The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body




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People’s Prosperity is a Priority of State Policy

The solemn opening of the Maternal and Child Health Center of Mary velayat after a radical reconstruction took place today in the administrative center of this south-eastern region of the country.

The ceremony was held with the participation of Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, heads of relevant structures and numerous guests – honorary elders and gray-haired mothers, healthcare workers, representatives of public organizations and the media.

The commissioning of an updated medical center, equipped with advanced equipment from the world’s leading manufacturers, was another indicator that the health of people in our country has been and remains the highest value of society and the state, and ensuring the happiness and well-being of citizens is an absolute priority of socially oriented policy, the main principle of which is “The State is for the People!”

The high level of health care achieved in recent years is rightfully recognized as one of the most significant achievements of the sovereign Homeland.

In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, within the framework of the Saglyk State Program, adopted on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag and successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, radical reforms are being successfully carried out in the domestic healthcare system.

Innovative technologies are being actively introduced, the best world experience and achievements are being adopted, the industry infrastructure is being modernized, modern healthcare institutions are being reconstructed and built, many of which have no analogues in the Central Asian region. All this directly contributes to providing the population with quality medical services in accordance with high international standards, allowing for early diagnosis and effective treatment of both common and rare diseases.

Taking the most responsible approach to ensuring the harmonious development of the younger generation, our state attaches special importance to the protection of motherhood and childhood, creating all the conditions for restoring and strengthening health, reducing the incidence of children, with whom the brightest hopes for the future have been associated since time immemorial.

A characteristic national feature of the Turkmen people – to give their children all the best, surround them with all possible love and fatherly care is clearly manifested in modern Turkmen society, determining its social and spiritual health.

A clear indication of the effectiveness of the work carried out in this direction was the participation in today’s grand opening of the Maternal and Child Health Center of Mary velayat of recovered young Turkmen citizens who underwent treatment at the expense of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care.

Happy children and their parents in their speeches expressed immeasurable gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the restored health and the acquired full, full of joy, life, as well as the grandiose work carried out in the interests of the state and native people.

These children were presented with gifts on behalf of the head of state.

Created in March 2021 on the initiative of Hero-Arkadag, today the Charitable Foundation carries out a lot of fruitful work, which allows children in need of care to really feel the comprehensive care shown to them by the state.

Regular practice includes the allocation of funds for various operations for children in need of care in medical institutions of the capital and velayats of the country, necessary treatment and diagnostic procedures for various diseases, as well as payment of expenses for the purchase of equipment and medical supplies for young Turkmen citizens who are being educated and trained in orphanages and boarding schools.

Thanks to the support and efforts of Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Serdar, the Foundation’s board has carried out many charitable events during this time.

In accordance with the noble principles of humanism inherent in the Turkmen people, humanitarian assistance was also provided to children who suffered during the earthquake in Türkiye and Afghanistan, from floods in the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation, as well as Ukraine and Palestine.

In the summer of 2021, pediatric departments of hospitals in etraps and velayat cities of the country were allocated new, modern ambulances equipped with the necessary apparatus, which are now put into service to the people.

The children’s hospital of Mary velayat was donated a device for artificial lung ventilation of the Savina brand.

A gift to the renovated Maternal and Child Health Center of Mary velayat, which opened today, from the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care was two Dialog+ hemodialysis machines (artificial kidney) from the well-known manufacturing company B.Braun (Germany), allowing to improve the quality of life and extend the life expectancy of patients suffering from chronic renal failure by purifying the blood.

The emergence of a new modern medical center, equipped with advanced, innovative equipment, became possible thanks to socially oriented state policy and adopted health care programs, in particular, the national strategy “Healthy mother – Healthy Child – Healthy Future” for 2021–2025.

The completely renovated center consists of two separate buildings – for mothers and children.

The building for providing medical care to women has a capacity of 200 beds and includes a maternity ward, a department of pathology for pregnant women, and a gynecological department.

The children’s building has a capacity of 260 beds. The spacious building compactly houses the following departments: pathology of newborns, for young children, nephrology, neurology, school-age children, and rheumatic cardiology.

Each building has its own reception, consultation and diagnostic, anesthesiology and intensive care departments, and a clinical laboratory. The equipment of these departments allows for the necessary examination and treatment of patients at a high level.

Thus, the consultative and diagnostic department has installed modern high-tech medical equipment for ultrasound, colposcopic examination, X-ray fluorography, electrocardiography, echocardiography, electroencephalography, fibrogastroscopy, computed tomography, with the help of which it is possible to quickly determine normal indicators and changes in the body of the mother and child, diagnose accurate diagnosis, prescribe modern treatment and, if necessary, refer for inpatient or outpatient treatment, as well as monitor patient treatment results.

In addition, the department has physiotherapy and exercise therapy rooms, where additional treatment methods have their beneficial effects.

The laboratory is also equipped with the latest equipment, which includes world-renowned advanced medical laboratory system technologies.

This department conducts all types of laboratory studies that reflect the structural and functional state of the vital organs and systems of the human body.

The examination is carried out in accordance with international standards.

One of the main departments of the Maternal and Child Health Center is the maternity ward. Designed for 100 beds, it consists of 15 maternity rooms equipped with all the necessary equipment to provide specialized obstetric care.

Single and double inpatient wards of the center’s departments are equipped with modern technologies. Each ward has separate sanitary facilities, a staff call system, and a centralized oxygen supply.

The hospital has an administrative department, a conference room for meetings, consultations and online conferences for 120 and 100 beds, canteen for patients and staff, modern parking, laundry and disinfection unit.

A training center has been created at the center to improve the level of education of family doctors, nurses, and specialized specialists.

As part of the solemn ceremony on the occasion of the commissioning of the Maternal and Child Health Center of Mary velayat, healthcare workers and medical staff of the center expressed sincere gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag, and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for their utmost care for the younger generation and the systematic modernization of material and technical facilities. Base of domestic medicine, addressing them wishes of good health and success in multifaceted activities for the benefit of the country and people.

As noted, in response to the care shown, medical workers will continue to work tirelessly, applying all their strength, knowledge and experience in the name of preserving and strengthening the greatest wealth of our sovereign Homeland – people’s health.

Specialized vehicles were donated as a gift to the newly opened Center, designed to render high-quality services to the population of the velayat and thereby make a worthy contribution to ensuring a happy future for the country.


The opening ceremony of a new cottage complex took place in Mary

A solemn opening ceremony of the first stage of the cottage complex, being built along the Mary-Ashgabat highway, took place in Mary.

Today, the first 59 2-story comfortable cottages out of a planned 200 have been put into operation.

The construction of a new residential area, which organically fits into the unique architectural ensemble of the administrative center of Mary velayat, was entrusted to the private enterprise «Ojar Aziýa», which is a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who initially determined the prosperous life of the people and the protection of the rights and interests of citizens as the main direction of his state policy, attaches special importance to the comprehensive solution of problems to radically improve the social and living conditions of the population and provide every family with modern housing.

It is noteworthy that, along with «high-rise buildings», comfortable houses with fewer floors, including cottage type, are being built in our country, which further expands the opportunities for citizens to choose comfortable housing that meets individual needs and preferences.

Like all modern new buildings in our country, the cottages are designed from the point of view of maximum comfort and coziness for their owners, taking into account the characteristics of the traditional way of life and way of life of the Turkmen people. Thus, in the local area there are conditions for gardening or gardening, and there is plenty of space for children to spend time.

Each cottage with an area of 536 square meters has 6 spacious rooms, a basement, and a garage. External engineering systems for water, gas and electricity supply, and telecommunications have been installed.

Addressing from the bottom of our hearts words of deep gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag, and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the fatherly care shown for the people, their happy life and well-being, the happy new residents and numerous participants in the ceremony emphasized that the social facilities introduced today have become a visible man-made symbol of the current modern era, marking the heyday of the powerful Turkmen state.


The second section of the Tejen-Mary highway Ashgabat-Turkmenabat was awarded five international certificates

Today, with the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a ceremony was held to commission the Tejen-Mary section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat high-speed highway, during which the project was awarded a number of international certificates.

Among them:

– international certificate of the Japanese company «NEC Telekommunikasion Ltd». «For the introduction of innovative technologies along the high-speed highway»;

– international certificate of the French company «Grenobloise D’Elektronique et D’Automatismes (GEA)» «For compliance with high standards of video surveillance and payment systems on high-speed roads»;

– international certificate of the Austrian company «Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH (VCE)» «For compliance with European guidelines for technical approval and standards for high-speed road construction»;

– international certificate of the Austrian company «Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH (VCE)» «For compliance with ISO 9001 standards for quality control of high-speed roads»;

– international certificate of the Austrian company «Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH (VCE)» «For compliance of a high-speed road with methodological manuals for German road construction projects RAA 2008, RAL 2012».

Previously, the first section of the Ashgabat-Tejen highway Ashgabat-Turkmenabat was also awarded several prestigious international certificates. The assignment of certificates of conformity to a new infrastructure structure from foreign companies indicates that this route is an innovative facility from the beginning of its construction to its equipping using modern construction methods.


The President of Turkmenistan received the Acting Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Program

On April 16, 2024, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Michal Mlynar, Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

Warmly welcoming Michal Mlynar, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that his visit to Ashgabat will provide an opportunity to discuss key areas and prospects for interaction between Turkmenistan and UN-Habitat.

During the meeting, a detailed exchange of views took place on current issues of interaction between our country and UN-Habitat. It was emphasized that the result of this productive cooperation was a number of measures taken to promote national development and achieve the SDGs.

As is known, in 2023 our country joined the UN-Habitat Group of Friends on Sustainable Urbanization and the new Urban Development Program. In this context, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the issue related to the opening of a UN-Habitat Representative Office in Turkmenistan is one of the priorities for our country at the current 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Continuing the topic, the head of state proposed, as a first step, to organize a visit to Turkmenistan by a group of experts from the UN Human Settlements Program to identify specific vectors of cooperation and develop an appropriate project document that will serve as the legal basis for interaction.

At the end of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Acting Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Program Michal Mlynar exchanged mutual good wishes, expressing confidence in the successful continuation of fruitful cooperation between Turkmenistan and UN-Habitat, which meets the goals of universal well-being, sustainable development and progress.


The President of Turkmenistan received the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

On April 16, 2024, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Turkmenistan Ahsan Wagan, who presented his credentials to the head of state.

Expressing deep gratitude for the time allocated for the audience, the diplomat conveyed warm words of greetings from the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari and the Prime Minister of the country Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif to the head of state, as well as the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan.

Thanking for the kind words and conveying reciprocal greetings to the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the President of Turkmenistan congratulated the plenipotentiary representative on his appointment to a high diplomatic post, wishing him great success in the important and responsible mission to further strengthen interstate cooperation.

During the meeting, which was held in a constructive manner, a thorough exchange of views took place on a wide range of issues of long-term productive cooperation in various sectors of the economy, primarily in the fuel and energy sector, transport and communications.

Particular emphasis was placed on trade and economic ties that have great prospects, taking into account the increased mutual interest and complementarity of the national economies of the two countries, which have impressive potential.

A separate topic was the discussion of the possibilities of increasing the pace of construction of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI), as well as laying power lines and fiber-optic communications along the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP) route.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, the implementation of these large-scale projects will give a powerful impetus to the socio-economic development of the region.

Along with this, the importance of further development of traditional bilateral humanitarian relations was emphasized, the strengthening of which is largely facilitated by various contacts in the field of culture and art, joint Culture Days, exhibitions, scientific and creative forums, etc.

At the end of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again congratulated the diplomat on the start of work in Turkmenistan and wished him great success in his responsible activities.


The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a working meeting via a digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyev, who is in charge of the agro-industrial complex, and the khyakims of velayats to review the progress of seasonal field work in the country.

The floor was first given to Akhal Velayat Khyakim R.Hojagulyev, who reported on the pace of agricultural campaigns in the region.

As was reported, cotton sowing is ongoing in agricultural fields. Vegetative irrigation and inter-row treatment are carried out in the sown areas where seedlings have germinated.

Care for wheat, as well as for potato and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops continues in accordance with agro-technical standards.

At the same time, in order to successfully fulfill the cocoons production plan, silk growers are working accordingly to complete this campaign at the proper level.

Concrete steps are implemented for effective and rational water use, improvement of land reclamation, and cleaning irrigation and collector-drainage systems.

The report also covered preparations for holding cultural events in the velayat on the occasion of the National Holiday of Turkmen Horse, as well as the construction progress of various facilities under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of seasonal agricultural work in progress these days, instructing the khyakim to take the necessary measures to complete the cotton sowing within the established deadlines, as well as to ensure the care for wheat in accordance with the agro-technical requirements.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to keep under constant control the construction quality of facilities for various purposes ongoing as part of the country’s socio-economic development programs to be opened the current year.

The head of state said that he had decided to appoint S.Kakabayev Akhal Velayat Deputy Khyakim for Agriculture, and signed the relevant document.

Then Balkan Velayat Khyakim H.Ashyrmyradov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

As was reported, cotton sowing is currently organized in the region. The sown areas are treated with the effective operation of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Treatment of wheat fields continues in accordance with agro-technical standards, including vegetative irrigation and application of mineral fertilizers.

Crops are cared for these days in order to get bountiful potato and vegetable, watermelon and melon crops yields and provide the population with these products in sufficient quantities.

Along with this, the necessary measures are taken to successfully complete the silkworm cocoons production season, as well as to improve the water supply of agricultural areas.

The khyakim also reported on the preparations for events to celebrate the National Holiday of Turkmen Horse and the construction progress of various facilities under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, the head of state drew attention to the importance of carrying out current agricultural work at the proper level, instructing the khyakim to comply with the established deadlines for sowing cotton, as well as agro-technical standards in caring for wheat.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered to keep under constant control the construction quality of facilities for various purposes in progress as part of the National Rural Program, scheduled for opening the ongoing year.

The working meeting via a digital was system continued with the report from the Dashoguz Velayat Khyakim S.Soltanmyradov on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As was reported, cotton sowing continues in an organized manner in the region, and the necessary measures are taken to complete this responsible campaign within the prescribed time limits. Inter-row land treatment is carried out in the areas where seedlings have germinated.

Treatment of wheat fields, as well as areas sown to potato and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops, is carried out in accordance with agro-technical standards, including vegetative irrigation and application of mineral fertilizers.

Preparations for the organized completion of the silkworm cocoons production season are underway in the velayat.

In order to improve the water supply of agricultural areas in the region, work is underway to clean irrigation and collector-drainage systems.

The khyakim also reported on the preparations for cultural events on the occasion of the National Holiday of Turkmen Horse, a holiday celebrating our horses, which are the national pride of the people, as well as on the construction pace of social and industrial facilities under the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, and emphasizing the importance of carrying out seasonal agricultural work in accordance with agro-technical standards, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the khyakim to ensure the organized and timely sowing of cotton and strict compliance with the agro-technical requirements when caring for wheat.

The President of Turkmenistan also ordered to keep under constant control the construction quality of facilities for various purposes provided for in the socio-economic development country’s programs, to be opened the current year.

Lebap velayat Khyakim Sh.Amangeldiev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

As was reported, these days, cotton sowing for the 2024 crop continues in the fields of the velayat. High-performance agricultural machinery and equipment are operated in full in order to complete the sowing campaign within the established deadlines. Inter-row treatment is carried out in areas where seedlings have germinated to achieve their normal growth.

In order to gather a bountiful wheat harvest, vegetation irrigation and application of mineral fertilizers are carried out. The treatment of fields sown to potatoes, onions and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops continues.

Currently, relevant work is underway in the velayat to fulfill the silkworm cocoons production plan, and measures are taken for the rational supply of water to agricultural lands and cleaning irrigation and collector-drainage systems.

The khyakim also reported on the preparations for the National Holiday of Turkmen Horse, which is widely celebrated in our country, as well as on the construction progress of social and industrial facilities under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, and emphasizing the importance of completing seasonal agricultural work within the prescribed time limits in order to grow a bountiful harvest, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the khyakim to ensure organized cotton sowing and strict observance of agro-technical standards when caring for wheat.

The President of Turkmenistan also ordered to keep under control the construction quality and deadlines for various-purpose facilities being built as part of state programs for socio-economic development of the country, to be opened in the velayat this year.

Then Mary Velayat Khyakim B.Orazov reported on the state of affairs in the region.

As was reported, cotton sowing is currently ongoing with the operation of agricultural machinery and equipment at full capacity. Inter-row treatment is carried out in areas with germinating seedlings. Application of mineral fertilizers and vegetative irrigation are underway in areas sown to wheat. Potatoes, onions and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops are cared for in accordance with the agro-technical requirements.

The necessary conditions are created for silkworm breeders in order to organize the cocoons production season, and work is underway to care for silk moths.

Measures are taken to improve the water supply of agricultural lands, rational and careful use of water resources, replenishment of reservoirs, and cleaning irrigation and collector-drainage systems.

The khyakim also reported on the preparations ongoing in the velayat for cultural events to celebrate the National Holiday of Turkmen Horse, as well as on the construction pace of various under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Summing up the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that a necessary requirement for the current seasonal agricultural work is the high-quality performance, instructing the khyakim to ensure control over the care for cotton and wheat crops.

At the same time, the governor of the region was instructed to ensure the optimal conduct of the work planned for the current year according to the National Rural Program and the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028, as well as on the occasion of the opening ceremonies of social infrastructure facilities in the coming days.

During the working meeting the head of state signed the Decrees on releasing A.Abdullayev from the post of Khyakim of Sakarchage Etrap, Mary Velayat, for health reasons, and the appointment of B.Taganov to this position.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyev, who supervises the agro-industrial complex, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.

As was reported, cotton sowing is currently underway, and the necessary measures are taken to complete it within the established agro-technical deadlines, as well as for the effective operation of agricultural machinery and equipment. Inter-row treatment is carried out in the areas where seedlings have germinated.

In order to grow a bountiful wheat harvest the crops are cared for in compliance with agro-technical standards in the fields of the velayat.

At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan to increase the production of potatoes and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops in the country, as well as to provide the population with sufficient quantities of these, planting and care for seedlings are carried out these days in the agricultural lands of the velayats.

Work is underway in the Balkan and Dashoguz Velayats to conclude contracts with cocoon producers, and organize the silkworms care in the Akhal, Lebap and Mary Velayats.

Measures are taken to develop horse breeding in the country, increase the number of horses, preserve the purity of their breed, and glorify our Akhalteke horses in the world.

Appropriate preparatory work is carried out to hold high-level events on the occasion of the National Holiday of Turkmen Horse, which is widely celebrated in our country annually on the last Sunday of April.

Summing up the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the deputy prime minister to keep under strict control over the completion of cotton sowing and wheat care in accordance with agro-technical standards and at a high level.

The President of Turkmenistan signed the relevant documents, according to which K.Haitekov and Y.Nursahatov were appointed Deputy Chairpersons of the State Association of Livestock and Poultry Industry, and M.Ovezmyradov was appointed Deputy Chairman of the State Association of Food Industry.

Addressing the working meeting participants, the Head of State emphasized the importance of seasonal agricultural work currently underway, instructing to keep under control the sowing of spring crops and caring for them within agro-technical deadlines.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also stressed that a large-amount of work is in progress today to popularize our world-famous horses, and instructed to ensure that celebrations on the occasion of the National Holiday of Turkmen horse are held at a high organizational level.

Concluding the working meeting via a digital system, the President of Turkmenistan wished the participants success in fulfilling the assigned responsibilities.


Участникам международного турнира по хоккею

Уважаемые участники международного соревнования!
Дорогие гости!

Искренне поздравляю вас по случаю проведения на гостеприимной туркменской земле в 2024 году, девиз которого «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги», международного турнира по хоккею!

Твёрдо уверен, что предстоящее соревнование, являющееся важным событием в спортивной жизни Отчизны, будет способствовать укреплению международного сотрудничества в этой сфере, упрочению мира и дружбы на планете, популяризации и внедрению принципов олимпийского движения, повышению мастерства и опыта хоккеистов.

Наряду с расширением массового физкультурно-оздоровительного движения в независимом нейтральном Туркменистане мы уделяем особое внимание развитию спорта высших достижений посредством подготовки профессиональных спортсменов, тренеров и профильных специалистов, а также активизации международного сотрудничества.

Продолжая благородные традиции наших предков, издревле почитавших спорт как символ мира и дружбы, мы считаем его важным направлением партнёрства со странами мира, глобальным фактором укрепления дружественных связей между народами.

Уважаемые участники турнира!

В эру Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства во всех велаятах, в городах Ашхабад и Аркадаг регулярно сдаются в эксплуатацию многопрофильные стадио­ны, физкультурно-оздоровительные комплексы, ипподромы, спортивные школы и другие объекты.

Программа «Возрождение новой эпохи могущественного государства: Национальная программа социально-экономического развития Туркменистана в 2022–2052 годах», а также «Программа поддержки и развития физкультуры и спорта в Туркменистане на 2021–2025 годы», поставившие перед нами новые задачи, преду­сматривают приумножение славы туркменского спорта, дальнейшее превращение страны в современный центр проведения международных соревнований, Олимпийских игр.

В данной связи в независимом нейтральном Туркменистане, который является членом Международного олимпийского комитета, Олимпийского совета Азии, реализуются современные реформы по программному развитию сферы спорта. В результате в нашей Отчизне создаются все условия и возможности для организации на высоком уровне крупных спортивных турниров, в том числе Азиатских игр, континентальных первенств и чемпио­натов мира.

Как известно, на базе построенного в соответствии с мировыми стандартами Олимпийского городка в Ашхабаде, который стал самым современным в регионе комплексом спортивных объектов, во взаимовыгодном сотрудничестве с международными профильными организациями прошёл ряд соревнований мирового уровня. В их числе следует с гордостью отметить успешное проведение V Азиатских игр в закрытых помещениях и по ­боевым искусствам, чемпионатов мира по тяжёлой атлетике, по курашу и других региональных международных спортивных состязаний.

Уважаемые участники международного турнира!

Мы уделяем большое внимание развитию в стране зимних видов спорта, в частности, хоккея, создаём благоприятные условия и возможности в этом направлении.

В настоящее время в нашей Отчизне действует современный комплекс спортивных объектов по зимним видам спорта, регулярно проводится национальный чемпионат по хоккею, хоккейные команды успешно выступают на международных соревнованиях. Уверен, что нынешний международный турнир также придаст новый импульс развитию хоккея в нашей стране.

Уважаемые участники международного соревнования!
Дорогие гости!

Твёрдо уверен, что в дни проведения в Спортивном комплексе зимних видов спорта в праздничной атмосфере международного турнира по хоккею наши зарубежные гости ближе познакомятся с гостеприимством туркменского народа и у них останутся приятные воспоминания о нашей солнечной стране.

Ещё раз искренне поздравляю вас с открытием международного турнира по хоккею! Пусть этот прекрасный спортивный праздник несёт дружбу, здоровье и воодушевлённость всему миру!

Желаю вам крепкого здоровья, долголетия, удачи, больших побед в спорте и жизни!

Президент Туркменистана Сердар БЕРДЫМУХАМЕДОВ.


National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan made a working trip to Arkadag city

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Arkadag city where he familiarised himself with the activity of the International Association of Ahalteke Horse Breeding and preparation for the national holiday of Turkmen horse to be marked for the first time in the Aba Annayev International Academy of Horse Breeding opened with participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov as well as heard reports of corresponding heads.

At present, Turkmenistan attaches great attention to popularisation of Akhal-Teke horses in the world, the representative of which by right takes a central place on the state emblem as well as to further development of national traditions of horse breeding created by our wise ancestors. Organisation of events in honour of the Turkmen horse, speaks of the fact how a great significance is attached to the breed, which has become a pride and an invaluable property of our people.

In the Aba Annayev International Academy of Horse Breeding, Hero-Arkadag familiarised himself with preparation for the national holiday of Turkmen horse marked on the last Sunday of April.

Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov reported on the work  carried out within the framework of the second turn of construction of the city as well as organisation the national holiday of  Turkmen horse at high level.

Having noted that the works carried out in construction of the city and development of projects should meet modern requirements, Hero-Arkadag underlined necessity to ensure high quality of construction and commissioning of projects into operation at established terms. At that, one should take a responsible and complex approach to organisation of the forthcoming festivities.

Khyakim of Arkadag city Sh.Durdylyev reported on the large-scale work carried out to maintain cleanliness and improvement of the city.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people marked that the events held in Arkadag city and measures taken there to maintain favourable ecological conditions should have an effective character and underlined necessary to make the best use of efforts so that forthcoming festive events will be held at high level and will make lasting impressions and gave the khyakim a number of instructions to that cause.

Then, Hero-Arkadag proceeded to the venue of events on the occasion of the national holiday of Turkmen horse and the international beauty show of Akhal-Teke horses. There Rector of the Aba Annayev International Academy P.Bayramdurdyev reported on the work carried out in the Academy and the conditions created for development and consolidation of theoretical knowledge of students by national methods of horse grooming and their application in practice.

As the Rector pointed out, it was a great honour for them to host the national holiday of Turkmen horse for the first time in the Aba Annayev International Academy of Horse Breeding opened with participation of the President of Turkmenistan in the past year and expressed his gratitude to Hero-Arkadag.

Thousand-year old customs of our people and ancient traditions of horse breeding which have assumed today a new uplift should find their reflection in the events on the occasion of the national holiday of Turkmen horse.

Then, Vice-President of the International Association of Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding B.Rejepov reported on the activity of structures of the Association and preparation for the national holiday of Turkmen horse. He also informed that this year they obtained a large offspring and thanks to what the number of Akhal-Teke horses has considerably increased.

Having examined a new-born foal, Hero-Arkadag named it Shahyr taking into account the fact that the current year, which passes the motto «Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi», the 300th birthday anniversary of great poet of the East Magtymguly Fragi is marked widely and solemnly. With kind wishes to be worthy of its name and playfulness, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov tied on the neck of the foal the alaja. 

Having pointed out that the birth of the foal these spring days became a joyful event, Hero-Arkadag stated that Shahyr can already hold its neck directly and has obtained its unique colour.

Having reminded the saying «At - myrat», the National Leader of the Turkmen people said told that development of the art of horse breeding inherited from our ancestors is attached the great attention in the country at the modern level and expressed horse breeders his gratitude for their work.

The gathered, having supported the decision of Hero-Arkadag, wished the foal glory and victories and expressed gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for their constant care of development of Akhal-Teke horse breeding.

Having reminded that our ancestors who have created the wise proverb «Having arisen in the morning, visit your father first and then – your horse», with honour and love treated their horses, Hero-Arkadag said that these traditions should be developed in the spirit of modernity.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people noted that the education given by the Academy to students, should correspond to the international standards and one should attach a great significance to issues of improvement of professional skill of teachers and also create conditions to professors of the  Academy for scientific study and development of national traditions of horse breeding.

Students of the Academy should spend a free time, caring of horses, making all efforts for deep development of national traditions of horse breeding and harmonious application of modern practice, Hero-Arkadag said and gave a number of instructions.

On behalf of professors and students of the Academy, the Rector expressed gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people for valuable recommendations and support and assured that they will make the best use of efforts for successful implementation of set tasks.

Having marked that our people is proud of national value – Akhal-Teke horses, which have been recognised in the world as one of the most beautiful and dexterous, famous thoroughbredness, Hero-Arkadag drew attention to importance of maintenance of high level of organisation of events to be held on the occasion of the national holiday of Turkmen horse.

Considering that the authority of legendary Akhal-Teke horses in the world has grown to a new height, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted necessity to take all measures for deep study of the history of Akhal-Teke horses by the youth, the current state and perspective areas of development of national horse breeding and gave a number of instructions to that effect.

At the same time, speaking of proved force, agility and endurance of Akhal-Teke horses, Hero-Arkadag pointed out importance of development of modern methods and world experience to hold races, which within centuries have become the main highlight of Turkmen festivities.

At that moment, the new-born foal whom Hero-Arkadag has named Shahyr, with the amulet - alaja tied on its neck, jumping up, appeared on the path. This picture speaks brightly of the fact that the foal, having a human character, is proud of the festivities organised on the Turkmen land in honour of racers. It is a token of gratitude of the foal to the human for its care of horses.

As Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed, traditions of horse grooming have reached our times, passing from generation to generation. It is a vivid example of skill and hardworking of horse grooms in creation of the true sample of beauty and perfection. Today, work on preservation of original constitution, increase in number of thoroughbred racers proceeds.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, speaking of relation of the horse and human, noted that the horse possesses a special gift that makes a favourably impact on human health. The horse and movement of its body are capable to inspire the human.

Hero-Arkadag underlined that one should make all necessary measures for preservation and development of Akhal-Teke breed, formations of new, more perfect generation of national horse breeders of modernity.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people instructed the khyakim of Arkadag city to study issues of maintenance of teachers of the Aba Annayev International Academy of Horse Breeding with housing and to carry out proper work in this connection.

Having wished all great successes Hero-Arkadag, left the place.




On April 10-12, 2024, representative of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan took part in the international conference of parliamentarians on the planned implementation of activities on the population fund and development in the city of Oslo, Norway.

During the conference were discussed measures to reduce and solve reproductive health issues and countries experiences, regarding this issue were exchanged. They also discussed the principles and methods of protecting maternal and child health, women's rights and gender equality in the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

 In this regard, the conference participants were familiarized with the exemplary activities carried out in Turkmenistan in this area.


Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system to review topical issues of socio-economic development of the country.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova was first to speak, who informed about the progress of improving the national legal framework.

As was reported, the working commissions are currently working to draft a new version of the Civil Code of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan “On the Cultural Heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy”, and necessary amendments and addenda are made to the Laws of Turkmenistan “On Physical Culture and Sports” and “On Seed Production”.

Information was provided on the measures being taken in order to further strengthen fruitful contacts with parliaments of foreign countries and international organizations. In particular, credentials were received on the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Slovenia to Turkmenistan.

Along with this, meetings were held with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation, members of the delegation headed by the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, the Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the Special Representative for Central Asia of this organization, during which issues of expanding bilateral cooperation were discussed, as well as the possibility of stepping up cooperation between inter-parliamentary friendship groups.

The report included information that during the official visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen people to the Republic of Tajikistan, the Mejlis deputies discussed with their colleagues the prospects for partnership between the relevant committees of the parliaments of the two friendly states and exchanged experience in improving legislative activities through the Turkmen-Tajik Friendship Group.

The report also covered the participation of people’s deputies in events to explain to the general public the key aspects of the current domestic and foreign policy, the goals of the adopted legal instruments, as well as the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that, in accordance with the requirements of the modern time, effective work must be continued to improve the national legal system.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H.Geldimyradov reported on the measures taken to widely introduce digital technologies in the economy, including the implementation of remote payment services for charitable purposes.

According to the deputy prime minister, at present, under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, the necessary conditions are created in our state for the comprehensive harmonious development of youth. As a result, a generation of happy, hardworking Turkmen people, true patriots of the Homeland, has been formed today.

The Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, founded on the initiative of Hero Arkadag, provides financial assistance for various operations to children at medical institutions of the country, for the treatment of young patients raised in orphanages, specialized and boarding schools, as well as for the purchase of medical supplies. With the support from the Foundation, humanitarian assistance has been provided to a number of foreign states. In this regard, the report included information that letters of gratitude were received from various countries and the representative office of the United Nations Children’s Fund in Turkmenistan by the Charitable Foundation, which emphasize its role in strengthening the bonds of friendship between states and peoples.

In this context, a proposal was made on the introduction of the mobile software “Senagat töleg”, developed by the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Senagat”, intended for non-cash transfer of funds by citizens to charity.

Having heard the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of the activities of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship, with the support of which assistance is systematically provided to children in need of care, and humanitarian aid is sent to children of foreign countries.

Having approved the proposal submitted to meet the wishes of the country’s citizens on the voluntary transfer of charitable funds to the Foundation’s account through the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the deputy prime minister to carry out appropriate work in this area.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Amanov reported on the activities in progress to increase production capacities at the refineries of the State Concern “Türkmennebit” and introduce international experience into the industry.

The report also covered the steps being taken to increase the productivity of the State Concern’s oil and gas wells through the widespread introduction of world best practices into production.

This will make it possible to provide the Turkmenbashy Complex of Oil Refineries with additional volumes of hydrocarbon raw materials, as well as effectively use operating production facilities.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of consistently increasing the production capacity of the refineries of the State Concern “Türkmennebit”.

Stressing the need to carry out appropriate work on the processing of crude oil at the refinery with a wide application of international experience, the head of state gave specific instructions to the deputy prime minister.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyev reported on the state of affairs in the agro-industrial sector, in particular, on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the regions of the country.

The report included information that currently wheat fields are treated in the velayats according to agro-technical standards, including application of mineral fertilizers and vegetative irrigation. At the same time, preparations for the harvest are underway at enterprises, grain collection points and elevators.

Cotton sowing continues in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on growing a bountiful harvest in 2024. Appropriate measures are taken to effectively operated agricultural machinery and supply farmers with high-quality seeds.

The report also covered steps aimed at providing the population with potatoes and vegetable crops produced in the country. Sowing and care for spring crops are carried out in the fields.

Measures are implemented in the velayats for the production of silkworms and the successful completion of the breeding campaign. At the same time, preparations are underway to organize the National Holiday of Turkmen Horse at a high level.

Having heard the report, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out the need to comply with agro-technical standards in the care for wheat in the velayats of the country.

Speaking about the creation of all conditions for the proper sowing of cotton, the head of state focused on the importance of using high-quality seeds and the effective operation of modern machinery.

In addition, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to continue sowing spring crops in agricultural lands and proper care for them.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Annamammedov reported on the work ongoing to provide agricultural producers with mineral fertilizers.

As was reported, the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa” supplies domestic agricultural producers with urea, phosphorus, potash fertilizers and ammonium nitrate.

In accordance with the requirements, special storage facilities have to be built in order to store mineral fertilizers and prevent them from spoiling.

In this regard, it is considered appropriate to construct new modern warehouses designed for storing mineral fertilizers in a number of etraps of the Lebap and Mary Velayats.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of timely provision of agricultural producers with mineral fertilizers.

In this regard, the deputy prime minister was instructed to keep control over the work of the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa” in the construction of warehouses for storing mineral fertilizers in the Lebap and Mary Velayats.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Atdaev reported on the activities being carried out to hold exhibitions, fairs and conferences.

As was reported, under the leadership of the head of state, various forums and exhibitions are regularly organized in Turkmenistan and abroad, which contributes to the socio-economic development of the country, increasing the supplies of the domestic market, and expanding international cooperation.

In this regard, the deputy prime minister reported on the work to prepare for the national exposition for participation in the International Exhibition “TIBCO-2024”, which will be held in Bucharest (Romania) on May 16-19 this year.

It is planned to present products and services of various sectors of the national economy, as well as private manufacturers, at the large-scale show, which will open new export markets and expand trade and economic ties.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that great importance is attached to the regular holding of exhibitions and conferences both in our country and abroad in the development of international cooperation.

In this regard, the head of state gave instructions to the deputy prime minister to carry out appropriate work to organize a high-level national exposition at the International Exhibition TIBCO-2024 to be held in Bucharest (Romania) on May 16-19 this year.

Then Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammedova reported on the implementation of the “State Program for 2022-2028 for the careful preservation of facilities of the national historical and cultural heritage, their protection and study, and attraction of tourists to them”.

In particular, under the scientific guidance of the National Directorate for the Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments, archaeological, research and restoration work is successfully carried out at monuments located in all velayats of the country. Thus, as a result of excavations at Paryzdepe, located in Goktepe etrap, a unique kariz was discovered. The identification of such a rare structure in the kariz system, which provided water to the ancient village of Karizek, confirms that a similar method of constructing hydraulic facilities has been used in the territory of the Akhal Velayat since ancient times.

As was reported, this topic is widely covered in the book by Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov “Anau – culture dating back to millennia”. Inspired by this wonderful work, Turkmen specialists and scientists began the spring season of relevant works.

At the same time, in order to timely publish the scientific data collected in recent years, pass them on to future generations, as well as introduce them to domestic and foreign specialists and scientists, specialized scientific works were published such as “Antiquities of Turkmenistan”, “Architectural heritage of Kunyaurgench”, “Historical and cultural monuments of Ancient Merv”, “Parthian fortresses of Nisa”, “Traces of centuries”. In addition, on the eve of this year’s Culture Week, it is planned to publish the “State Register of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Turkmenistan” in the form of a book.

In accordance with the agreements signed between the Ministry of Culture and well-known scientific centers of different countries the work is to be continued by the joint archaeological expeditions, in particular, by the Turkmen-Russian expedition at the Gonur Depe Monument, the Turkmen-Italian expedition at the Togolok 1 Monument, the Turkmen-Italian expedition at the Old Nisa Fortres, and the Turkmen-American expedition at the Dandanakan Fortress.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that one of the objectives of national importance is the comprehensive study, protection, restoration and popularization of the country’s rich cultural heritage. In this context, the instruction was given to systematically carry out archaeological research and restoration work at historical and cultural monuments located in the regions. The President of Turkmenistan also instructed the deputy prime minister to continue the relevant activities provided for in this area according to the State Program.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan N.Amannepesov reported on the preparations for the International Scientific Conference “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”, which will be held on May 18 as part of the events on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of great thinker and classic poet Magtymguly.

Thanks to the support from the head of state, today the works of this outstanding philosopher and poet of the East, who made an invaluable contribution to the improvement of the modern Turkmen language, and is the founder of a new national trend in Turkmen literature, have been translated and published in dozens of languages, becoming the property of the international literary and scientific community.

It should be noted that the literary heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy occupies a special place in the books by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, our Hero Arkadag and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

In order to attract international attention to initiatives aimed at studying Magtymguly’s work, the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Magtymguly of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan is organizing an international scientific conference “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”.

It is expected that, along with the scientific community of our country, representatives of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), as well as foreign scientists from 34 countries, will take participation in the upcoming forum.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said that events on the literary heritage of the great thinker are successfully held in the country and abroad on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy, and international cooperation in this field is actively developing.

The head of state instructed the deputy prime minister to ensure a high organizational level of the International Scientific Conference “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy” to be held in the capital on May 18 this year.

Then the floor was given to the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov, who reported on the good news from the United Nations headquarters in New York. At the session of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Turkmenistan was unanimously elected a member of the UN Commission for Social Development for the period 2025-2029.

Having cordially congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on a new international success, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his best wishes to the head of state.

Having heard the information with satisfaction, the President of Turkmenistan, addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers and all compatriots, said that on April 9 this year, during the elections held during the session of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, our country was unanimously elected a member of the UN Commission for Social Development for the period 2025-2029.

According to the head of state, this is evidence of the wide recognition by the world community of the foreign policy of positive neutrality being pursued by the Homeland. Stressing that Turkmenistan will continue effective cooperation with the UN in this area in the future, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov cordially congratulated everyone on this significant occasion.

Then the deputy prime minister reported on the work to develop cooperation between Turkmenistan and foreign partners in the field of ecology, being carried out for the practical implementation of important international initiatives of the head of state.

In this regard, based on the priority positions of our country, a number of relevant proposals were prepared at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Thus, in order to implement the “Caspian Environmental Initiative” announced by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, it is proposed as a first step to hold a round table in the second half of April with the participation of representatives of the Office of the Permanent Coordinator of the United Nations and other international organizations operating in Turkmenistan, jointly with the Institute of the Caspian Sea, the Academy of Sciences, ministries and sectoral departments of our country.

A proposal on Turkmenistan’s accession to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was also announced. This document is a unique international legal instrument aimed at preserving biodiversity on the planet. To date, more than 180 States are parties to this Convention. Its list includes over 33 thousand species of animals and plants, many of which are common in Turkmenistan. As a result of the relevant analysis, our country’s accession to this Convention will create an opportunity for more effective protection of rare and endangered species of fauna and flora.

At the same time, a proposal concerning Turkmenistan’s membership in the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EARAZA) was submitted for consideration by the head of state. This will make it possible to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with zoological parks of the EARAZA member countries, and will facilitate the exchange of experience and professional development of specialized personnel.

In order to preserve biodiversity in our country and in neighboring regions, in particular, the protection of migratory species of wild animals, and strengthen the international legal framework, it is proposed to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of wildlife protection in the Ustyurt Plateau between the relevant ministries of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

In preparation for the Conference of Youth (COY-19), which will be held on the eve of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-29), a Roadmap for Turkmenistan’s youth initiatives in the field of climate change for 2024 has been developed. This document is aimed at environmental protection and includes activities related to improving environmental knowledge and scientific research.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that Turkmenistan attaches great importance to environmental protection and safety.

Having joined dozens of UN conventions in this area, our country is thoroughly approaching the issues facing the world community in the field of sustainable development.

Stressing the necessity to continue systematic cooperation with many international and regional organizations in the above-mentioned area and effective work to strengthen this partnership, the head of state gave the deputy prime minister, the foreign ministry leader relevant instructions.

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on the preparations for the 38th meeting of the Conference of the Heads and Responsible Representatives of Railway Transport Organizations of the Member Countries of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD) to be held in Ashgabat on April 15-19 this year.

The meeting agenda includes the review of the performance of specialized commissions and permanent working groups of the Organization in 2023, discussion of the Work Program for the coming years, studying the feasibility of developing a draft Strategy for the Development of the Organization, professional training and education of employees of the railway system, etc.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said that our country is implementing targeted measures to develop international transport corridors of regional importance, and developing mutually beneficial international cooperation.

In this regard, the head of state instructed the Agency leader to prepare for holding at the high-level of the 38th meeting of the Conference of the Heads and Responsible Representatives of Railway Transport Organizations of the Member Countries of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD), scheduled for April 15-19 this year in Ashgabat.

A number of other issues of public activity were also considered at the Cabinet meeting, on which appropriate decisions were taken.

Concluding the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants sound health, family wellbeing and great success in their work for the prosperity of the sovereign Homeland.


The President of Turkmenistan Congratulated O. Kononenko on Cosmonautics Day

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent heartfelt congratulations to the Hero of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation, instructor-test cosmonaut, commander of the cosmonaut corps of the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities Oleg Kononenko on the occasion of his professional holiday – Cosmonautics Day. 

“You have opened new pages in the history of astronautics. We are proud of Your achievements in the study and exploration of outer space,” the head of state noted in his message.

The President of Turkmenistan expressed wishes to Oleg Kononenko for sound health, optimism, new discoveries and high achievements in his responsible activities.


Telephone conversation between the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan and the President of the Republic of Türkiye

On April 10, 2024, a telephone conversation took place between the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Having warmly greeted each other, the National Leader of the Turkmen people Arkadag and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exchanged best wishes and congratulations on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people also conveyed greetings and congratulations to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the occasion of the sacred holiday and the best wishes from the President of Turkmenistan.

In turn, the head of a friendly state noted that the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Türkiye last year made a great contribution to the further advancement of interstate relations, and also asked Arkadag to convey words of greetings and best wishes to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Arkadag emphasized that he warmly recalls the meetings and negotiations that took place during his recent visit to the Republic of Türkiye to participate in the third Antalya Diplomatic Forum.

Taking this opportunity, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasized the significance of the participation of Arkadag in the third Antalya Diplomatic Forum and once again noted that being awarded the title “Hormatly il ýaşulusy” of Turkmenistan on the occasion of his anniversary is a great honor for him.

Also, the head of the fraternal state said that the 15th meeting of the Council of Elders of the Organization of Turkic States, chaired by Arkadag, was held at a high level, and emphasized the great interest of Turkmenistan in cooperation with this organization, expressing gratitude in this regard to the National Leader of the Turkmen people.

The sides noted with satisfaction the growing dynamics of interstate relations and exchanged views on the priorities of a multifaceted partnership of a long-term strategic nature.


The President of Turkmenistan received the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia

On April 9, 2024, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili.

The head of Turkmenistan noted that the current visit of the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia will provide an opportunity to develop closer bilateral interaction and exchange of experience between legislative bodies.

The Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia conveyed greetings and best wishes to the Head of Turkmenistan from the President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili and Prime Minister Irakli Kokhabidze.

In the context of an exchange of views on priority areas of interstate cooperation, the effective nature of interaction in the trade and economic sphere, including in such sectors as energy, industry, healthcare, etc., was noted. Partnership in the field of transport and logistics was also identified as one of the main areas.

A separate topic of the conversation was the strengthening of inter-parliamentary cooperation between the legislative bodies of Turkmenistan and Georgia. At the same time, the great importance of active interaction between parliamentarians of the two countries in the formation and strengthening of the international legal framework was emphasized.

An integral component of Turkmen-Georgian relations are fruitful contacts in the humanitarian field. At the same time, the emphasis was placed on the availability of ample opportunities for establishing close contacts in the fields of science, education, culture and art.

Taking this opportunity, the Head of State invited the head of the Parliament of Georgia to take part in the International Forum of Heads of State and Government dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi, which will be held on October 11 in Ashgabat.

Expressing gratitude to the Head of the Turkmen State for the invitation, the guest emphasized that the work of Magtymguly Fragi is not only an invaluable national treasure, but also an integral part of the treasury of world culture.

The head of Turkmenistan conveyed greetings and best wishes to the President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili and Prime Minister Irakli Kokhabidze.

At the end of the meeting, expressing confidence that traditionally friendly, good-neighborly interstate relations will continue to develop dynamically, filled with new content, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili wished each other health and success, and well-being and prosperity to the people of both countries.



On April 9, 2024, the Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, Dunyagozel Gulmanova, met with the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili with the participation of representatives of the parliaments of the two countries.

The Chairperson of the national parliament introduced to guests the composition of the Turkmen parliament and the ongoing work on legislative support for reforms being implemented in various sectors.

During the meeting, it was noted that parliamentary negotiations have become an important part of improving cooperation between the two countries. It was emphasized that the work of parliamentary friendship groups created on bilateral basis increases opportunities for the exchange of experience in improving legislation and parliamentary work.

During the discussion of the current condition of turkmen-georgian relations and prospects for their development, the sides noted that there are great opportunities for expanding cooperation in the political-diplomatic, trade-economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.


The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a working meeting via a digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev, who is in charge of the agro-industrial complex, and the khyakims of velayats to review the progress of seasonal field work in the country.

The floor was first given to Akhal Velayat Khyakim R. Hojagulyev, who reported on the pace of agricultural campaigns in the region.

As was reported, cotton sowing is currently in progress. The necessary measures are taken to complete it at a high-quality level and within the established time frame. Special attention is paid to operating agricultural machinery and equipment at full capacity. The sown areas are treated in accordance with agro-technical standards.

Treatment of wheat fields in the velayat is carried out in compliance with the established requirements, in particular, application of mineral fertilizers and vegetative irrigation, as well as areas sown to potatoes and other vegetable and melon crops.

In addition, efforts are made in livestock farms to increase the number of livestock and enhance their productivity.

In order to successfully fulfill the cocoons production plan in the velayat, work is in progress to conclude agreements with silkworm breeders.

The report also covered the construction progress of social and industrial facilities under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning the current year.

Having heard the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of seasonal agricultural work ongoing these days, instructing the khyakim to ensure the treatment of wheat fields in accordance with agro-technical standards, and conduct the cotton sowing at the proper level and within the established deadlines.

The President of Turkmenistan also ordered to keep under constant control the quality of building facilities for various purposes as part of the National Rural Program, to be opened this year.

Then Balkan Velayat Khyakim H. Ashyrmyradov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

As was reported, cotton sowing continues in an organized manner in the region. In order to complete the planting campaign within the prescribed time limit, special attention is paid to operating equipment and equipment at full capacity.

Based on the goals set for 2024 to grow a bountiful wheat harvest in our country, mineral fertilizers application and vegetative irrigation are carried out in the fields of the velayat in accordance with agro-technical standards.

At the same time, potato and vegetable, watermelon and melon crops are currently cared for in order to produce high yields.

Measures are taken in the livestock farms of the velayat to successfully fulfill this year’s lambing plan for sheep and camels, and the necessary measures are taken to care for animals.

At the same time, work is underway in the velayat to prepare for the cocoon production season, conclude agreements with silkworm breeders, and provide them with silkworm eggs.

The khyakim also reported on the construction pace of social and industrial facilities under the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of strict adherence to agro-technical standards when carrying out seasonal agricultural work, in particular, when sowing cotton and caring for wheat, giving the khyakim a number of specific instructions.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under control the construction quality of facilities for various purposes ongoing as part of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028, to be put into operation in the velayat this year.

The working meeting via a digital system was continued with the report from Dashoguz Velayat Khyakim S. Soltanmyradov on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

The reported specified that cotton sowing continues in an organized manner in the velayat with the operation of machinery and equipment at full capacity. Necessary measures are taken to complete this important season on schedule.

Vegetative irrigation and application of mineral fertilizers are carried out in wheat fields in accordance with agro-technical standards.

The potatoes and onions planting campaign has been completed in the velayat, and these days the germinating seedlings are cared for, while planting other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops continues.

Measures are taken in livestock farms to increase the number of livestock and conduct lambing for sheep and camels. All necessary conditions are created for livestock breeders to complete this season within the appropriate time frame.

