The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body



Committee for social policy

Annamuhammet Atayevich Sarjayev

Chairperson of the Committee for social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan. Deputy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Akgayev Orazgeldy

Deputy Director for educational affairs of the 6th secondary school of Tejen district of Ahal province

Atamyrat Yagmyrovich Amandurdyyev

Director of the department for family doctors of the health center of Mary district hospital in S.Turkmenbashi town of Mary province

Yusup Orazberdiyevich Annayev

Doctor at the hospital №2 in the city of Mary

Ashyrov Gurbanmyrat

Member of the Committee on social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Intizar Dovrankulyyevich Awlyakulyyev

Director of secondary school №61 Charjev district of Lebap province

Jeren Tachmyradovna Geldiyeva

member of the Committee for Social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Gurbanmyrat Bayrammyradovich Gormekov

Member of the Committee for social policy of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Bayrammyrat Amanaliyevich Hajymammedov

Member of the Mejlis Committee Turkmenistan on social policy

Gadam Meretkulyyevich Hemrayev

Deputy Head for Medical Affairs of the Lebap Province Health Department

Maksat Charymyradovich Janmyradov

Chairperson of the Mary Province Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan

Zuleyha Rozybayevna Jorayeva

Chief nurse of Charjev district hospital of Lebap province

Amanmyrat Shyhyyevich Mashalayev

Head of the labor and employment department of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi district in Dashoguz province

Kakamammet Hemrayevich Nepesov

Deputy chief physician for medical work at the hospital of Gorogly district in Dashoguz province