The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body



Committee for protection of human rights and freedoms

Yusupguly Ashyrgulyyevich Eshayev

Chairperson of the Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Chemen Jumamyrat gyzy Akyyeva

Member of the Committee for the protection of human rights and freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Erkin Charyyevich Allakulyyev

Engineer-constructor of the mechanical workshop of the equipment repair and use workshop of the "Lebap" cement plant of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan

Enejan Saparmuhammedovna Amanyazova

Director of the 39th kindergarten in Dashoguz city of Dashoguz province, which is specialized to foreign languages

Begenchgeldi Merdanovich Bayrammyradov

Deputy Chairperson of the Committee of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan in Ahal province (based on public initiatives); Deputy Director of Trade Relations at «Durnukly söwda» Private Enterprise

Artyk Charyyevich Bashimov

Deputy mayor of Mary city in Mary province

Mengli Abalakovna Divanova

Member of the Committee for the protection of human rights and freedoms

Chary Annamyradovich Gurbanmyradov

Head of the children's department of the hospital of the Mary district in Mary province

Jeren Ashyrgeldiyevna Gylychmyradova

Head of the children's department of the tuberculosis hospital in Dashoguz province

Ogulmaral Gurbansahedovna Hojayeva

Director of the Bagt Koshgi of the city administration of the Arkadag city

Atajan Isayevich Jumadurdyyev

Teacher at the Financial and Economic Secondary Vocational School of Lebap province

Shemshat Gylychdurdyyevna Mamiyeva

Deputy chief physician of the hospital in the village of Gumdag city of Balkanabat, Balkan province

Hatyja Muratovna Mustakova

Head of the «Ülker» kindergarten №39 in the city of Turkmenabat

Merdan Artykovich Orazmeredov

Teacher at the Department of Digital Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan

Bayly Toyliyevich Seyilov

Member of Committee for the Protection human rights and freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

Моллабердиев Ениш Джумагелдиевич

Member of the Committee for the protection of human rights and freedoms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan