüýç, Täzeýol, Hakykat geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy etrabynyň Nazly Gylyjow adyndaky, Görelde geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
16 March 1981 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen.
1987–1996 Secondary school №11 of the former district named after Gurbansoltan eje, Dashoguz province.
1999–2003 Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov and graduated with a degree in hydraulic engineering.
Professional Experience:
2003–2004 Military service.
1997–1999 Tenant in the Ak Altyn farmer association.
2004–2007 Inspector at the Suwhojalyk production trust district them. Gurbansoltan eje.
2007–2011 Engineer, chief specialist of the department water use in the production trust "Suwhojalyk" of the Gurbansoltan district eje.
2011–2013 Secretary of the Democratic Party Committee Turkmenistan of the former district named after Gurbansoltan Eje.
2013–2022 Department head of the Akdepe district committee of Dashoguz province of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
2022, Head of the Akdepe district department
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the V, VI and VII convocations.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for Environmental Protection, environmental management and agro-industrial complex.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Akdepe etrabynyň Şabat geňeşliginiň Gülüstan, Magtym obalarynyň, Nurmuhammet Andalyp adyndaky geňeşliginiň, Rejepguly Ataýew adyndaky şäherçesiniň Omarly, Meňiş, Orman, Bagty obalarynyň, Ak altyn geňeşliginiň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
30 December 1977 Akdepe district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1984–1995 Secondary school 2003–2004 he Military service №12 of the Akdepe district Dashoguz province.
1995–1999 Turkmen National Institute of World Studies languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi and received the specialty of philologist, Persian language teacher.
1999–2010 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature in secondary schools. schools №12 and №55 of the Akdepe district, Dashoguz province.
Professional Experience:
1999–2010 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature in secondary schools. schools №12 and №55 of the Akdepe district, Dashoguz province.
2010–2011, Head of kindergarten №6 of the district named after Gurbansoltan eje, Dashoguz province.
2011-2012 Specialist in the education department of the district named after Gurbansoltan eje, Dashoguz province.
2022 Specialist in the Akdepe district education department of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member
Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and interparliamentary communications.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Akdepe etrabynyň Orazgeldi Ärsaryýew adyndaky şäherçesiniň, Agöýli, Pagtaçylyk geňeşlikleriniň, Altyn toprak geňeşliginiň Dörmen obasynyň, Sazanda, Täze zaman geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
6 November 1971 Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1978–1988 Secondary school №38 of the Kone-Urgench district Dashoguz province.
1988 Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi, and from where she was sent to the Cherkasy Pedagogical Institute of Ukraine and in 1993 graduated with a degree in Russian language and literature teacher in the national school.
Professional Experience:
1993–1998 Teacher of Russian language and literature in a secondary school. №38 of Kone-Urgench district, Dashoguz province.
1998–2001 Teacher-psychologist at secondary school №38 Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
2001-present Director of secondary school №38 of the Kone-Urgench district of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of Committee on international and interparliamentary communications of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status:
Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Akdepe etrabynyň Orazgeldi Ärsaryýew adyndaky şäherçesiniň, Agöýli, Pagtaçylyk geňeşlikleriniň, Altyn toprak geňeşliginiň Dörmen obasynyň, Sazanda, Täze zaman geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
9 October 1986 Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1973–1983 Secondary school №56 of the district named after. Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, Dashoguz province.
1985–1990 Correspondence department of the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, graduated with a degree in accounting and analysis of economic activities.
Professional Experience:
2010–2016, Chief specialist in the HR department
Production association «Obahyzmat» of the Kone-Urgench district.
2016–2017, Chief specialist in the company’s HR department for technical maintenance of the Kone-Urgench district.
2017–2022, Chief specialist of the Department of Work with Employees and Local Self-Government Institutions of Kone-Urgench city administration.
2023-present, Specialist at the Gengeshlik Akgal of Kone-Urgench district of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation is a member Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Economic Issues.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Boldumsaz etrabynyň Bereketli, Gubadag, Amyderýa, Baýdak, Jeýhun geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
7 May 1966 S.Turkmenbashy district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1973–1983 Secondary school №56 of the district named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, Dashoguz province.
1985–1990 Correspondence department of the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, graduated with a degree in accounting and analysis of economic activities.
Professional Experience:
1983–1985 Tenant in the Döwletli farm association in Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district.
1985-2001 Accountant at the Döwletli farm association Saparmurat Turkmenbashi of Dashoguz province.
2001–2005 Chief specialist of the agricultural department city administration of Dashoguz province.
2005–2006 Head of the department agricultural complex of the city administration of Dashoguz province.
2006–2014 Head of the HR Coordination Department for the work of gengeshliks and institutions of the city administration of Dashoguz province.
2014–2015 Deputy Chairperson of the Veterans Council Dashoguz province Organization of War Veterans of Turkmenistan.
2015–2021, Specialist in the Coordination Department personnel for the work of gengeshliks and institutions of the city administration of Dashoguz province.
2021-present Chief specialist of the HR Coordination Department for the work of city administration and institutions of the city administration of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the IV, VII convocations.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for working with bodies of local representative authorities and self-governance bodies.
Family status: Married, has five children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan
Boldumsaz etrabynyň Gubadag şäheriniň, Gökçäge şäherçesiniň, Abadanlyk, Akýaýla, Babadaýhan geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
19 February 1959 Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1966–1976 Secondary school №5 of the Gorogly district.
1977–1982 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and graduated with a degree in law.
Professional Experience:
1976–1977 Farmer in the farmer association «Abadanlyk» Gorogly district.
1982–1989 Legal consultant in a farmers' association «Abadanlyk» of Gorogly district.
1989–1992 Instructor in the organizational department, head ideological department and party organizer in the Communist Committee party of Turkmenistan in the Gorogly district.
1992–1999 Deputy director of a small enterprise association of "Obahyzmat" of the Gorogly district and the company "Arzuw".
2000–2004 Tenant in the farmer association «Abadanlyk» Gorogly district.
2004–2006, Specialist in the human resources department at the hospital in the Gorogly district.
2006–2014 Chief specialist of the HR department and local self-government bodies of the city administration of the Gorogly district.
2014–2017 Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Legislation and its standards.
2017-present Member of Committee for the Protection human rights and freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the IV, V, VI and VII convocations.
Awarded with 2 state medals.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Görogly etrabynyň Magtymguly adyndaky, Aksaraý, Balyş Öwezow adyndaky hem-de Şabat etrabynyň Gülüstan geňeşliginiň Parahat, Şark, Öwezaly obalarynyň, Altynýol geňeşliginiň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
4 March 1983 Aksaray district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1990–1999 Secondary schools №2, №13 and №22 in Dashoguz.
1999–2001 Pedagogical School named after Beki Seytakov Dashoguz province and graduated as a primary school teacher, teacher of the Turkmen language.
2001–2002 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature in secondary school №8 of the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz province.
2002–2004 Military service.
Professional Experience:
2001–2002 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature in secondary school №8 of the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz province.
2002–2004 Military service.
2004 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature at secondary school №8 of the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz province.
2004–2009 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and graduated with a degree in historian, history teacher and social science.
2009–2011 History teacher at secondary school №1 in the city Dashoguz, Dashoguz province.
2011–2021 Teacher of the department, head of the department Social Sciences of the Faculty of Agronomy of Turkmenistan Agricultural Institute.
2021–2023 Member of the Khalk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh Committee Turkmenistan on regional development, environmental protection and agro-industrial policy.
2023-present Teacher of the Department of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on science, education, culture and youth politics.
2007 Prizewinner of a scientific work competition among young people of Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan.
Awarded with state medal.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Görogly etrabynyň Durdy Gylyç adyndaky, Yzmykşir, Hüdük Myradow adyndaky, Bedirkent, Annagylyç Ataýew adyndaky, Türkmenistan, Zaman, Garagum geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
21 December 1971 Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1979-1989 Secondary school №37 of the Gorogly district of Dashoguz province.
1992-1996 Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D. Azadi, majoring in teacher of Russian language and literature.
Professional Experience:
1990-1992 Military service.
1996-2004 Teacher of Russian language and literature at the №37 secondary school of the Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
2004-2014 Director of secondary school №37 in the Gorogly district, Dashoguz province.
2014-2017 Member of the committee for the protection of human rights and freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2017-2018 Member of the committee for legislation and norms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan
2018-2023 Chairperson of the committee on international and inter-parliamentary relations of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2023-present Member of the committee on international and inter-parliamentary relations of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the IV, V, VI and VII convocations.
