The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body
Committee for legislation and norms
Türkmengala etrabynyň Zähmet şäherçesiniň, Täzedünýä, Täzeýol, Gatlaly, Seýitnazar Seýdi adyndaky we Zähmet geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
26 March 1992, Turkmengala district, Mary province.
Nationality: Turkmen.
1998–2008 Secondary school №8 of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2008–2012 International Turkmen-Turkish University, graduating with a degree in software for automated systems and computer technology.
Professional Experience:
2012–2013 Military service.
2013–2016 Technician in maintenance department No.12 “Mary welaýat agyzsuw” Association of Turkmengala district, Mary province.
2016–2017 Computer science teacher at secondary school №13 of Turkmengala district Mary province.
Since 2017, she has been working as a computer science teacher in secondary school №33 specialized in studying foreign languages in Turkmengala district of Mary province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of the Committee Mejlis of Turkmenistan on legislation and its norms.
Family status:
Married, has two children.
Nominated by the group of citizens.