At the same time, preparations for the cocoon production season continue in the velayat. In this regard, agreements are concluded with silkworm breeders.

The report covered the construction progress of social and industrial facilities ongoing as part of the National Rural Program, to be commissioned for this year.

Having heard the report, and emphasizing the importance of completing seasonal agricultural work within the established deadlines, the head of state instructed the khyakim to conduct cotton sowing at the proper level and assure strict compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for wheat, as well as to keep the implementation of all work under control.

In addition, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to monitor the quality and time schedule of construction work at various facilities ongoing under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning in the velayat this year.

Then Lebap Velayat Khyakim Sh. Amangeldiev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As was reported, these days, cotton sowing continues in the agricultural areas of the region to gather a bountiful harvest. In order to complete this season within the established agro-technical deadlines, agricultural machinery and equipment are operated at full capacity.

In order to successfully fulfill the order of the President of Turkmenistan to provide food abundance in the country, wheat fields in the velayat are treated in accordance with agro-technical standards, as well as areas sown to potatoes and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops.

In addition, the lambing campaign continues in livestock farms in the region, and appropriate measures are taken to care for young animals.

Guided by the goals set to increase silk production and develop sericulture in the country, contracts are concluded in the velayat with farmers, who are provided with silkworm eggs.

The khyakim also reported on the construction pace of various facilities, to be commissioned this year as part of the National Rural Program.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the priority objectives ahead of the agricultural industry, and therefore instructed the khyakim to ensure a high level of cotton sowing, as well as strict adherence to agro-technical standards when caring for wheat.

The head of state also ordered to keep under control the quality and time schedule of construction work at facilities for various purposes ongoing under state programs, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Further, Mary Velayat Khyakim B. Orazov reported on the state of affairs in the region.

As was reported, application of mineral fertilizers and vegetative irrigation are underway in the wheat fields of the region.

The necessary measures are taken to carry out cotton sowing at a high level and within the established deadlines, and agricultural machinery and equipment are operated at full capacity. Inter-row cultivation is carried out in areas where seedlings have germinated.

Moreover, potatoes, onions, and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops are cared for in the agricultural lands of the velayat in accordance with the agro-technical requirements.

In addition, appropriate work is underway to organize the lambing campaign. Efforts are made to care for young animals and increase productivity of animals in livestock farms.

As part of preparation for the silk production season, contracts are currently concluded with farmers, who are provided with silkworm eggs.

In addition, information was provided on the construction progress of social and industrial facilities under the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for transformation of the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period up to 2028, to be opened this year.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified among the main requirements the compliance with cotton sowing schedule, as well as agricultural standards, when caring for wheat, giving the khyakim a number of instructions.

The head of state also gave the governor of velayat specific instructions on timely and high-quality construction of facilities for various purposes ongoing as part of the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev, who supervises the agro-industrial complex, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.

As was reported, currently the necessary measures are taken in the regions of the Homeland to complete sowing cotton within the established deadlines and operate agricultural machinery and equipment at full capacity. Following agro-technical standards, primary inter-row cultivation began in the areas where seedlings have germinated.

Wheat care continues in accordance with the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan to grow a bountiful harvest in 2024. When performing these works, special attention is paid to the compliance with agro-technical standards.

Guided by the goals set to raise the yield of potatoes and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops in the country, as well as to provide the population with them, planting and caring for seedlings continues in the agricultural lands of the regions.

These days, work is carried out in the velayats to conclude contracts with silk producers and provide them with silkworm eggs, taking into account natural and climatic conditions.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the priority targets include sowing cotton within agro-technical deadlines and at a high level, as well as caring for wheat in accordance with agro-technical standards, instructing the deputy prime minister to keep these issues under strict control.

Addressing the working meeting participants, the head of state once again focused on the importance of carrying out current agricultural work in accordance with the agro-technical requirements, and gave appropriate instructions. In view of warming, the President of Turkmenistan instructed to take preventive agricultural pests control measures in fields and pastures.

During the working meeting, the khyakims of velayats expressed their heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of the residents of the country, to the head of state for the new mosques, which were opened in the Holy Month of Oraza, and wished Arkadag Hero Serdar and the Hero Arkadag sound health, long years of life and success in responsible activities.

Concluding the working meeting via a digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished everyone sound health and success in performing their duties.


Телефонный разговор между Национальным Лидером туркменского народа, Председателем Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана и Председателем Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации

Сегодня состоялся телефонный разговор между Национальным Лидером туркменского народа, Председателем Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана Гурбангулы Бердымухамедовым и Председателем Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации Валентиной Матвиенко.

Прежде всего Герой-Аркадаг поздравил спикера верхней палаты Парламента РФ с юбилеем и присвоением звания Героя Труда Российской Федерации.

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа подчерк­нул, что эта высшая награда является признанием отличного труда Валентины Матвиенко на протяжении многих лет на различных государственных постах, а также посильного вклада во всестороннее развитие России, и, пользуясь случаем, выразил Председателю Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации большую благодарность за искренне дружеское и доверительное отношение к Туркменистану.

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа пожелал Валентине Матвиенко крепкого здоровья, счастья, больших успехов на высоком государственном посту, а дружественному народу Российской Федерации – благополучия и прогресса.

В ходе беседы подчёркивалось, что для Туркменистана Россия всегда была и остаётся добрым соседом, другом и стратегическим партнёром.

Выразив признательность Председателю Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана за поздравления и добрые пожелания, Председатель Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания РФ Валентина Матвиенко подчеркнула высокую значимость туркмено-российских отношений, отметив твёрдую приверженность курсу на углубление традиционно дружественных связей между народами двух стран.

Руководители высших представительных органов народной власти обоих государств уделили особое внимание дальнейшему наращиванию межгосударственного диалога по широкому спектру направлений. В этом контексте отмечалось, что за последние годы двустороннее сотрудничество в области энергетики, торговли, транспорта и сельского хозяйст­ва получило новое развитие.

Отдельными темами обсуждения стали активное партнёрст­во в культурно-гуманитарной сфере и последовательно осуществляемые межпарламентские контакты.

Вместе с тем подчёркивалось, что установившиеся прямые связи между Туркменистаном и крупнейшими субъектами Российской Федерации повышают потенциал межгосударственного сотрудничества и наполняют его новым содержанием.

В завершение телефонного разговора, отметив, что Валентина Матвиенко является давним другом и почётным гражданином города Ашхабад, Председатель Халк Маслахаты ещё раз выразил искреннюю признательность Председателю Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания РФ за постоянное дружеское и доверительное отношение к Туркменистану.

Высказав твёрдую уверенность в укреплении полномасштабного стратегического партнёрства в интересах двух дружественных стран, собеседники обменялись наилучшими пожеланиями в адрес друг друга и братских народов обоих государств.


В Меджлисе Туркменистана было проведено заседание, посвящённое итогам деятельности за три месяца текущего года

На заседании, проведённом в Меджлисе Туркменистана, были подведены итоги проведённой деятельности за три месяца Года «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги» по совершенствованию национальной правовой базы нашего государства, в частности, приведению действующих законодательных актов в соответствие с требованиями эпохи, и подготовке проектов новых законов, также обсуждены предстоящие задачи по совершенствованию законодательства.

За прошедший период приняты 9 законов Туркменистана, 8 постановлений Меджлиса.

На заседании было подчёркнуто, что в результате поддержки, создаваемых возможностей уважаемого Президента Аркадаглы Героя Сердара, Национального Лидера туркменского народа, Председателя Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова последовательно проводилась работа, направленная на дальнейшее совершенствование законотворческой деятельности нашего государства.

За отчётный период в Меджлисе были приняты Законы Туркменистана «Об  учреждении юбилейной медали Туркменистана «Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna», «Об энергосбережении и энергоэффективности», «О гидрометеорологической деятельности», «О ратификации Соглашения между Правительством Туркменистана и Правительством Китайской Народной Республики о международном автомобильном сообщении».   

Кроме этого, руководствуясь международным опытом и национальными принципами нашего народа, были внесены изменения и дополнения в Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Туркменистана, Семейный кодекс Туркменистана, Кодекс Туркменистана «О земле», Закон Туркменистана «О ветеринарном деле» и в некоторые другие законодательные акты.                                       

Руководствуясь поставленными задачами, данными уважаемым Президентом Аркадаглы Героем Сердаром о необходимости продолжить эффективную деятельность с целью, чтобы законодательство нашей страны было современным и совершенным, в рабочих группах, созданных в Меджлисе, при участии представителей соответствующих министерств и ведомств продолжается работа по подготовке законопроектов по различным направлениям политической, экономической и культурной жизни нашей страны, в частности, связанных с повышением жилищно-бытового уровня жизни нашего народа.

На заседании было отмечено о деятельности, осуществляемой в рамках укрепления налаженных эффективных отношений с парламентами зарубежных стран и международными организациями. В связи с этим, в целях проведения на высшем уровне мероприятий, предусмотренных в Плане международных мероприятий Меджлиса Туркменистана на 2024 год, была обсуждена предстоящая деятельность.

В ходе заседания были определены задачи по активизации деятельности по разъяснению народным массам внутренней и внешней политики нашего государства, содержания принятых законов и изучению и популяризации литературного наследия Махтумкули Фраги.

Участники заседания заверили уважаемого Президента Аркадаглы Героя Сердара, Героя Аркадага, что приложат все усилия по совершенствованию национального законодательства в соответствии с требованием эпохи.


Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers using the digital system, at which reports from deputy prime ministers were heard and the results of work done in the first quarter of this year were summed up.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis D. Gulmanova was first to speak, who informed about the activities of the National Parliament over the past three months to improve the country’s legislation.

As was reported, during the period under review, 9 Laws of Turkmenistan and 8 Resolutions of the Mejlis were adopted. These include new legislative regulations “On instituting the anniversary medal “Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna”, as well as on energy saving and energy efficiency, hydrometeorological activities, ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on international motor transport link. At the same time, a number of legal documents have been improved. Currently, working commissions are preparing draft laws aimed at regulating public relations in various fields.