Awarded with 3 jubilee medals.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Görogly etrabynyň Görogly şäheriniň, Türkmenýoly, Ýagtylyk, Bereket geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
20 March 1975 Boldumsaz district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen
1997–2006 Secondary school №19 of the Boldumsaz district.
2008–2012 Kharkov Polytechnic Institute of Ukraine and graduated from it with a degree in technical management of local authorities executive power.
2016–2017, Academy of Public Service under President of Turkmenistan in the direction of «Advanced training employees of local executive authorities and local authorities self-government."
Professional Experience:
1982–1992 Secondary school №29 of the Boldumsaz district.
1994–1998 Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov and graduated with a degree in land reclamation engineer.
1998–2008 Tenant in the Zakhmetkesh gengeshlik.
2008 Specialist in the Zahmetkesh city administration of Boldumsaz district in Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member Committee for environmental protection, natural resources using and agro-industrial complex of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Boldumsaz etrabynyň Boldumsaz şäheriniň, Medeniýet geňeşliginiň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
27 August 1990 Boldumsaz district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen
1997–2006 Secondary school №19 of the Boldumsaz district.
2008–2012 Kharkov Polytechnic Institute of Ukraine and graduated from it with a degree in technical management of local authorities executive power.
2022, two-month course at the State Academy services under the President of Turkmenistan.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Tenant in the peasant association named after Guvanch Atamedov, Boldumsaz district, Dashoguz province.
2012–2013 Military service.
2014–2021 Chairperson of the Boldumsaz district Council Youth organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly Dashoguz province.
2021 Chief specialist of the HR department and local government bodies in Boldumsaz district of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member
Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on work with local representative bodies power and self-government.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Boldumsaz etrabynyň Garaşsyzlyk, Guýanagyz, Guwanç Atamedow adyndaky, Rowaçlyk, Çowdur, Ýaşlyk, Gökýaýla, Bitarap Türkmenistan geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
8 February 1993 Boldumsaz district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen
2000–2010 Secondary school №2 of the Kaka district of Ahal province, at the specialized secondary school for young physicists and mathematicians №21 city of Dashoguz.
2010–2015 Turkmen National Conservatory named after Mai Kulieva and graduated with a degree in bagshi.
Professional Experience:
2015–2017 Military service.
2017–2018 Teacher at children's art school №2 city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz province.
2018–2020 Specialist, leading specialist organizational department of the Dashoguz City Youth Council organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly.
2020-present Chairperson of the Dashoguz Province Council Youth organization named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation is a member of Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Legislation and its norms.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Akdepe etrabynyň Sazakly, Täzeoba, Ak bugdaý, Atçapan, Döwletmämmet Azady adyndaky, Mollanepes adyndaky geňeşlikleriniň we Gyzyltakyr geňeşliginiň Burunjyk, Gyzyltakyr obalarynyň hem-de Boldumsaz etrabynyň 10 ýyl abadanlyk, Almalyk geňeş- likleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
21 January 1993 Boldumsaz district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen
2000–2010 Secondary school №62 of the Boldumsaz district.
2011–2015 St. Petersburg State Agrarian University of the Russian Federation and graduated from it with a specialty jurisprudence.
Professional Experience:
2015–2017 Military service.
2018–2021 Teacher in a secondary school №15 of Ruhubelent district, Dashoguz province.
2021-present Chairperson of the Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan in Ruhubelent district of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member
Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and interparliamentary communications.
Family status: Married.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Akdepe etrabynyň Akdepe şäheriniň, Nowruz, Akdepe, Gorkut, Sähra geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
29 June 1978 Dashoguz city, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen
1985–1995 Secondary school №1 in the city of Dashoguz.
1995–1999 Turkmen State Institute of Economics and management and received a degree in international economics.
1999–2001 Military service.
2001–2005, 1st category specialist in the cash services department and control over cash transactions, specialist of the 2nd, 1st category of the department regulation of money circulation in the Dashoguz province branch Central Bank of Turkmenistan.
Professional Experience:
1999–2001 Military service.
2001–2005, 1st category specialist in the cash services department and control over cash transactions, specialist of the 2nd, 1st category of the department regulation of money circulation in the Dashoguz province branch Central Bank of Turkmenistan.
2011–2014 Deputy chief accountant, chief accountant and head of the accounting and reporting department in Dashoguz province branch of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan.
2014–2016 Deputy chief, head of department Collection Department of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan in Dashoguz province
2016–2018 Head of the Dashoguz province branch Central Bank of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI and VII convocations.
2018–2021 – member of the Committee on Economic Affairs of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2021–2022, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2022-2023 Chairperson of the Committee on economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2023-present Member of the Committee on economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Awarded with jubilee medal.
Family status: Married has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Daşoguz şäheriniň Gurbansoltan eje köçesiniň Şabat kanalynyň demirgazyk tarapynyň kesişýän ýerinden başlap, Gurbansoltan eje köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Nyýazow köçesini göni kesip geçip, şäheriň demirgazyk araçägine çenli, şol ýerden şäheriň demirgazyk araçäginiň ugry bilen gündogar tarapa Şabat kanalyna çenli, şol ýerden Şabat kanalynyň ugry bilen demirgazyk tarapa N.Andalyp köçesini kesip geçip, Gurbansoltan eje köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
15 October 1977 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
1984–1994 Secondary school №13 of the Gorogly Dashoguz district province.
1994–2002 Turkmen State Medical University named after Myrat Garryev and graduated as a pediatrician.
2002–2003 Intern doctor in Dashoguz province Tuberculosis hospital.
Professional Experience:
2003–2005 Doctor in the consultative diagnostic department hospitals of the former Gurbansoltan Eje district, Dashoguz province.
2005–2006 Pediatric tuberculosis doctor at the reception and consultation department of Tuberculosis Hospital of Dashoguz province.
2006–2013, Physician in the children's department of the Dashoguz province tuberculosis hospital.
2013 Head of the children's department of the tuberculosis hospital in Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the IV and VII convocations.
2023-present, Member of the Mejlis Committee of Turkmenistan for the Protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married has two children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Daşoguz şäheriniň Gurbansoltan eje köçesiniň Şagadam köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Gurbansoltan eje köçesiniň ugry bilen Şabat kanalyny we A.Nyýazow köçesini göni kesip geçip, şäheriň demirgazyk araçägine çenli, şol ýerden şäheriň demirgazyk-günbatar araçäginiň ugry bilen Aşgabat — Daşoguz awtomobil ýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Aşgabat — Daşoguz awtomobil ýolunyň ugry bilen Bitaraplyk köçesine çenli, Bitaraplyk köçesiniň ugry bilen Şagadam köçesine çenli, Şagadam köçesiniň ugry bilen Gurbansoltan eje köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
24 March 1986 Balkanabat city, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
1994–2002 Secondary school №9 in the city of Balkanabat.
2004–2009 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in biology, biology teacher.
Professional Experience:
2009–2010 Military service.
2002–2003 Assistant supervisor at an individual enterprise "Abat" of the city of Balkanabat.
2003–2004 Warehouse manager and electrician in Narcological hospital of Balkan province.
2010–2012 Biology teacher at secondary school №1 in the city Balkanabat, Balkan province.
2012–2019 Deputy chairperson, chairperson of the board Youth organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, Balkan province.
2019–2022 Deputy Chairperson of the Central Council Youth organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly.
2022-present Chairperson of the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI, VII convocations.
Awarded with state and jubilee medals.
Family status: Married has three children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Balkanabat şäheriniň 6, 13, 14-nji kiçi etrapçalaryny, Jebel şäherçesini, Mollagara şypahanasyna degişli ähli ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny, Karýer, Saganly-1, Saganly-2, Nebitçi ýaşaýyş jaý toplumlaryny, 162, 193, 197-nji ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny, Hazar şäherçesiniň Garagöl obasyny, Gök-Baýyr ýaşaýyş jaý toplumyny hem-de Türkmenbaşy etrabynyň Belek şäherçesiniň we Akguýy geňeşliginiň Akguýy, Ybyk, Irikli obalarynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
12 August 1988 Gyzylarbat city, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
1990–1996 Secondary school №3 in the village of Gumdag in the city of Balkanabat of Balkan province.
1996–2001 Former theological lyceum at the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly.
2001–2005 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, graduated as a philologist, language teacher and literature.
Professional Experience:
1995–2002 Secondary school №4 of the Kyzylarvat district,
2002–2004 School for especially gifted children named after Atamurat Niyazov of the city of Ashgabat.
2008–2014 State University of Civil Aviation in city of St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, majoring in organization and transport management.
2017–2019, Chief specialist in the marketing department. International seaport of Turkmenbashi agency «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
2019-present Chairperson of the Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly in Balkan province of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation, and the member of the Committee on international and inter-parliamentary communications of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Balkanabat şäheriniň Oglanly şäherçesini, 5-6-njy kiçi etrapçalaryny, 199, 200, 201, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 213a, 214, 225, 232, 233-nji ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny, Arlan ýaşaýyş jaý toplumyny, degişli harby bölümleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
26 May 1984 Balkanabat city, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
1990–1996 Secondary school №3 in the village of Gumdag in the city of Balkanabat of Balkan province.
1996–2001 Former theological lyceum at the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly.
2001–2005 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, graduated as a philologist, language teacher and literature.
Professional Experience:
2005–2006 Military service.
2007–2009 Teacher, deputy director for educational work of secondary school №4 in the city of Gumdag, Balkan province, as a specialist in personnel in the former department of education of the city of Gumdag.
2009–2011 Chief engineer of the logistics department support, chief engineer of the personnel department, at the same time chairperson association of trade unions of the Office «Burnebitgazhyzmat» of the State concern «Türkmennebit».
2011–2018, Worker at private entrepreneurship and worked as a leading specialist, clerk of the department of the Balkan province of the Union industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.
2018-present Member of the Mejlis Committee Turkmenistan on social policy.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI, VII convocations.
Family status: Married has seven children.
Nominated by the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs party of Turkmenistan.
Balkanabat şäheriniň Gumdag şäherçesiniň we Etrek etrabynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
18 August 1991 Balkanabat city, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
1998–2008 Secondary school №28 in the village of Gumdag in the city Balkanabat.
2008–2014 State Medical University Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev, graduated with a degree in general medical business.
Professional Experience:
2014–2015, Infectious disease doctor at a multidisciplinary hospital city of Balkanabat, Balkan province.
2015–2022, Infectious disease specialist and family doctor in a hospital the village of Gumdag in the city of Balkanabat, Balkan province.
2022, Deputy chief physician of the hospital in the village of Gumdag city of Balkanabat, Balkan province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Magtymguly etrabynyň çäklerini we Gyzylarbat etrabynyň Paraw geňeşliginiň Paraw obasyny, Janahyr bekedini, Arkaç geňeşliginiň Rowaç, Garabogaz, Ýalkym, Tutly obalaryny, Azady adyndaky, Goç, Pürnuwar, Hojagala, Hasar geňeşliklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
28 November 1971 Bereket district, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
1979–1989 Secondary school №15 of the Bereket district of the Balkan province.
1992–1994 Turkmenbashi Secondary Medical School Balkan province, specializing as a medical laboratory assistant.
1994–2000 State Medical University Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev, graduated with a degree in medicine preventive work.
Professional Experience:
1989–1991 Military service.
1991–1992 Head of the local history circle in the House creativity of children and adolescents.
2000–2001, Internship at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service Balkan province, worked as a doctor-sanitary of the occupational hygiene department of the Sanitary epidemiological service of the Balkan province.
2001–2002 Head of the department of hygiene for children and adolescents Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Balkan Province.
2002–2005 Director of the bacteriological laboratory Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Balkan Province.
2005–2022 Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service Kyzylarvat district, Balkan province.
2022 Deputy Head of Sanitary and Hygienic issues of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Balkan Province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan for environmental protection, environmental management and agro-industrial complex.
Family status: Married has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Gyzylarbat etrabynyň Gyzylarbat şäheriniň çäklerini, Janahyr şäherçesini, Arkaç geňeşliginiň Çerkezli, Ýylgynly, Melegoç obalaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
15 March 1979 Esenguly district, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
1986–1996 Secondary school №1 of the Esenguly district of the Balkan province.
1996–2000 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, graduated as a teacher of physics and mathematics.
Professional Experience:
2000–2001 Physics teacher at secondary school №1 of Esenguly district.
2001–2002 Military service.
2003–2005 Teacher at secondary school №1 of Esenguly district.
2005–2007 Physics and mathematics teacher at secondary school №11 Esenguly district.
2007–2019 Physics and computer science teacher at secondary school №1 in Esenguly district of Balkan province, deputy director for educational work, acting director of this school.
2019-2023 Teacher of physics and computer science in secondary school №1 of the Esenguly district.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
2023-present, Member of the Committee on legislation and its regulations of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Esenguly etrabynyň çäklerini, Balkanabat şäheriniň Hazar şäherçesiniň 15, 16, 27, 28, 29, 34, 37, 39-njy ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny we Laçyn, Magtymguly, Bagtyýarlyk, Nebitçi ýaşaýyş jaý toplumlaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
18 July 1995 Bereket district, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
2002–2012 Specialized secondary school №19 of Bereketsky district of Balkan province.
2013–2018 International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaeva, graduated with a degree in civil engineering.
Professional Experience:
2018–2020 Military service.
2020–2021, 1st category engineer for gas metering and distribution of «Balkangazüpjünçilik» management «Etreketrapgaz» gas office.
2021–2022 Service supervisor for external and underground gas pipelines GMO «Bereketetrapgaz».
2021–2022 Master of in-house service gas office «Etrekdistrictgaz» management «Balkangazüpjünçilik».
2022-2023 Head of the organizational and political department work of the Balkan province committee of the Party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.
2023 Deputy head of the Balkan province Committee of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee on economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married has two children.
Nominated by the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs party of Turkmenistan.
Bereket etrabynyň çäklerini, Balkanabat şäheriniň Gazak obasynyň, Uzboý şäherçesiniň we 91-92-nji ýaşaýyş toplumynyň ähli ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
16 January 1970 Balkanabat district, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
1977–1987 Secondary schools №12 and №5 in the city of Balkanabat.
1987–1992 State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky of the city of Minsk, Republic of Belarus, majoring in teacher of Russian language and literature.
Professional Experience:
1992–1994 Teacher of Russian language and literature in a secondary school. №11 of the city of Balkanabat.
1994–1998 Specialist at the city administration of the Balkan province.
1998–2006 Specialist of the 2nd category of the Department improving the production of the «Türkmennebit» State Concern
2006–2010 Head of the «Aýna» kindergarten of the «Türkmennebit» Department of Social Facilities State concern, head of the «Humaý» kindergarten of this management.
2010–2011 Specialist of the 2nd category of the Department improving the production of the State Concern «Türkmennebit».
2011–2016, Head of the Humaý kindergarten of Department of Social Facilities of the State Concern «Türkmennebit».
2016–2021, Head of kindergarten №35 in the city. Balkanabat, Balkan province.
2021 Specialist in preschool, educational and non-school institutions of the Main Department of Education of the Balkan province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on science, education, culture and youth policy.
Family status: Married has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Türkmenbaşy etrabynyň Garabogaz şäherini, Akdaş, Gyzylsuw, Gyzylgaýa, Türkmenbaşy, Guwlumaýak şäherçelerini, Goýmat, Çagyl, geňeşliklerini, Akguýy geňeşliginiň Hudaýberdi, Goşaoba, Söýli, Gürje obalaryny, «Guwly», «Garşy», «Jafra» serhet galalaryny, Türkmenbaşy şäheriniň Awaza etrabynyň ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny, Türkmenbaşy şäheriniň öňki Kenar etrabyndaky Azatlyk, Demir ýol, Altyn Asyr, Bitarap, Döwletli, Ýaşyl Tug, Parahat köçelerindäki ähli ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
5 September 1993 Esenguly district, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
2000–2010 Secondary school №6 in the city of Turkmenbashi Balkan province.
2013–2018 Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan, graduated as a navigator engineer.
2022–2023, Advanced training courses for employees state institutions at the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan.
Professional Experience:
2010–2011 Worker in the «Türkmenbaşy» hotel's food and beverage department.
2011–2013 Administrator of the «Kerwen» guest reception department health center.
2018–2019 Assistant of the captain of the group of members reserve crew of the «Deňiz söwda floty» closed joint stock company «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» agency.
2019–2020 Sailor on a high-speed passenger ship "Rowaç" Closed Joint Stock Company "Deňiz Sowda Floty", temporarily Acting Head of the Yacht Maintenance Department of the above joint stock company.
2020–2021 Captain-mentor of the security department marine navigation of the Closed Joint Stock Company «Deňiz söwda floty» agency «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary».
2021–2023 Chief specialist, head of technical department of the «Deňiz söwda floty» closed joint stock company «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» agency.
2023-present Head of shipbuilding and ship repair complex of the «Balkan gämi gurluşyk we abatlaýyş zawody» Open Joint Stock Company.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for working with local representative authorities and self-governnance bodies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Türkmenbaşy şäheriniň merkezi ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
6 July 1984 Balkanabat district, Balkan province.
Nationality Turkmen
1991–2000 Secondary school №16 named after Rejep Toyjanov city of Balkanabat.
2004–2009 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, graduated with a degree in jurisprudence.
Professional Experience:
2002–2004 Secretary of the city court of the city of Balkanabat of Balkan province.
2009–2010, Intern as an assistant prosecutor and assistant prosecutor of the Magtymguly district, Balkan province.
2010–2011, Senior prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of the legality of court decisions in civil cases of the Balkan province.
2011–2012, Acting senior assistant for personnel of the prosecutor of the Balkan province.
2012–2013, Senior prosecutor of the General Investigation Department complaints and reception of citizens of the prosecutor's office of the Balkan province.
2013–2014 – Assistant prosecutor of the city of Balkanabat.
2014–2018 Acting senior assistant Prosecutor, Senior Assistant Prosecutor of the Department of Organizational Works and Supervision on execution and investigation of the prosecutor's office of the Balkan province.
2018-present Member of the Committee for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI and VII convocations.
Family status: Married.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Balkanabat şäheriniň 88, 89, 94, 97, 99, 102, 102a, 103, 103a, 104, 105, 106, 106a, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 113a, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125a, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 133a, 136, 136a, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 141a, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 168, 184, 185, 189, 190, 191, 192, 204, 205, 205a, 205b, 206, 206a, 207, 224-nji ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny we Gurluşykçylar, Mollanepes, Mätäji, Balkan, Ärsarybaba, Kemine, Gubkin köçelerindäki, Garaşsyzlyk şaýolundaky, Baleýşem demir ýol bekedindäki ähli ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
7 June 1964 Bagtyyarlik district, Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
1971–1981 Secondary school №9 in a residential area Yasmansalyk.
1981–1987 Turkmen State Medical University named after Myrat Garryev and graduated as a surgeon.
1991–1994 Graduate school at the Department of Surgery of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev and received scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences.
Professional Experience:
1987–1988 Intern in the «Tiz kömek» surgical department of the Emergency Center assistance in Ashgabat city.
1988–1991 Surgeon in the hospital of the Buzmeyin district city of Ashgabat.
1994–2005 Assistant teacher at the Department of Surgery State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev.
2002–2005 Dean of the faculty of pediatrics at university. Director of the «Tenekär» pharmaceutical plant for production infusion drugs.
2005–2007 Director of the Türkmendermansenagat association. Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.
2007–2010 Minister of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.
2010 Worker at international relations department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
2010–2012 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Republic of Armenia.
2012–2016 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Republic of Turkey, simultaneously
2013, Emergency and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Israel.
2016–2018 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Kingdom of Belgium, at the same time – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Turkmenistan in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in the Duchy of Luxembourg; chapter representation of Turkmenistan in the Anti-Proliferation Organization chemical weapons in The Hague.
2017 - Head of the representative office Turkmenistan in the European Union.
2018, Deputy chairperson of the Democratic party of Turkmenistan. 2018, Chairperson of the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI, VII convocations.
2023, Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on international and inter-parliamentary relations.
Awarded with 2 state and 3 jubilee medals.
Family status: Married, has five children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Arkadag şäheriniň we Gökdepe etrabynyň Şorgala, Köpetdag, Kelejar, Akgoňur, Gorjaw, Babarap geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Ak bugdaý etrabynyň Gämi geňeşliginiň çäklerini öz içine alýar
Birth date and place:
12 September 1985 Baherden district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1992–2001 Secondary school №2 named after Kh. Charyev Baherdensky district of Ahal province.
2001–2005 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, graduated with a degree in biology, biology teacher.
Professional Experience:
2005–2015 Biology teacher at secondary school №2 of Baherdensky district of Ahal province.
2015–2019, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of Secondary School №30 with in-depth study of foreign languages in the Baherden district Ahal province.
2019–2021, Director of secondary school №2 of the Baherden district Ahal province.
2021–2023 Member of the Khalk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.
2023 Director of secondary school №2 of Baherdensky district of Ahal province.
2023, Director of the Bagt Koshgi of the city administration of the Arkadag city.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Bäherden etrabynyň Arçman şäherçesiniň, Bamy, Börme, Saýwan, Garawul, Nohur, Mürçe, Sünçe, Kirpili, Durun geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
28 August 1986 Sarahs district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1993–1998 Secondary school №9 in Sarahs district of Ahal
1998–2003 Turkmen-Turkish school in the city of Tejen district.
2003–2006 Specialized Banking School named after A. Niyazov in the city of Ashgabat, graduated with a diploma with honors in his specialty accounting and auditing.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Military service.
2008–2009 specialist in electronic payments in Sarakhs district branch of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank «Senagat».
2009–2011 Accountant in the accounting department and posting of banking transactions, deputy chief accountant of Sarakhssky district branch of the State Commercial Bank «Daýhanbank» Ahal province.
2011–2016 Turkmen State Institute of Finance. He graduated with honors with a degree in economics.
2016–2017, Head of the accounting and reporting department, chief accountant of the Sarahs district branch of the State
commercial bank «Daýhanbank» of Ahal province.
2017–2018 Interim manager Sarahs district branch of the State Commercial Bank «Daýhanbank» of Ahal province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI and VII convocations.
2022–2023, Deputy Chairperson of the Mejlis Committee Turkmenistan on economic issues.
2023-present Member of the Committee for economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Sarahs etrabynyň Sarahs şäheriniň, Aşgabat, Ýalawaç, Hanýap, Alam, Galkynyş geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
25 June 1970 Sarahs district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1977–1987 Secondary school №1 in Tejen district of the Ahal province.
1987–1993 State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev majoring in medicine neurologist.
Professional Experience:
1993–1994 Resident at the Institute of Scientific Clinical prevention of nervous diseases in Ashgabat city.
1994–1997 Neurologist and a doctor in the hospital’s adolescent office of Sarahs district of Ahal province.
1997–2000 Family doctor in a hospital in Sarahs district of Ahal province.
2000–2002 Head of the hospital’s Narcology department of the
Sarahs district of Ahal province.
2002–2003 Director of «Pagta-baza» branch of Sarahs district hospital of Ahal province.
2003-2007 Psychiatrist at a hospital in the Sarahs district Ahal province.
2007-present Head of the Therapeutic department of hospitals in Sarahs district of Ahal province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Tejen etrabynyň Altyn asyr şäheriniň, Döwletli, Waharman, Gurban Durdy geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Sarahs etrabynyň Gaňňaly şäherçesiniň, Ata, Kiçiaga, Bagtyýarlyk, Parahatçylyk, Balykçylyk geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
1 January 1976 Tejen district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1983–1993 Secondary school №6 in Tejen district of the Ahal province.
1995–1999 Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi majoring in teaching Russian language.
Professional Experience:
1998–1999 Teacher of Russian language and literature at secondary school №38 in Tejen district of Ahal province.
2001-2009, Teacher of Russian language and literature at the 17th secondary school in Tejen district of Ahal province.
2009-2011, Deputy principal of the secondary school for academic affairs of the 17th secondary school in Tejen district of Ahal province, and teacher of Russian language and literature.
2011-2016, Teacher of Russian language and literature at the 6th secondary school in Tejen district of Ahal province.
2016-present, Deputy Director for educational affairs of the 6th secondary school of Tejen district of Ahal province.
2023, Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs party of Turkmenistan.
Babadaýhan etrabynyň Babadaýhan şäheriniň, Garawekil, Zähmet, Täzeýol geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
11 April 1967 Tejen district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1974–1984 Secondary school №5 in Tejen district of the Ahal province.
1984-1989 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in teacher of the mathematics.
Professional Experience:
1989-1999 Mathematics teacher at secondary school №24 in Tejen district of Ahal province.
1999-2018 Mathematics teacher at secondary school №5 in Tejen district.
