The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body
Committee for protection of human rights and freedoms
Köýtendag etrabynyň Köýtendag şäheriniň, Kelif, Garlyk, Gurşun magdan käni şäherçeleriniň, Garnas, Ters, Zarpçy, Megejik, Garrygala, Çärjew geňeşlikleriniň we Köýten geňeşliginiň Gyzylaý obasynyň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
7 January 1988, city of Ashgabat.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1995–2006 Secondary school №1 of Koytendag district, Lebap province, also in specialized secondary school №37 of Kerki district, Lebap province.
2009–2014 International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev and graduated with a degree in mining engineer.
Professional Experience:
2006–2008 Military service.
From May to July 2009 Specialist at the “Koytendag” grain receiving point of the “Dostluk” grain production enterprise in Lebap province.
2014–2016 first-class machinist of the team of drillers of the “Köýtendag geologiýa gözleg” party of the “Türkmen geologiýa gözleg” expedition of the “Türkmengeologiýa” corporation, as a first-level assistant to the machinist of the construction materials group.
2017–2018 Manager of the finished products warehouse at the “Koytendag” grain receiving point at the “Dostluk” grain production enterprise in Lebap province.
2019 Engineer-constructor of the mechanical workshop of the equipment repair and use workshop of the "Lebap" cement plant of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation.
Member of the Committee of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
Family status: Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.