The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body




Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system to consider a number of draft documents, as well as other priority issues of state activity.

The first to speak was Chairwoman of the Mejlis D. Gulmanova, who informed about the activities to ongoing provide legislative support for the objectives arising from the country’s socio-economic development programs.

The report included information that industrial and practical seminars were organized for students of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan to improve their qualifications.

Information also covered the work in progress to strengthen inter-parliamentary contacts and expand cooperation with international organizations. Thus, the meeting with the delegation led by the Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, discussed issues related to the exchange of experience in the field of lawmaking and further development of bilateral collaboration. Furthermore, a workshop of the working group was held with the participation of the head and experts of the Regional Programme of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) “Promoting Legal Statehood in Central Asia” to prepare a newly revised draft of the Civil Code of Turkmenistan.

Along with this, Mejlis deputies took participation in seminars on gender equality and drawing up a national report on the implementation of the provisions contained in the Convention on the Women’s Rights, organized by the relevant institutions of the country jointly with the US Agency for International Development and the UN Population Fund.

As was reported, the people’s representatives appear in the media to carry out explanatory work about the goals of the adopted legislative regulations and actively participate in events to promote the key directions of the state policy of the independent Homeland, and to publicize the progressive transformations ongoing in the country.

Summing up the information presented, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that Turkmenistan is carrying out fundamental reforms in the social and economic sectors, and the legislation is consistently updated. Improved laws provided a solid legal framework for further development of the state. In this regard, the head of state emphasized the need to continue effective activities in this area.