2018-present Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of secondary school №5 in Tejen district.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for science, education, culture and youth policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan
Family status:
Married, has one child.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Tejen etrabynyň Göniamaşa, Babadaýhan, Zaman geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Babadaýhan etrabynyň Akwekil, Hasyl, Ýarygökje geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
19 March 1993 Tejen district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
2000–2004 Secondary school №18 in Tejen district of the Ahal province.
2004-2010 Secondary school №18 named after Garaja Burunov in Tejen District.
Professional Experience:
2011-2013 Military service
2013–2018 Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov majoring in training engineers-teachers in agriculture.
2018–2020 Accountant-collector of acts, technician, Chief specialist on human resources at a technical service company in
Tejen district of Ahal province.
2020–2022 Head of the department for organizational and political work of the Committee of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan of Ahal province.
2022-2023 Deputy chairperson of the Committee for Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan in Ahal province.
2023-Chairperson of the Committee of the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan of Arkadag city.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for environmental protection, natural resources using and agroindustry complex of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Tejen etrabynyň Bagtyýarlyk şäherçesiniň we Adalat, Agalaň, Bitaraplyk, Berdi Kerbabaýew adyndaky, Garryçyrla, Täzeoba geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Babadaýhan etrabynyň Ak altyn geňeşliginiň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
3 July 1987 Tejen district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1994–2003 Secondary school №37 in Tejen district of the Ahal province.
2006-2011 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in teacher of English language.
Professional Experience:
2011-2018 English teacher at secondary school №5 in Ak Bugday district of Ahal province.
2018–2020 Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of Secondary
School №5 in Ak Bugday district of Ahal province.
2020–2021 Deputy Director for Academic Affairs specialized in learning of foreign languages school №28 in Ak Bugday district of Ahal province.
2021–2023 Member of the Committee for International Affairs of the Halk Maslahaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.
2023 English teacher at specialized in learning of foreign languages school №28 in Ak Bugday district of Ahal province.
2023-present Member of the Committee for International and Interparliamentary communications of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Awarded with state medal.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Tejen etrabynyň Tejen şäheriniň magistral demir ýolunyň günorta tarapyny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
2 April 1967 Kaka district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1974–1984 Secondary school №11 in Kaka district of the Ahal province.
1984-1989 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in teacher of the mathematics.
Professional Experience:
1989-2021 Mathematics teacher at secondary school №20 in Kaka district of Ahal province.
2021-present Director of secondary school №21 specialized in exact sciences of the Kaka district of the Ahal province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation s a member of the Committee for legislation and its norms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Kaka etrabynyň Duşak şäherçesiniň magistral demir ýolunyň günorta tarapyny hem-de Tejen etrabynyň Tejen şäheriniň magistral demir ýolunyň demirgazyk tarapyny we Tejen etrabynyň Garaşsyzlyk, Birleşik geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
16 January 1975 Kaka district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1981–1991 Secondary school №16 in Kaka district of the Ahal province.
1991-1995 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in history and teacher of the history.
Professional Experience:
1995-1997 History teacher at secondary school №11 in Kaka district of Ahal province.
1997–2003 History teacher at a specialized with physical and mathematical boarding school in Kaka district of the Ahal province.
2003–2004 Deputy director at a specialized with physical and mathematical boarding school in Kaka district of the Ahal province.
2004–2009 Various positions at the «Abiwerd» State Historical
Cultural reserve.
2009-present Deputy director at the «Abiwerd» State Historical Cultural reserve.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of Committee for science, education, culture and youth policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Kaka etrabynyň Kaka şäheriniň, Arapgala, Garahan, Harçiňňan, Çäçe, Mäne geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini hem-de Duşak şäherçesiniň magistral demir ýolunyň demirgazyk tarapyny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
17 March 1961 Akbugday district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1969–1979 Secondary school №119 in Ashgabat city.
1979-1984 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in philology and teacher of the Turkmen language and literature.
Professional Experience:
1984–1993 Teacher of Turkmen language and literature in secondary school №17 in Ak Bugday district of Ahal province.
1993-present Director of secondary school №17 in Ak Bugday district of Ahal province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the IV, V, VI, and VII convocations and the member of the Committee for working with local representative authorities and self-governance bodies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Awarded with 2 state and 1 jubilee medals.
2006 Member of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Ak Bugday district.
Family status: Married, has six children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Ak bugdaý etrabynyň Ýaşlyk şäherçesiniň, Burunojar, Sähra, Bereket, Ýaşyldepe geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Kaka etrabynyň Artyk, Gowşut, Gozgan, Kürengala, Mehinli geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
18 December 1975 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
1983–1993 Secondary school №14 in Ashgabat city.
1993–1997 Turkmen State Institute of Economics and management majoring in economics.
Professional Experience:
1997–2001 Specialist in the cargo insurance department and motor transport, deputy head of the personal and insurance department property insurance of the «TIS» Insurance Joint Stock Company.
2001–2005 State inspector in the department of Methodology and Inspections of the Main State Tax Service of Turkmenistan, a state tax inspector of the Economic Analysis Department, chief state inspector of the Tax System Improvement Department, and assistant to the head of the Main State Tax Service of Turkmenistan.
2005–2008 Assistant of the Minister of Economy and Finance of Turkmenistan, Assistant of the Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, assistant of Hakim of Ahal province.
2008–2010 Chief specialist in the financing expenses department of the social sphere of the consolidated budget department of the Main Directorate of Finance and Economy of Ahal province, head of the department for consolidated analysis of financial reporting of the Main Department of Finance of Ahal province.
2010–2014 Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Finance and Economics of Ahal province.
2014–2015 Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Finance and the Economy of Ashgabat city.
2015–2018 Head of the Main Directorate of Finance and Economics Ahal province.
2018-2021 Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2021-present Chairperson of the Committee for social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan. Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII and VII convocations.
Awarded with «Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 30 ýyllygyna» jubilee medal.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Ak bugdaý etrabynyň Änew şäheriniň, Bereketli zaman şäherçesiniň, Garagum we Magtymguly adyndaky geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
27 March 1993 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
2000–2001 Secondary school №18 in Ashgabat city.
2001–2007 Secondary school №20 in Chardzhev district of Lebap province.
2007–2010 Secondary school №42 in Ashgabat city.
2010–2014 National University of Food Technologies majoring in marketing in Ukraine.
2021 Courses in the specialty of «Public Administration» at the Academy of State Service under the President of Turkmenistan.
Professional Experience:
2015–2017 Engaged in entrepreneurial activities.
2017–2018 Sales manager at the «Ýagty ömür» enterprise
public association.
2022-present Deputy Chairperson of the Committee of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan in Ahal province (based on public initiatives); Deputy Director of Trade Relations at «Durnukly söwda» Private Enterprise.
2022 Winner of a scientific work competition among young scientists
and students.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Family status: Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs party of Turkmenistan.
Gökdepe etrabynyň Owadandepe, Derweze geňeşlikleriniň hem-de Ak bugdaý etrabynyň Berkarar, Bokurdak şäherçeleriniň we Bugdaýly, Öňaldy, Parahat, Täzedurmuş, Bereketli geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
21 August 1980 Gokdepe district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1987–1994 Secondary school №9 in Gokdepe district of Ahal province.
1994-1998 Specialized school №97 in Buzmeyin district of Ashgabat city
1998-2004 Dokuz Eylul University majoring in management in Izmir city of Türkiye.
Professional Experience:
2004–2005 Production engineer at the «Gap-Türkmen» Joint Stock Company of the Turkmenbashi jeans complex.
2005–2006 Military service.
2007–2008 Head of the procurement at a specialized school №87 in Ashgabat city.
2008 Research fellow at the Institute of State, Rights and Democracy of Turkmenistan.
2010–2011 Specialist in the management department of «Lotus-Enerji».
2011–2015 Teacher at the Management Department of the Turkmen State University of Economics and Management.
2015–2017 Teacher in the Department of International Economics at International University for Humanities and Development.
2017–2018 Teacher in the Department of Management at the International University for Humanities and Development.
2018–2024 Member of the Committee for International and Interparliamentary communications of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2024-present Acting chairperson of Committee for International and Interparliamentary communications of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI and VII convocations.
Family status: Married, has one child
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan
Gökdepe etrabynyň Yzgant şäherçesiniň hem-de Türkmenistan, Tagan Baýramdurdyýew adyndaky, Ahal, Täze eýýam, Hurmantgökje geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
5 May 1974 Gokdepe district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1981–1991 Secondary school №3 in Gokdepe district of Ahal province.
1991–1995 Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov majoring in accounting and analysis economic activity.
