The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body
Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to consider a number of priority issues of state life.
The first floor was given to Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova who informed on the work carried out to further perfect national legislation. Proceeding from the tasks designated by the President of Turkmenistan development of new bills on legal insurance of priority spheres of life of state and society is carried out. Along with it, due measures are taken to make amendments and additions to operating acts according to the present requirements.
She also informed on organised industrial practice for students of the extension courses for state employees of the Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan.
Cooperation with foreign partners and international structures in issues of mutual interest is strengthened. In this connection, it was noted that local members of the parliament took part in the working meeting organised by the Representation of UNICEF in Turkmenistan, and in the national information-practical seminar «Current Issues of the Development and Implementation of International Humanitarian Law», devoted to the 75th anniversary of adoption of the Geneva Conventions.
Summing up the information and having marked that developed new laws should meet the requirements of time, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined importance of continuation of work in the given area.