The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body



Committee for international and inter-parliamentary communications

Ayjemal Tachnazarovna Allanova

English teacher at secondary school №28 in Murgap district of Mary province

Yakup Otuzbaevich Atabayev

Chairperson of the Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan in Ruhubelent district of Dashoguz province

Enejan Meredovna Atayeva

Member of the Committee for International and Interparliamentary communications of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Shirin Seyitkuliyevna Baymyradova

Biology teacher at secondary school №23 of Garagum district in Mary province

Nepes Narbayevich Charyyev

Deputy director for educational work at secondary school №28 in Danev district

Guwanch Amanmammedovich Chendirov

Chairperson of the Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly in Balkan province of Turkmenistan

Kerimguly Gurbangulyyevich Geldiyev

Acting chairperson of Committee for International and Interparliamentary communications of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Babamurat Kemalovich Jumayev

Director of secondary school №25 Charjev district of Lebap province

Mahriban Satybaldyyevna Kurambayeva

Specialist in the Akdepe district education department of Dashoguz province

Ata Oveznepesovich Serdarov

Chairperson of the Democratic party of Turkmenistan

Jumamyrat Paltabayevich Shaherov

Specialist, methodologist in academic disciplines, educational work and preschool education of the district education department Saparmurat Turkmenbashi of Dashoguz province

Aynabat Gayypovna Toyliyeva

Director of secondary school №38 of the Kone-Urgench district of Dashoguz province

Merdan Bayramdurdyyevich Tuvakov

Member of the committee on international and inter-parliamentary relations of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Jahan Jorakulyyevna Yarova

Teacher at the Children's Art School Charjev district of Lebap province

Kerven Garlyyevich Zyrryyev

Technical safety specialist of «Garagum» cotton ginning company of «Türkmen pagta» state concern, «Marypagta» industrial association