Professional Experience:
1995–1998 Chief economist of the farmers' association Hurmant-Gokje in Gokdepe district of Ahal province.
1998–2004 State tax inspector of the department control of the State Tax Service for the Gokdepe district of Ahal province.
2004–2005 Cashier in a branch of the «Daýhanbank» State Commercial bank in Gokdepe district.
2005–2010 specialist, temporary Head of the Statistics Department of the Gokdepe district.
2010–2012 Head of the Statistics department of the Gokdepe district.
2012–2013 Specialist of category I in the Department of Economics and Consumption of the Hakimlik of Ak Bugday district, Ahal province.
2023-present Member of the Committee for working with local authorities and local self-governance bodies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the IV, V, and VII convocations.
Awarded with jubilee medal.
Family status: Married, has four children
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Gökdepe etrabynyň Gökdepe şäheriniň we S.A.Nyýazow adyndaky, Ýaňgala geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
26 November 1981 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
1989–1995 Secondary school №1 in Ruhabat district of Ahal province.
1995–1999 State boarding school for special gifted children named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi in Ashgabat city.
1999–2003 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in mathematician and mathematics teacher.
Professional Experience:
2003–2010 Mathematics and computer science teacher in a secondary school №125 in Ashgabat city.
2010–2011 Mathematics and computer science teacher in a secondary school №126 in Ashgabat city.
2011–2012 Chairperson of the Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly of the former Rukhabat district of Ahal province.
2012–2013 Deputy chairperson, Chairperson of the Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly in Ahal province.
2013–2018 Head of the personnel coordination department, gengeshlik and institutions of the Hakimlik of Ahal province.
2018 Manager of the Ahal Hakimlik province.
2018-present Chairperson of the Committee for working with Local representative authorities and self-governance bodies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Awarded with 3 jubilee medals
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI and VII convocations.
Family status: Married, has four children
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Bäherden etrabynyň Bäherden şäheriniň we Garagan, Akdepe, Döwgala, Ýarajy geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
21 October 1985 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
1992–2002 Secondary school №47 in Ashgabat city.
2008-2013 Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications majoring in mechanical engineer.
Professional Experience:
2002-2003 Archivist in Polyclinic №9 in Ashgabat city;
2003-2004 Cleaner in Polyclinic №9 in Ashgabat city.
2004-2005 Seamstress at the garment factory of the Turkmenbashi textile complex in Ashgabat city.
2005-2008 Telegrapher in the telegraph workshop of the Turkmen telecom telecommunications company in Ashgabat city.
2008–2013 Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications majoring in mechanical engineer.
2013-2020 Engineer-technologist in the technical and production department of the Ashgabat cargo-passenger wagon depot.
2020-2023 Engineer-technologist at the 3rd branch of the «Demirýollary» open joint-stock company.
Deputy Mejlis Turkmen VII convocation.
2023-present Member of the Committee for working with the bodies of local authorities and self-governance bodies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Büzmeýin etrabynyň «Bagyr» ýaşaýyş toplumynyň A.Jallyýew köçesiniň gündogar tarapyny, «Ýanbaş», «Bekrewe», «Görogly» ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny, A.Kekilow adyndaky mugallymçylyk mekdebini, Köpetdag etrabynyň Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýoly bilen Arçabil şaýolunyň kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Arçabil şaýolunyň ugry bilen Garaşsyzlyk şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Garaşsyzlyk şaýolunyň ugry bilen Serhowuzly seýilgähe çenli, şol ýerden Serhowuzly seýilgähiň ugry bilen Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýolunyň ugry bilen 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýolunyň gün- batar tarapyndaky ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alyp, Arçabil şaýoluna çenli çäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
6 April 1996 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
2004–2015 Specialized secondary music boarding school in Ashgabat city.
2015–2019 Baranovichi State University of Belarus Republic, majoring in jurisprudence.
Professional Experience:
2020–2021 Category I specialist in the mechanical department
capacity of the «Saglyk» pharmaceutical enterprise association «Türkmendermansenagat» of the Ministry of Health and Medical
industry of Turkmenistan.
2021-2023 Chief specialist of the registration department of medical products and disinfectants Registration Center medicines and state control of their quality under the Ministry of healthcare and medical industry of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for legislation and norms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has two children
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Büzmeýin etrabynyň «Bagyr» ýaşaýyş toplumynyň A.Jallyýew köçesiniň günbatar tarapyny, «Herrikgala», «Gökje», «Ýalkym» we «Gurtly» ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
22 September 1994 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
2001-2011 Secondary school named after S.A.Niyazov №20 in Ashgabat city.
2011–2016 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in teacher mathematics.
Professional Experience:
2016–2022 Mathematics teacher at secondary school №9, as a deputy Director of educational work in primary school №24 in Ashgabat city.
2022-present Director at specialized secondary school №30 in Ashgabat.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for science, education, culture and youth policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Büzmeýin etrabynyň «Büzmeýin», «Jülge» ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny, ýöriteleşdirilen harby mekdebini, harby bölümleri, Türkmenistanyň Inžener-tehniki we ulag kommunikasiýalary institutyny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
18 July 1970 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
1977-1987 Secondary school №3 in Ashgabat city.
1992–1995 Turkmen Agricultural University named after
S.A. Niyazov majoring in mechanical engineer.
Professional Experience:
1988–1990 Military service.
1991–1997 Tenant in the Yasmansalyk residential complex in Bagtyyarlyk district of the Ashgabat city.
1997–2010 Compressor equipment adjuster at Building Materials Plant in Buzmeyin city.
2012–2013 Operator of the «Dürli ýaz» individual enterprise
2014–2016 Teacher at the Department of Irrigation Technologies
Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.
2016–2017 Teacher at the «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» agency Polytechnic Secondary vocational school.
2017-present Teacher at the Department of Construction of the Institute of Technical Engineering and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for working with local representative authorities and self-governance bodies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has five children
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň «Garadaşaýak», «Parahat», «Ýasmansalyk» ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
5 June 1982 Gokdepe district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1989-1998, Secondary school №2 in Gokdepe district.
2001–2005, Turkmen Agricultural University named after
S.A. Niyazov majoring in agronomist.
Professional Experience:
1998–2001, Farmer on rented land for a vineyard in village of Yangala.
2005–2006, Military service.
2006–2008, Specialist in the State Plant Quarantine Service in Baherden district of Ahal province.
2008–2009, Senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Horticulture and green-growing of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov,
2009–2011,Teacher at the department of the Sericulture and Plant protection at the same time, worked as the head of the first youth organization named after Magtymguly of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov.
2011–2016, Chairperson of the trade union organization of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.
2016–2018, Specialist of the educational department of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.
2017, Received the academic degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.
2018-2023, Chairperson of the Committee for Environmental Protection environment, environmental management and agro-industrial complex of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2023-present Member of the Committee for Security environment, natural resource management and agro-industrial complex of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the V, VI, and VII convocations.
Awarded with 2 jubilee medals.
Family status: Married, has three children
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň Gurbansoltan eje şaýolunyň Köşi köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, şol ýerden günorta tarapa, Köşi köçesiniň günbatar tarapyndaky ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny içine alyp, Görogly köçesinden gündogar tarapa ugur alyp, A.Kekilow köçesinden demirgazyk tarapa çykyp, R.Bäşimow köçesinden Bilim köçesine çenli we şol ýerden S.Kakabaýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluna çenli çäkleri we Ruhabat ýaşaýyş toplumyny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
3 February 1990, Baherden district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
1996-2005, Secondary school №2 in Baherden district.
2005–2007, Ashgabat Medical School named after I. Gandhi.
Professional Experience:
2007–2010, Dental technician at the Multidisciplinary Hospital in Ahal province.
2010, Nurse in the paraffin therapy room in «Arçman» therapeutic department of the sanatorium in the Baherden district of Ahal province.
2010–2016, State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev majoring in family doctor.
2016–2017, Intern at a centralized reception center at the Department of the Treatment and Consultative Center of Turkmenistan named after S.A. Niyazov.
2017-present Family doctor at polyclinic №5 in Ashgabat.
