The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body




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The President of Turkmenistan sent condolences to the King of Morocco

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent deep condolences to King Mohammed VI of Morocco in connection with the strong earthquake, which led to numerous casualties, injuries and large-scale destruction.

The head of state also expressed, on behalf of the people, the Government of Turkmenistan and on his own behalf, words of sincere empathy and support at this difficult moment for the families and friends of the victims, as well as wishes for a speedy recovery to the victims.


Türkmenistanyň Mejlisinde “Merkezi Aziýada hukuk döwlet gurluşyna ýardam bermek” maksatnamasynyň çäklerinde GIZ-iň wekilleriniň gatnaşmagynda Türkmenistanyň raýat kodeksiniň rejelenen görnüşini taýýarlamak boýunça iş toparynyň duşuşygy geçirildi.

Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň hem-de Hormatly Prezidentimiz Arkadagly Serdarymyzyň döredip berýän mümkinçilikleriniň netijesinde ýurdumyzda amala aşyrylýan giň möçberli, oňyn özgertmeleriň kanunçylyk binýadyny berkitmek boýunça degişli işler durmuşa geçirilýär. Milli kanunçylygymyzyň halkara hukugynyň umumy ykrar edilen kadalaryna laýyklykda kämilleşdirilmeginde halkara hyzmatdaşlyga hem uly ähmiýet berilýär. Bu ugurda indi birnäçe ýyldan bäri «Merkezi Aziýada hukuk döwlet gurluşyna ýardam» atly sebitleýin meýilnamanyň çäklerinde Germaniýanyň Halkara hyzmatdaşlyk jemgyýeti (GIZ) bilen milli kanunçylygymyzy kämilleşdirmek babatda işjeň hyzmatdaşlyk ýola goýuldy. 

Türkmenistanyň Mejlisinde bu gurama bilen hyzmatdaşlykda ýurdumyzyň dolandyryş edaralary tarapyndan administratiw namalaryň  kabul edilmegi, ýerine ýetirilmegi ýa-da ýatyrylmagy bilen bagly amala aşyrylýan işiň hukuk esaslaryny, ýörelgelerini we önümçilik düzgünlerini belleýän hem-de adam hukuklarynyň we azatlyklarynyň berjaý edilmeginiň, kanunyň hökmürowanlygynyň üpjün edilmegine gönükdirilen «Administratiw önümçilik hakynda» Türkmenistanyň Kanuny, bu Kanunyň kabul edilmegi bilen baglylykda, kazyýetlerde administratiw işlere seretmek boýunça işiň hukuk esaslaryny kesgitleýän Türkmenistanyň Administratiw iş ýörediş kodeksi,  şonuň ýaly-da «Notariat we notarial işi hakynda» Türkmenistanyň Kanuny kabul edildi.

Hormatly Prezidentimiziň 2023-nji ýylyň 6-njy aprelinde Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň ýedinji çagyrylyşynyň birinji maslahatynda eden çuň manyly, maksatnamalaýyn çykyşynda Raýat-hukuk gatnaşyklarynyň kanunçylyk binýadyny häzirki döwrüň talaplaryndan we oňyn halkara tejribesinden ugur alyp kämilleşdirmek barada beren tabşyrygyny ýerine ýetirmek maksady bilen, häzirki wagtda Türkmenistanyň Mejlisinde Raýat kodeksiniň täze beýanynyň taslamasyny taýýarlamak boýunça işler hem bu gurama bilen işjeň hyzmatdaşlykda alnyp barylýar. 