As part of the development of international and inter-parliamentary relations, 11 meetings have been held since the beginning of the year, including the acceptance of credentials from 4 Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary accredited to Turkmenistan. Along with this, the reported included information that deputies and employees of the National Parliament participated in 25 seminars held jointly with international organizations on the issues related to updating lawmaking and promoting the implementation of government programs. Representatives of the Mejlis were on 7 working trips.

During the period under review, the first meeting “The Role of Parliamentary Cooperation in Strengthening Peace and Dialogue” was held with the participation of the parliament heads from the countries parties to the Group of Friends of Neutrality.

At the same time, the report covered the participation of people’s representatives in various events to explain to the general public the key aspects of the state policy, the successes being achieved in the country, the importance of the initiatives put forward by the President of Turkmenistan, as well as the goals of the adopted legal regulations.

Summing up the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out with satisfaction the effectiveness of work being carried out to strengthen and update the legislative framework of the state. During the period under review, appropriate amendments and addenda were made to some legal instruments, the head of state said, focusing on the importance of further improving the country’s legislation based on the present-day realities.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H. Geldimyradov reported on macroeconomic indicators for the first quarter of 2024.

The comprehensive measures taken over the past period, aimed at maintaining sustainable development of all sectors of the economy and regions, contributed to preserving a stable rate of GDP growth.

In general, the production volume of goods was 8.8 percent more, as compared to the same period in 2023.

In January-March this year, the retail trade turnover increased by 11 percent in comparison with the similar period last year.

As was reported, the revenue of the country’s State Budget for the first quarter was executed 102.9 percent, and its expenditure was fulfilled 97.6 percent.

As compared to the same period in 2023, wages at large and medium-sized enterprises increased by 10 percent. Wages, pensions, government benefits and student scholarships have been fully funded.

The capital investments from all sources of financing, aimed at developing the national economy, were 25.3 percent higher compared to the same period in 2023.

The report included information on the performance of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028. As was reported, construction has been completed at 20 out of 370 facilities planned for building and reconstruction, relevant work is underway at 207, and preparatory work was launched at the other facilities.

Having heard the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that based on the successes achieved over the past three months, stability in GDP growth must be maintained in the future, and appropriate measures have to be taken for the further development of manufacturing industries. At the same time the necessity was highlighted to carry out proper work in order to fully fulfill the revenue of the State Budget and to keep under strict control the rational and targeted use of its expenditure funds. Particular attention must be paid to the consistent improvement of the performance of the economic, financial and banking complex, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized, giving a number of specific instructions to the deputy prime-minister.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Amanov reported on the results of work carried out in the industries under his supervision in January-March 2024.

As was reported, in the first quarter, the State Concern “Türkmennebit” fulfilled production plans 102.1 percent for oil, by 101.1 percent for gasoline, 100 percent for diesel fuel, 100 percent for polypropylene, and 100 percent for lubricating oils. The liquefied gas production growth rate was 109.4 percent.

The report included information on the implementation of the plan for refining oil at oil refineries, which totaled 102.1 percent. Along with this, the reported covered the technical and economic indicators achieved in the oil, gas condensate, natural and associated gas production, and gas exports.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the importance of continuing work to increase the production and exports of oil and natural gas. By effectively using production capacities, it is necessary to fulfill the plans for oil refining and the production of petroleum products, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, giving a number of instructions to the deputy prime minister.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev reported on the results of activities in sectors under his supervision in January-March of the current year, and on the seasonal work ongoing in the velayats.

As was reported, production growth rate in the agro-industrial complex as a whole reached 121.4 percent. At the same time, this figures amounted to 145.4 percent for the Ministry of Agriculture was, 117.5 percent for the Ministry of Environmental Protection, 137.1 percent for the State Committee for Water Management, 102.1 percent for the State Concern “Türkmenpagta”, 196.5 percent for the State Association “Türkmengallaönümleri”, 110.7 percent for the State Association “Türkmenobahyzmat”, 112.7 percent for the State Association of Food Industry, 132 percent for the State Association of Livestock and Poultry Industry and 101.5 percent for the State Association “Türkmen atlary”. The investments assimilation plan was completed 270.9 percent.

The deputy prime minister also reported on the progress of seasonal work. Wheat is cared for and cotton is sowed in accordance with agro-technical standards. Practical steps are taken to provide the population with potatoes and vegetable, watermelon and melon crops produced in the country.

Measures are taken to organize the lambing campaign for sheep and camels. Work is also in progress to ensure the effective operation of agricultural machinery.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified proper treatment of wheat fields and measures to complete cotton sowing within the established agro-technical deadlines and at a high quality level as priorities.

Speaking about the livestock industry, the head of state highlighted the importance of a responsible approach to conducting the lambing season. Work must continue to increase the yield of potatoes and vegetable, watermelon and melon crops, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized, instructing the deputy prime minister to take specific measures for the efficient use of water resources, the introduction of water-saving technologies and the improvement of land reclamation.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamammedov reported on the work done by supervised institutions, as well as the Ashgabat City Khyakimlik in January-March 2024.

Thus, in the first quarter of this year, the plan for manufacturing goods and performing work in the construction and industrial sector was fulfilled 121.8 percent.

During the reporting period, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture completed the plan 107.3 percent.

As for the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production, the plan for manufacturing goods and performing work during the same period was fulfilled 102.7 percent.

In January-March, the Ministry of Energy carried out the production, works and services plan 114.4 percent. The electricity production growth rate was 100.8 percent.

Since the beginning of the year, the plans for manufacturing goods and providing services have been fulfilled 152.8 percent by the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa”, 115.1 percent by the State Agency for Management of Motorways Construction, and by 113 percent by the Ashgabat City Khyakimlik.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that large industrial and construction complex facilities have been put into operation in the country, including the recently commissioned Lebap cement plant in the Koytendag District with a capacity of 1 million tons of cement per year.

Currently, the construction of a cement plant in Bakharden is at the final stage, the head of state continued, expressing confidence that the building of such facilities will contribute to the economic development of our country.

In order to further increase the output in the construction and industrial complex, the appropriate work must be continued, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized, instructing the deputy prime minister to take the necessary measures to commission new enterprises, effectively operate production capacities, and successfully implement plans.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Atdayev reported on the indicators for ministries and departments of the trade and textile complexes, as well as the private business sector in January-March 2024.

As was reported, as for the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the trade turnover growth during the reporting period amounted to 103.8 percent compared to the same period last year, and the production growth rate was 101.4 percent.

In comparison with the similar period last year, the enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry fulfilled the productions plans 106.5 percent for cotton fabric, 103.3 percent for garments and knitwear, and 109.5 percent for leather.

The production plan of the State Association “Türkmenhaly” was carried out 104.6 percent.

Since the beginning of the year, the State Commodities and Raw Materials Exchange has held 74 trading sessions and registered 6 thousand 867 contracts.

The growth rate of work carried out during the reporting period by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry totaled 108.3 percent. Three exhibitions and thirty conferences were organized.

As for the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the production growth rate over three months amounted to 107.6 percent in agricultural and food industries, 107.2 percent for industrial goods.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the focus must be on supplying the country’s markets and retail outlets with food products and essential goods. Specific measures for the effective management of textile enterprises and increasing the range and quantities of textile goods were specified among the priority objectives.

The deputy prime minister was also instructed to improve the performance of the State Commodities and Raw Materials Exchange and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry through the widespread introduction of new methods for organizing exchange trading sessions adopted in international practice.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova reported on the results of work in the areas under her supervision over three months of the current year.

During the reporting period, conferences, creative meetings, exhibitions, awareness-raising and explanatory events, song and music performances, first shows of films and documentaries were held on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy, the International Novruz Day and significant dates of the national calendar. At the same time, the results of previously announced competitions were summed up and awarding ceremonies for the winners were organized.

As part of international cooperation, Turkmen specialists were on working trips to a number of foreign countries, including Armenia and France.

On the occasion of declaring the city of Anau the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024, concerts, exhibitions of paintings and works of decorative and applied art, a photo exhibition, and a forum of the directors of state and national museums were organized with the participation of representatives of TURKSOY member countries.

The major events of the first quarter included the International Conference “Basic Areas of Development and Potential of Tourism in Turkmenistan”, and the media forum “Turkmen Land - the Center of Ancient Civilizations”.

The report included information on the work done during the indicated period by theaters, cinemas, film and concert centers, libraries, museums, the Turkmen State Publishing Service, the “Türkmenfilm” Association named after Oguzhan, and the State News Agency.

As was reported, the achievements and progressive reforms ongoing in our country under the leadership of the head of state were widely covered in the media.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said that the celebrations on the occasion of declaring the city of Anau the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024 were held in an organized manner. In this context, the head of state ordered to take practical steps to conduct upcoming events at a high level. The deputy prime minister was also instructed to ensure proper preparation for cultural events to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of great poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N. Amannepesov reported on the work done in the first quarter of the current year in the fields of education, science, healthcare and sports.

As was reported, during the period under review, reforms aimed at educating a scientific generation, improving teaching methods, and enriching the content of textbooks and manuals were carried on.

High successes were demonstrated at international Internet subject contests. Since the beginning of the year, various intellectual and creative competitions and subject contests have been held, and the 4th Open International Mathematics Contest among students was held in accordance with the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan in an organized manner at the International University for the Humanities and Development.

The International Mathematics Contest among schoolchildren, which was held in the city of Arkadag, was timed to coincide with the third anniversary of establishing the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

During the period under review, fundamental reforms were carried out in the scientific field. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the “Oghuz Khan” Scientific and Technological Center was established. Along with this, doctoral and master’s theses were defended, and work was carried out to admit postgraduate and doctoral students in scientific fields and register applicants for academic degrees.

Events were held on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy, as well as the International Scientific Conference “Ancient Anau Culture” to celebrate declaring the ancient city of Anau the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024.