2023-present Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee for Social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status: Married, has three children.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň Görogly köçesiniň A.Nyýazow şaýoly bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, A.Nyýazow şaýolundan demirgazyga Hoja Ahmet Ýasawy köçesine çenli we şol çatrykdan günbatar tarapdaky ýaşaýyş jaýlarynyň ugry bilen Özgeriş köçesine çenli, şol köçeden Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluny kesip, S.Kakabaýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Bilim köçesine geçip, şol ýerden Rejep Bäşimow köçesinden günbatar tarapa çykyp, A.Kekilow köçesiniň ugry bilen, Görogly köçesiniň demirgazyk-gündogar tarapy bilen A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli çäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
15 June 1986 Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
1993-2002 Secondary school №32 in Ashgabat.
2002–2006 Turkmen State Architectural Construction Institute majoring in chemical engineer and technologist.
Professional Experience:
2006–2007 Laboratory assistant in the oil, gas and gas condensate department «Gün» Research and Production Association of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan.
2007–2009 Engineer in the oil and gas department of the «Türkmenhimiýa» Institute of Chemistry State concern.
2009–2010 Engineer of the 2nd category at an oil and gas laboratory Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.
2010–2017 Junior researcher at the Oil and Gas Laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, a junior researcher at the Oil and Gas Chemistry Laboratory of Organic Synthesis, and a junior researcher at the Department of Technology and Technical Documentation of Chemical Industries..
2017–2021 Senior scientific employee of the department of chemical production technology and technical documents of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.
2021–2023 Member of the Committee for Regional Development, Protection environment and agro-industrial policy Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh Turkmenistan.
2022 received an academic degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences.
2023-present Senior researcher at the chemistry laboratory and technology of natural, hydro-mineral raw materials of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy Sciences of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Family status: Married, has three children
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň Magtymguly şaýolunyň A.Nyýazow şaýoly bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Magtymguly şaýolunyň ugry bilen Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Berkararlyk etrabynyň Magtymguly şaýolunyň ugry bilen Türkmenbaşy şaýoluna çenli, Türkmenbaşy şaýolunyň ugry bilen Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden demirgazyk tarapa demir ýoluny kesip geçip, Tahyr köçesine çenli, Tahyr koçesiniň ugry bilen S.Ataýewa köçesine çenli, S.Ataýewa köçesiniň ugry bilen G.Bäşiýew köçesine çenli, G.Bäşiýew köçesiniň ugry bilen G.Gulyýew köçesine çenli, G.Gulyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň Berkararlyk etraby bilen kesişýän araçägine çenli, şol ýerden demirgazyk tarapa Garagum derýasyny kesip geçip, Altynsuw köçesine çenli, şol ýerden zeýkeşiň ugry bilen Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň «Çoganly» ýaşaýyş toplumynyň 1-nji Watan geçelgesine çenli, «Çoganly» ýaşaýyş toplumynyň 1-nji Watan geçelgesiniň ugry bilen Dostluk köçesine çenli, Dostluk köçesiniň ugry bilen zeýkeşi kesip geçip, Dostluk geçelgesine çenli, Dostluk geçelgesiniň ugry bilen O.Annaýew köçesine çenli, şol ýerden demirgazyk-günbatara tarap ugur alyp, K.Gurbannepesow köçesine çenli, K.Gurbannepesow köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, A.Nyýazow şaýolunyň ugry bilen Hoja Ahmet Ýasawy köçesine çenli, Hoja Ahmet Ýasawy köçesiniň ugry bilen Aşgabat Halkara howa menziliniň çäk serhedine çenli, şol ýerden Aşgabat Halkara howa menziliniň çäk serhediniň ugry bilen günbatar tarapa Öz- geriş köçesine çenli, Özgeriş köçesiniň ugry bilen demir ýoly kesip geçip, Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluna çenli, Gurbansoltan eje şaýolunyň ugry bilen A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, A.Nyýazow şaýolunyň ugry bilen Magtymguly şaýoluna çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
21 February 1989, Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen
1996-2005, Secondary school №40 in Ashgabat.
2007–2012, Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management majoring in monitoring specialist market.
Professional Experience:
2005–2007, Salesman at the « Altyn Asyr» shopping center.
2012–2013, Military service.
2013–2015, Freight forwarder in the economy of the central logistics technical support of the State Association of Food Industry of Turkmenistan.
2015, Party organizer of the former Rukhabat district committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat, then party organizer of the Ashgabat city committee of the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
2015–2016, Chief specialist in the general department of the Ashgabat city Committee of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.
2016–2018, Head of the department of organizational and political activities of the Ashgabat City Committee of the Party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.
2018-present Member of the Committee for working local representative authorities and self-governance bodies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI and VII convocations.
Awarded with «Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin» state medal
Family status: Married, has three children
Nominated by the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs party of Turkmenistan.
Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýoly bilen 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçe- siniň kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýolunyň 111-nji, 113-nji ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alyp, Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýolunyň ugry bilen A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden A.Nyýazow şaýolunyň ugry bilen Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluna çenli, Gurbansoltan eje şaýolunyň ugry bilen A.Annaýew köçesine çenli, A.Annaýew köçesiniň ugry bilen G.Durdy köçesine çenli, G.Durdy köçesiniň ugry bilen Bilim köçesine çenli, Bilim köçesiniň ugry bilen Magtymguly şaýoluna çenli, Magtymguly şaýolunyň ugry bilen A.Kekilow köçesine çenli, A.Kekilow köçesiniň ugry bilen Görogly köçesine çenli, Görogly köçesiniň ugry bilen Bekrewe köçesine çenli, Bekrewe köçesiniň ugry bilen Oguzhan köçesine çenli, Oguzhan köçesiniň ugry bilen Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýoluna çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
2 October 1990, Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen.
1997-2006, Secondary school №33 in Ashgabat.
2008–2013, Belarusian State University of the Republic of Belarus, majoring in Law.
Professional Experience:
2006–2007, Salesman at «Ashgabat» the State Trading Company of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan.
2013–2014, Military service.
2015–2018, Clerk, consultant of the legal assistance department, assistant of the minister, leading consultant of the legislative department of the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan.
2018–2023, Member of the committee for Legislation and norms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2023-present Chairperson of the Committee for Legislation and norms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI, VII convocations.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.
Köpetdag etrabynyň 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesiniň N.Andalyp köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Garlyýew köçesine çenli, şol ýerden A.Garlyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Arçabil şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Köpetdag etrabynyň günorta-gündogar çäginde ýerleşýän Türkmenistanyň Serhet institutyny we degişli serhet birikmesini öz içine alyp, Bekrewe köçesine çenli, Bekrewe köçesiniň ugry bilen Çandybil şaýoluna çenli, Çandybil şaýolunyň ugry bilen Atatürk köçesine çenli, Atatürk köçesiniň ugry bilen Arçabil şaýoluna çenli, Arçabil şaýolunyň ugry bilen S.Türkmenbaşy şaýoluna çenli, S.Türkmenbaşy şaýolunyň ugry bilen 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesine çenli, 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesiniň ugry bilen Türkmen döwlet ykdysadyýet we dolandyryş institutynyň umumy ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny, Atatürk köçesiniň 59, 61, 65, 69, 71-nji ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny we «Parahat-1» ýaşaýyş toplumynyň 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70-nji ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alyp, N.Andalyp köçesine çenli, şol ýerden N.Andalyp köçesiniň ugry bilen 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
12 September 1993, Akbugday district, Ahal province.
Nationality Turkmen
2000-2010, Secondary school №46 in Ashgabat.
2012–2016, Ivano-Frankovsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas of Ukraine majoring in oil and gas engineering.
Professional Experience:
2016–2018, Military service.
2019–2020, Junior researcher at the technology laboratory synthesis of new substances at the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.
2021-2023, Chief specialist in the quality control department
Medicines Center for Registration and State Quality Control
medicines under the Ministry of Health and Medical
industry of Turkmenistan.
2023-present Member of the Committee for social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Family status: Single
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.
Köpetdag etrabynyň A.Garlyýew köçesiniň Oguzhan köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Oguzhan köçesiniň ugry bilen 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesine çenli, şol ýerden 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesiniň ugry bilen N.Andalyp köçesine çenli, N.Andalyp köçesiniň ugry bilen Parahat 1 ýaşaýyş toplumynyň 1, 1a, 1b, 1w, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18a, 19, 20, 21, 21a, 21b, 22, 22a, 23, 24, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48-nji ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny hem-de Olimpiýa şäherçesiniň 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14-nji ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alyp, Oguzhan köçesine çenli, Oguzhan köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Garlyýew köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
17 October 1986, Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen.
1993-2002, Secondary school №52 in Ashgabat.
2008–2012, Belarusian-Russian University of the Republic of Belarus majoring in economics.