 2023-nji ýylyň 7-nji awgustynda Germaniýanyň Halkara hyzmatdaşlyk jemgyýetiniň wekilleriniň gatnaşmagynda Mejlisde deputatlardan, bilermenlerden we hünärmenlerden ybarat düzümde döredilen iş toparynyň nobatdaky maslahaty geçirildi. Maslahatyň dowamynda ýurdumyzyň ministrlikleri we pudaklaýyn dolandyryş edaralary tarapyndan bu Kodeksi kämilleşdirmek boýunça berlen tekliplere we belliklere, halkara tejribesine seljerme geçirildi. Şunda halkara tejribesine laýyklykda, bu Kodeksde halkara hususy hukugyň düzgünlerini beýan  etmäge, bazar gatnaşyklarynyň ösmegi, sanly ulgamyň giňden ornaşdyrylmagy bilen baglylykda gymmatly kagyzlar, şertnamalaryň täze görnüşleri babatda ýüze çykýan gatnaşyklaryň hukuk binýadynyň emele getirilmegine aýratyn ähmiýet berildi. Şonuň ýaly-da Raýat-hukuk gatnaşyklaryny düzgünleşdirmek çygrynda milli we halkara tejribesi barada iş toparynyň agzalary halkara bilermenleri bilen özara pikir alyşdylar. Milli kanunçylygymyzy kämilleşdirmek boýunça döredip berýän mümkinçilikleri we hemaýat-goldawlary üçin Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň, Hormatly Prezidentimiz Arkadagly Serdarymyzyň adyna alkyş sözlerini aýtdylar.


«Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň Döwletlilik taglymaty we Arkadagly Serdarymyzyň ýoly bilen, Öňe, öňe, diňe öňe, jan Watanym Türkmenistan» atly maslahat geçirildi.

Ýurdumyzda «Arkadag Serdarly bagtyýar ýaşlar» ýylynda eziz Watanymyzyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 32 ýyllyk baýramyna hem-de halk häkimiýetliliginiň ýokary wekilçilikli edarasynyň — Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň mejlisine taýýarlyk görülýän döwründe hormatly Prezidentimiziň parasatly baştutanlygynda Bilimler we talyp ýaşlar güni uly dabaralara beslendi. 

Güýz paslynyň baýramçylyk dabaralaryna beslenen ilkinji gününde Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň Arkadag şäheriniň Ruhyýet köşgünde geçiren umumy sapagy Mähriban Arkadagymyzyň täze taryhy döwürde ynsanperwer pikirleri, ýaşlara eden pent-sargytlary bilen ruhlanan ýurdumyzyň her bir raýatynyň kalbynda täze eýýamyň gazananlaryna hem-de ösüşiň we rowaçlygyň ýoly bilen ynamly gadam urýan Watanymyzyň nurana geljegine bolan buýsanç duýgusyny joşdurdy.

Çuňňur hormatlanylýan Milli Liderimiziň Arkadag şäheriniň Ruhyýet köşgünde geçiren umumy sapagynyň taryhy-syýasy ähmiýetini wagyz-nesihat etmek maksady bilen, Türkmenistanyň Mejlisinde 2023-nji ýylyň 6-njy sentýabrynda  «Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň Döwletlilik taglymaty we Arkadagly Serdarymyzyň ýoly bilen, Öňe, öňe, diňe öňe, jan Watanym Türkmenistan» atly maslahat geçirildi.

Maslahatyň işine Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň deputatlary, Aşgabat şäher halk maslahatynyň agzalary, Türkmenistanyň Adalat ministrliginiň, Türkmenistanda Saýlawlary we sala salşyklary geçirmek boýunça merkezi toparyň, Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň ýanyndaky Döwlet gullugy akademiýasynyň, Türkmenistanyň Döwlet, hukuk we demokratiýa institutynyň, köpçülikleýin habar beriş serişdeleriniň wekilleri, Magtymguly adyndaky Türkmen döwlet uniwersitetiniň, Berdimuhamet Annaýew adyndaky Arkadag şäher mugallymçylyk orta hünär okuw mekdebiniň mugallymlary gatnaşdylar.