Reporting on the work in the healthcare sector, the deputy prime minister informed that various operations were carried out on sick children funded from the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship. On the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of establishing this Foundation, the Conference “Türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideriniň ynsanperwerlige esaslanýan taryhy başlangyçlary: howandarlygyň we çagalara mähirli garaýşyň nusgalyk tejribesi” was held.

During the indicated period, work was carried out to develop physical training and sports in the country, as well as to prepare national teams for the Olympic and Paralympic Games scheduled for August-September. The necessary measures have been taken to hold an international hockey tournament at the proper level in accordance with the Decree of the Head of State.

Since the beginning of the current year, Turkmen athletes have participated in various international competitions and won a total of 97 awards, including 34 gold, 29 silver and 34 bronze medals.

During the period under review, specialists were on working trips to foreign countries in order to exchange experience and improve their professional skills.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out with satisfaction the effectiveness of the work done in the scientific and educational fields, healthcare, physical training and sports. Particularly focus was on the organized holding of international subject contests at higher and general education institutions of the country.

The achievements of schoolchildren and students at international competitions and subject contests are another indication of the success of reforms ongoing in the field of education. In this context, the importance of holding similar events among young people in the future was emphasized. Speaking about the necessity for continuing work to promote a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, the head of state gave the deputy prime minister a number of specific instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the results of activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the first quarter of the year in the context of implementing the foreign policy strategy of neutral Turkmenistan, achieving the goals set and fulfilling the instructions given by the head of state.

Steadily following the course of constructive cooperation being carried out under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, our country is successfully developing friendly relations, good neighborliness and fruitful partnership on bilateral, as well as multilateral basis within the international organizations.

As was pointed out in this regard, on January 4-6 National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was on a visit to the United Arab Emirates and on March 1 to the Republic of Turkiye in order to participate in the third Antalya Diplomatic Forum. Moreover, on April 4-5 the Hero Arkadag paid an official visit to the Republic of Tajikistan, where negotiations with President Emomali Rahmon and a number of bilateral meetings took place.

During the period under review, telephone conversations took place between the President of Turkmenistan and the Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation.

The dynamic nature of joint activities with foreign partners is obvious from the visits of foreign delegations to our country in January-March, as well as the visits of Turkmen delegations abroad.

This year, meetings and negotiations at various levels took place, including online. The legal framework of international cooperation of Turkmenistan was supplemented with 61 documents.

As was reported, relevant work is in progress to strengthen and expand diplomatic relations through embassies.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that Turkmenistan, committed to the legal neutrality status, is steadily implementing the foreign policy aimed at achieving universal wellbeing. The priority of the constructive peace-loving strategy being implemented by the Homeland is the development of wide-ranging, equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with all states of the world and international organizations.

Our country will continue to strengthen fruitful cooperation with the countries in the region and the world in the political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian, scientific and educational fields, the head of state emphasized, and give the deputy prime minister, Foreign Ministry head relevant instructions.

Then, Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakyev reported on the activities of supervised institutions over three months of the current year.

During the reporting period, the growth rate for this complex in the performance of work and provision of services totaled 118.1 percent.

This indicator was 105.4 percent in cargo transportation by motor, rail, air, sea and river transport, and 101.7 percent in passenger transportation.

The growth rate for the provision of services in January-March was 104.2 percent for the “Türkmendemirýollary” Agency, 110.2 percent for the “Türkmenawtoulaglary” Agency, 164.7 percent for the “Türkmenhowaýollary” Agency, 121.4 percent for the “Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” Agency, and 111 percent for the “Türkmenaragatnaşyk” Agency.

The report included information on the targeted work ongoing to implement the provisions contained in the “Concept of the Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025”.

It was also reported that construction of industrial and social facilities owned by the transport and communications complex is underway throughout the country.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that effective efforts must be continued to develop passenger and cargo turnover in all types of transport. Along with this, the Agency head was instructed to make the full use of international transport and transit potential.

Then, addressing the meeting participants, the President of Turkmenistan specified with satisfaction that the results of work done in the first quarter of this year demonstrate the successful implementation of the adopted programs. During the reporting period, there was a steady GDP growth, averaging 6.3 percent. This figure reached 4.7 percent in the industrial sector, 6.6 percent in the transport and communications sector, 7.6 percent in the service sector, 8.2 percent in trade, and 4.1 percent in agriculture. Wages were increased by 10 percent.

Large industrial and social facilities, including new villages, residential buildings, entertainment and medical centers, schools, kindergartens and others are under construction in the country. At the same time, reforms are carried out in the scientific and educational system in accordance with the adopted plans, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, emphasizing the need to continue taking appropriate measures to implement the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022–2028.

During the meeting, the head of state focused on events and celebrations on the occasion of significant dates of the national calendar and the opening of many facilities for various purposes, scheduled for April 2024 ongoing under the motto “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”. In this context, instructions were given to properly prepare for the upcoming events and ensure their holding at a high level.

Then President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that on April 7, the World Health Day will be widely celebrated in our country. As was emphasized, in the modern epoch our country attaches great importance to the development of mass physical activities and sports, and large-scale reforms in this area are successfully carried out.

The World Health Day is of special importance in the national calendar as a significant date that symbolizes the high principles of friendship, peace, and sports, the President of Turkmenistan said, cordially congratulating members of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Turkmen people on this holiday.

Members of the Cabinet of Ministers wholeheartedly congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty on the occasion of World Health Day and expressed their wishes to the President of Turkmenistan and the Hero Arkadag for sound health, long years of life and success in large-scale activities.

Other important issues of state activity were also reviewed during the meeting, on which appropriate decisions were made.

Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants sound health, family wellbeing and great success in their work for the prosperity of the sovereign Homeland.


Народу независимого нейтрального Туркменистана

Мой родной народ!

Дорогие соотечественники!

Сердечно поздравляю вас с Всемирным днём здоровья – международным праздником торжества высоких гуманистических принципов человечества! Уверен, что проводимые в году «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги» мероприятия по этому случаю преисполнят наши сердца любовью и гордостью за прекрасную родную Отчизну, здоровую и счастливую жизнь, достигнутые суверенным государством большие успехи!

В нашей стране Всемирный день здоровья занимает особое место как знаменательное событие, утверждающее торжество дружбы и мира, спорта и гуманизма, единство и сплочённость народа. Именно поэтому мы вместе с мировым сообществом с огромным воодушевлением отмечаем этот праздник в нашей стране в эти тёплые весенние дни. В ознаменование Всемирного дня здоровья мы проводим массовые физкультурно-спортивные и культурные мероприятия, пропагандирующие здоровый образ жизни, что приумножает международный авторитет Туркменистана как страны здоровья и воодушевлённости.

Мой родной народ!

Социально-экономический потенциал нашего суверенного государства, его культурный рост тесно связаны со счастливой жизнью и благополучием народа, его гармоничным духовным и физическим развитием.

Опираясь на высокие цели и руководствуясь гуманными девизами «Государство – для человека!» и «Родина является Родиной только с народом! Государство является государством только с народом!», мы проводим масштабные преобразования во всех отраслях национальной экономики, реформируем сферы науки, образования, здравоохранения, спорта, культуры, туризма. Обеспечивая достойные социально-бытовые условия жизни народа, создавая прекрасные посёлки, современные промышленные комплексы, планомерно укрепляем позиции нашего государства в мире.

В эру Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства уделяем особое внимание развитию массовой физкультуры, олимпийского движения и спорта. В этом направлении успешно реализуем национальные программы и комплексные преобразования. Наш народ во все времена заботился о воспитании физически крепкого и духовно богатого здорового поколения, и мы достойно продолжаем эту традицию.

За короткий период в нашей стране введены в эксплуатацию крупные, отвечающие мировым стандартам, спортивные и конноспортивные комплексы, стадионы, спортшколы, Олимпийский городок, сформирована современная профильная инфраструктура. Наряду с этим мы добились больших успехов в создании передовой системы здравоохранения во имя благополучия и счастья народа, построили в городах Ашхабад и Аркадаг, а также в велаятах медицинские центры, специализированные клиники и здравницы, основанные на инновационных технологиях.

Наша страна, являясь членом Международного олимпийского комитета и Олимпийского совета Азии, вносит достойный вклад в развитие международного олимпийского движения. ­Реализуя свои спортивные возможности во имя мира и дружбы, Туркменистан систематически укрепляет и наращивает сотрудничество с международным сообществом. V Азиатские игры в закрытых помещениях и по боевым искусствам, Международное авторалли «Амуль–Хазар 2018», Чемпионат мира по тяжёлой атлетике и Чемпионат мира по борьбе кураш продемонстрировали миру огромный спортивный потенциал нашей Отчизны, уверенно следующей к новым высоким рубежам развития по пути мира, созидания и прогресса.

В рамках основанной Героем-­Аркадагом комплексной долгосрочной и стратегической государственной политики по инициативе Туркменистана Генеральной Ассамблеей Организации Объединённых Наций была принята историческая Резолюция об объявлении 3 июня Всемирным днём велосипеда. На 61-м пленарном заседании 76-й сессии Генассамблеи ООН была единогласно принята Резолюция «Интеграция массового велосипедного движения в систему общественного транспорта для достижения устойчивого развития», что преисполнило чувством радости и гордости сердца туркменистанцев, особенно молодёжи.

Безусловно, все эти достижения являются положительным результатом миролюбивой, нейтральной, добрососедской политики во имя всеобщего мира и согласия, благополучия и процветания, успешно проводимой нашим независимым государством, выступающим за консолидацию усилий по укреплению мира и единства на планете.

Мой родной народ!

Дорогие соотечественники!

Ещё раз от всего сердца поздравляю вас с Всемирным днём здоровья!

И пусть этот прекрасный международный праздник овеет славой независимый нейтральный Туркменистан – страну здоровья и воодушевлённости, приумножит радужные краски счастливой жизни нашего мужественного народа!

Желаю вам доброго здоровья, благополучия, больших успехов в труде во имя дальнейшего процветания суверенной Отчизны.

Президент Туркменистана
Сердар Бердымухамедов.

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