The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body
Committee for international and inter-parliamentary communications
Akdepe etrabynyň Orazgeldi Ärsaryýew adyndaky şäherçesiniň, Agöýli, Pagtaçylyk geňeşlikleriniň, Altyn toprak geňeşliginiň Dörmen obasynyň, Sazanda, Täze zaman geňeşlikleriniň çäklerini öz içine alýar.
Date and place of birth:
6 November 1971 Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
Nationality Turkmen.
1978–1988 Secondary school №38 of the Kone-Urgench district Dashoguz province.
1988 Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi, and from where she was sent to the Cherkasy Pedagogical Institute of Ukraine and in 1993 graduated with a degree in Russian language and literature teacher in the national school.
Professional Experience:
1993–1998 Teacher of Russian language and literature in a secondary school. №38 of Kone-Urgench district, Dashoguz province.
1998–2001 Teacher-psychologist at secondary school №38 Koneurgench district, Dashoguz province.
2001-present Director of secondary school №38 of the Kone-Urgench district of Dashoguz province.
Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the VII convocation and the member of Committee on international and interparliamentary communications of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
Family status:
Married, has one child.
Nominated by the Democratic party of Turkmenistan.