Maslahatda Berkarar döwletiň täze eýýamynyň Galkynyşy döwründe Garaşsyzlygymyzyň we Bitaraplygymyzyň taryhy ähmiýeti, Hormatly Prezidentimiz Arkadagly Serdarymyzyň hem-de Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň parasatly baştutanlygynda Türkmenistanyň döwlet berkararlygynyň binýadyny has-da berkitmek, ýurdumyzyň halkara abraýyny ýokarlandyrmak we parahatçylyk söýüjilikli ynsanperwer döwlet syýasatyny dabaralandyrmak ugrunda alnyp barylýan tutumly işler barada çykyşlar diňlenildi. Maslahatda çykyş edenler döwleti dolandyrmakda, adalatly jemgyýeti gurmakda baý tejribesi bolan türkmen halkynyň Garaşsyzlyk ýyllarynda gazanan üstünliklerini, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň ýurdumyzyň syýasy-jemgyýetçilik durmuşyndaky uly ornuny, Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň binagärlik sungatyndan bina edilen, sebitiň göwher gaşyna öwrülen Arkadag şäheriniň hem-de onda bina edilen bilim ojaklarynyň ähmiýetini, ýaşlar üçin döredilýän mümkinçilikleri nygtadylar. 

Maslahatda Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň öz çykyşynda kyblasy Mälikguly Berdimuhamedowyň, käbesi Ogulabat Berdimuhamedowanyň biziň nusgalyk ýörelgämize öwrülen maşgala terbiýesi, öwüt-ündewleri, durmuş sapaklary, her bir ynsanyň döwlete hem-de bagtyýar geljege mynasyp adamlar bolup ýetişmegi üçin örän ähmiýetli bolan terbiýäniň on iki görnüşi barada aýdanlarynyň durmuş şamçyragy bolup ýalkym saçandygy bellenildi. 

Maslahata gatnaşyjylar Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gahryman Arkadagymyza, Hormatly Prezidentimiz Arkadagly Serdarymyza jemgyýetiň sazlaşykly ösüşini kesgitleýän milli gymmatlyklarymyzyň, halkymyzyň özboluşly ruhy ýörelgeleriniň ösdürilmegi, ýaşlaryň ruhy­ahlak, medeni aň­bilim, beden taýdan sazlaşykly ösmegi, döwrebap bilim­terbiýe almagy hem­de jemgyýetçilik durmuşyna işjeň gatnaşmagy üçin döredýän şertleri üçin tüýs ýürekden hoşallyk bildirdiler.

Türkmenistanyň Mejlisi



On September 6, 2023 the Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan  Dunyagozel Gulmanova  met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of New Zealand to Turkmenistan Ms. Sara Meri Uolş and accepted her credentials.

The Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan introduced the guest with the structure of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and its activities, as well as the activities implemented in the legislative sphere.

During the meeting, issues of the development  of parliamentary relations between the two countries were discussed in accordance with the neutral  policy of  Turkmenistan to develop equal and effective cooperation with all countries of the world.

Speaking about the prospects of cooperation between Turkmenistan and New Zealand, the ambassador marked his country's interest in strengthening bilateral relations in all areas. 

At the end of the conversation noted that supporting interstate cooperation through parliamentary diplomacy, developing cooperation relations between the two countries in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields will be beneficial for both sides.


The President of Turkmenistan received the head of the University of Tsukuba

On September 5, 2023, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the President of the Japanese University of Tsukuba Kyosuke Nagata.

At the beginning of the meeting, the guest conveyed warm greetings from the Emperor and the Prime Minister of Japan, who expressed the deep interest of the Japanese side in building up the traditional partnership with Turkmenistan.

The President of Turkmenistan, in turn, addressed his best wishes in response to the leadership of Japan.

As was especially emphasized, the interstate dialogue will continue to be traditionally based on many years of friendship, trust and mutual understanding. Strengthening the multifaceted and long-term strategic partnership with Japan remains one of the priorities of Turkmenistan's foreign policy.

In this regard, the head of state noted with satisfaction the high level of relations between the two countries and the productivity of established cooperation in political, trade, economic, humanitarian, etc.

The main topic of discussion was the wide prospects for deepening traditional Turkmen-Japanese ties in the field of science and education.

The President of Turkmenistan noted that Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the use of international experience and achievements in improving the education system, highlighting the effective nature of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Japan in this direction. This is confirmed by the education of Turkmen youth in Japan, the teaching of the Japanese language in a number of secondary and higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, and the established relations between representatives of science and education.

Noting the established fruitful cooperation between the University of Tsukuba and the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D.Azadi and the Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan named after Oguz Han, the head of state expressed confidence that this partnership plays an important role in the formation of a modern, well-developed and innovative young generation will continue to develop successfully.

Thanking the head of Turkmenistan for the comprehensive assistance to the development of a multifaceted dialogue between the two countries, the President of the University of Tsukuba, in turn, stressed that the long-term fruitful cooperation was laid by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In this context, it was noted that Arkadag is an Honorary Doctor of the University of Tsukuba and, along with large-scale state activities, has always paid and continues to pay great attention to research work, makes a great personal contribution to the development of Turkmen-Japanese relations.


The President of Turkmenistan opened a new complex of buildings of the Academy of Civil Service

On the Day of Knowledge and Students in Ashgabat, with the participation of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, another festive architectural premiere took place. The head of state took part in the opening ceremony of a new complex of buildings of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan.

To the applause of the audience, the President of Turkmenistan cut the festive ribbon, opening a new facility. The head of state got acquainted with the Academy complex, where all conditions have been created for the training of senior managers and civil servants, their professional development in accordance with the requirements of the time.

In the structure of the Academy, which is an educational institution for advanced postgraduate education, there are two faculties: public administration and advanced training. There are 7 departments here: state and international law, civil law, economics and finance, management, digital economy and information technology, social sciences, foreign languages. In a number of areas, training in the magistracy is carried out.

It is noteworthy that this year, this Academy, established in accordance with the relevant Decree of the head of state, is celebrating its 15th anniversary. The effective work of employees of state bodies and bodies of local executive power and self-government is an important condition for the progressive socio-economic development of the Motherland, its active integration into the modern system of world economic relations. To this end, the Academy has been given serious and responsible tasks to train, retrain and improve the skills of specialists who are called upon to make a worthy contribution to the prosperity and further progress of our country.


The head of Turkmenistan took part in the opening of educational institutions in the city of Arkadag

The relay race of festive celebrations dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth continued in the city of Arkadag. Here, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of a number of educational institutions of the country's first «smart» city.

The head of state was the first to open the Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy, established on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

To the applause of the audience, the President of Turkmenistan cut the symbolic ribbon and got acquainted with the new university, designed to become a «forge» of highly qualified personnel for the horse breeding industry, the development of which is given special attention in our country.

The head of state also took part in the opening of the Pedagogical Secondary Vocational School named after Berdimuhamet Annayev and the Medical Secondary Vocational School named after Sachly Dursunova.

Modernization of education and science as the basis of the spiritual, social, economic and cultural progress of society is a priority direction for the development of Turkmenistan. The scientific and educational sphere is the subject of purposeful and systematic activity aimed at meeting the needs of the individual, society, and the state in the upbringing and education of the younger generation. For this, consistent steps are being taken to provide all possible support to young people, to develop and realize their potential, and to improve the legislative framework in this area. Therefore, the material and technical base of the system of education and science is being purposefully strengthened in our country. To this end, educational institutions equipped with the latest computers, educational and technical equipment, and multimedia technologies are being built everywhere.

Also on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, opening ceremonies were held in other educational institutions of the city of Arkadag.


The President of Turkmenistan took part in the laying of a new building for the Turkmen Institute of Architecture and Construction

On the 1st of September, on the Day of Knowledge and Students, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the laying of a complex of buildings of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction.

The laying ceremony was attended by leaders and representatives of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the government of the country, diplomatic missions accredited in Ashgabat, public organizations, honourary elders and student youth.

All-round strengthening of the material and technical base of higher educational institutions, which are modern educational and scientific centers of the country, the forges of the new intellectual elite of the nation, is an important direction of the scientific and educational reform initiated by the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and successfully implemented under the leadership of the President in the current epoch Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction (TSIAC) is a young, modern scientific and design educational organization, established in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on the 25th of May, 2012. The main task of TSIAC is the training of highly qualified specialists and the provision of engineering personnel for the architectural, construction, housing and communal, chemical, energy, industrial and road transport industries. Currently, the Institute has 7 faculties and 26 departments, where more than 3 thousand students study. Annual release - more than 600 people.

By the decree of the head of state, the construction of the complex of buildings of the university was entrusted to the individual enterprise «Ajaýyp-gurluşyk». The document prescribes to hand over the complex of buildings of the institute with full readiness for operation in September 2026.

Festive celebrations dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth continue.

* * *

Also on this day, solemn ceremonies of the new buildings of the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi for 5,000 seats were held in the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap velayat.

In addition, a solemn ceremony of laying a new additional educational building for 2,000 places on the adjacent territory of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, a hostel for 800 places, an indoor sports facility and a monument on a circular road was held in the city of Mary, Mary Velayat.


Meeting of the National Leader of the Turkmen people with the Secretary General of the Qatar Equestrian Federation

On September 1, 2023, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with the Secretary General of the Qatar Equestrian Federation Sheikh Ahmad bin Nooh Al-Thani.

The Secretary General of the Qatar Equestrian Federation conveyed cordial greetings and best wishes from the Emir of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

Expressing gratitude for the good wishes, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, in turn, addressed the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani with warm greetings.

The guest noted that it was a great honor for him to present the Aba Annayev International Academy of Horse Breeding from the Asian Equestrian Federation with an Honorary Certificate as the first International Academy of Horse Breeding and Equestrian Sports in the region, which has the best opportunities and advantages in training highly qualified specialists.

Arkadag stressed that he perceives this decision as a high assessment of the work carried out in our country to develop the education system and train highly qualified specialists in equestrian sports.

Noting that Turkmenistan is committed to the development of mutually beneficial relations with the State of Qatar, confidence was expressed in further building up interstate ties.

It was also emphasized that our states have great opportunities for raising horses and exchanging experience in the field of equestrian sports, including by intensifying ties with the Qatar Equestrian Federation.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed confidence in the successful development of cooperation in the field of horse breeding.


Meeting of the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan with the head of the Eurasian Equestrian Association

On September 1, 2023, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with the President of the Eurasian Equestrian Association M.Sechina, who arrived in Ashgabat to participate in the celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and Students.

Arkadag thanked M.Sechina for participating in the celebrations in honor of the Day of Knowledge and Students, noting that the traditional relations between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation are based on the principles of friendship, trust and mutual respect.

The active development of cooperation in trade, economic, energy and other areas was noted. Particular importance is attached to inter-parliamentary partnership.

The Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan emphasized that there are great opportunities for building up cooperation in the field of horse breeding and equestrian sports.

The President of the Eurasian Equestrian Association emphasized that it was a great honor for her to present the Honorary Certificate of the Eurasian Equestrian Association for the creation in Turkmenistan of the Aba Annaev International Academy of Horse Breeding, which is the first international academy in the region and trains high-level specialists for horse breeding and equestrian sports.

In this context, it was noted that the award of this certificate is another evidence of international recognition of the far-sighted policy of Turkmenistan for the integrated development of horse breeding and equestrian sports.



On August 25, 2023, the Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Dunyagozel Gulmanova met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the State of Palestine Riyadh al-Maliki

During the meeting, issues of the development of parliamentary relations between the two countries were discussed in accordance with the neutral policy of Turkmenistan to develop equal and effective cooperation with all countries of the world, including the countries of the Middle East.

The Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan introduced to the guest the structure of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and its activities, as well as with the activities implemented in the legislative sphere.

At the end of the meeting, the parties noted their readiness for further cooperation in the field of creating parliamentary friendship groups on a bilateral basis, as well as supporting intergovernmental cooperation through parliamentary diplomacy.