Professional Experience:
2004–2006, Military service.
2007–2008, Worker at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan.
2012–2013, Manager of the economic part of the general department of the Ministry of Finance
2013–2015, Head of the general department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Finance of Turkmenistan.
2015–2016, Specialist in the housing department communal finance department of investments and housing and communal services
financing of the Main Department of Finance of the city of Ashgabat of the Ministry Finance of Turkmenistan.
2016–2017, Head of the investment financing department
Department of Investments and Housing and Communal Finance of the Main Directorate Finance of the city of Ashgabat of the Ministry of Finance of Turkmenistan.
2017–2018, Chief specialist in the financing department investment department of investment financing and housing and communal services financing of the Main Department of Finance and Economics of the city of Ashgabat Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.
2018, Head of the property relations department and support for entrepreneurs of the Main Department of Finance and Economics of the city Ashgabat of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.
2018, Deputy head of the department property relations, support for entrepreneurs and privatization, Head of the Department of Property Relations and Entrepreneur Support Main Department of Finance and Economics of the city of Ashgabat Ministry of Finance and economy of Turkmenistan.
2018–2019, Head of the treasury department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Finance and Economy
2019–2020, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Finance and economy of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.
2020–2021, Head of the Buzmeyin district tax office of the Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance and Economy.
2021, Deputy Head of the Tax Department Department of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.
2021–2023, Chairperson of the Committee on Economics, Finance and Social policy of Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.
2023, Deputy Head of the Tax Department of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.
2023-present Chairperson of the Committee on economic issues of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Family status: Married, has three children
Nominated by the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan
Köpetdag etrabynyň 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesi bilen S.Türkmenbaşy şaýolunyň kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, S.Türkmenbaşy şaýolunyň ugry bilen Arçabil şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden Arçabil şaýolunyň ugry bilen Atatürk köçesine çenli, Atatürk köçesiniň ugry bilen Çandybil şaýoluna çenli, Çandybil şaýolunyň ugry bilen Bekrewe köçesine çenli, Bekrewe köçesiniň ugry bilen Arçabil şaýoluna çenli, Arçabil şaýolunyň ugry bilen Garaşsyzlyk şaýoluna çenli, Garaşsyzlyk şaýolunyň ugry bilen 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesine çenli, 10 ýyl Abadançylyk köçesiniň ugry bilen S.Türkmenbaşy şaýoluna çenli araçäkleri hem-de Türkmenistanyň daşary ýurt döwletlerindäki diplomatik wekilhanalaryny, konsullyk edaralaryny öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
14 January 1989, Ashgabat.
Nationality Turkmen.
1995-2004 Specialized Secondary school №27 in Ashgabat.
2007–2012 Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in Law.
Professional Experience:
2004-2006 - Tenant of the «Bagyr» farmers' association of former Bagyr village of Ahal province.
2006–2007 - Junior medical worker in the hospital of former Ruhabat district of Ahal province.
2012–2014 – Main legal adviser of the Center for Legal Information Division and Constitutional Legislation Division of the Legislation Department of the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan.
2014–2015 - Main legal adviser of the Staff and Performance Control Division of the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan.
2015–2016, Intern and Public Notary officer of State Notary Office of the Ashgabat city.
2016–2018 – Main legal adviser of the Staff and Performance Control Division of the Ministry of Justice, State registrar of the Berkararlyk district division of Ashgabat city Department of Agency for State Registration of Rights to real estate Property and Transactions under the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan and then, Senior State Registrar of State Registry Division of that Agency.
2018–2021 - Chief legal adviser of the Economic Legislation and State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts Division of Legislation Department of Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan.
2021–2023 Deputy Chairperson, Chairperson of the Committee for protection of human rights and freedom of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.
January – April 2023 - Senior legal advisor of Notary and Civil Registration Offices Division of Legal Aid Department of Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan.
2023-present - The Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan. Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Family status: Married, has two children
Nominated by the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
Köpetdag etrabynyň Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýolunyň Gorkut ata köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Bitarap Türkmenistan şaýolunyň ugry bilen A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, şol ýerden A.Nyýazow şaýolunyň ugry bilen Magtymguly şaýoluna çenli, Magtymguly şaýolunyň ugry bilen S.Türkmenbaşy şaýoluna çenli, S.Türkmenbaşy şaýolunyň ugry bilen Galkynyş köçesine çenli, Galkynyş köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Garlyýew köçesine çenli, A.Garlyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Nyýazow şaýoluna çenli, A.Nyýazow şaýolunyň ugry bilen, S.Türkmenbaşy şaýoluna çenli, S.Türkmenbaşy şaýolunyň 79, 83, 83/1, 83/2-nji jaýlaryny, Täjir köçesiniň 4/1, 4/2, 4/3, 4/4-nji jaýlaryny we Oguzhan köçesiniň 102/1, 102/2, 102/3, 106, 108-nji jaýlaryny öz içine alyp, Oguzhan köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Oguzhan köçesiniň ugry bilen Garaşsyzlyk şaýoluna çenli, Garaşsyzlyk şaýolunyň 34, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 46/1, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 63, 63/1, 65, 67, 67/1, 69, 69/1, 69/2, 71-nji ýaşaýyş jaýlaryny öz içine alyp, Serhowuzly seýilgähiň ugry bilen, Gorkut ata köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
27 October 1984, Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen.
1991-1996, Secondary school №7 in Ashgabat.
1996–2001, «Başkent» Turkmen-Turkish school in Ashgabat.
2002–2007, International Kazak-Turkish University named after
Hoja Ahmet Yasawi majoring in management.
Professional Experience:
2007–2008, Military service.
2011–2017, Assistant of General director for economic affairs, Deputy Director general for Economic Affairs, General Director of Economic Society «Halys».
2017-present, Chairperson of the Central Council of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the V, VI, VII convocations.
Awarded with two Jubilee medals.
Family status: Married, has four children.
Nominated by the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs party of Turkmenistan.
Berkararlyk etrabynyň Gündogar köçesiniň N.Halmämmedow köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Gündogar köçesiniň ugry bilen Oguzhan köçesine çenli, şol ýerden Oguzhan köçesiniň ugry bilen B.Annanow köçesine çenli, B.Annanow köçesiniň ugry bilen Arçabil şaýoluna çenli, Arçabil şaýolunyň ugry bilen A.Garlyýew köçesine çenli, A.Garlyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Oguzhan köçesine çenli, Oguzhan köçesiniň ugry bilen B.Annanow köçesine çenli, B.Annanow köçesiniň ugry bilen N.Halmämmedow köçesine çenli, N.Halmämmedow köçesiniň ugry bilen Gündogar köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.
Birth date and place:
3 December 1981, Ashgabat city.
Nationality Turkmen.
1988-1998, Secondary school №51 in Ashgabat.
1998–2002, Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly majoring in Law.
Professional Experience:
2002–2010, Secretary, head of department, chairperson of secretariat, head of unit, first category specialist of directorate of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan.
2010–2018, Expert-consultant on the legal issues of Expert Advisory Department of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
2018-present Member of the Committee for Legislation and Norms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VI, VII convocations.
Awarded with State award «Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin» medal.
Family status: Married, has three children
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.
Berkararlyk etrabynyň Gurbansoltan eje şaýolunyň Tahyrow köçesi bilen kesişýän çatrygyndan başlap, Tahyrow köçesiniň ugry bilen S.Ataýewa köçesine çenli, şol ýerden S.Ataýewa köçesiniň ugry bilen G.Bäşiýew köçesine çenli, G.Bäşiýew köçesiniň ugry bilen G.Gulyýew köçesine çenli, G.Gulyýew köçesiniň ugry bilen Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň araçägine çenli, şol ýerden Bagtyýarlyk etrabynyň araçäginiň ugry bilen Altynsuw köçesine çenli, şol ýerden «Garadamak» we «Şor» ýaşaýyş toplumlaryny öz içine alyp, Garagum derýasyna çenli, şol ýerden Garagum derýasyny kesip geçip, B.Annanow köçesine çenli, B.Annanow köçesiniň ugry bilen A.Gönübek köçesine çenli, A.Gönübek köçesiniň ugry bilen, Hoja Ahmet Ýasawy köçesine çenli, Hoja Ahmet Ýasawy köçesiniň ugry bilen demir ýoluny kesip geçip, Gurbansoltan eje şaýoluna çenli, Gurbansoltan eje şaýolunyň ugry bilen Tahyrow köçesine çenli araçäkleri öz içine alýar.