The Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan is a legislature representative body




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The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting via the Digital System

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting via the digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyev, who supervises the agro-industrial complex, and the khyakims of the velayats, to consider the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the country.

The first floor was given to the khyakim of Ahal velayat R.Hojagulyev, who reported on the state of affairs in the region.

Expressing heartfelt gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan on behalf of the residents for the construction of new important facilities in Ahal velayat – the second stage of the Baherden Cement Plant with a capacity of 1 million tons of cement per year and a water treatment plant in Yashlyk village with a capacity of 30 thousand cubic meters of water per day, as well as donation as a gift to residents region of modern motor transport, the khyakim wished Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag sound health, long life and new successes in all endeavors for the benefit of the people and the country.

Hereafter, the head of the regional administration reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As noted, currently vegetative irrigation, inter-row cultivation, weeding and thinning of seedlings are carried out on the agricultural areas of the velayat. At the same time, agricultural machinery and units are effectively used.

Wheat is cared for in the fields in accordance with agricultural technology standards. Along with this, preparations for the grain harvest and collection of seed material, including receiving points, elevators, grain harvesters, vehicles for transporting crops and other equipment, continue in an organized manner in the region.

Currently, measures are also being taken to conduct successfully the cocoon-harvesting season and fulfill contractual obligations.

In addition, it was reported on the preparations for the celebrations in the velayat on the occasion of the Constitution Day and the State Flag of Turkmenistan and the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi, as well as on the pace of construction of social and industrial facilities within the framework of the National Rural Program, planned for opening this year.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of carrying out current agricultural campaigns, in particular, compliance with agro-technical requirements when caring for fields sown with cotton and wheat, addressing the khyakim with a number of specific instructions to prepare for the grain harvest at the proper level.

At the same time, the head of state ordered to keep under control the timing and quality of construction of facilities for various purposes within the framework of the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Then the khyakim of Balkan velayat, H.Ashyrmyradov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

As noted, in areas sown with cotton, vegetation irrigation is carried out, and in areas where seedlings have appeared, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding are carried out. Agricultural machinery and units are used at full capacity in this work.

Wheat care also continues in the velayat. In order to carry out the grain harvest at the proper level, steps are being taken to prepare receiving points and elevators for the season.

Along with this, preparatory work is being carried out to gather and store seed grain.

To implement successfully the cocoon production plan, tenants are currently caring for silkworms. 

Information was given on preparations for the celebrations in the velayat on the occasion of the Constitution Day and the State Flag of Turkmenistan and the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi, as well as on the progress of construction within the framework of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028 and the National Rural Program of various facilities appointments planned for commissioning this year.

After listening to the report, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized the importance of the currently ongoing agricultural work, assigning the khyakim to ensure strict compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for cotton and wheat, as well as to take measures to prepare for the approaching grain harvest season.

At the same time, the head of state ordered to keep under constant control the timing and quality of construction of social and industrial facilities within the framework of the country’s socio-economic development programs scheduled for opening in the velayat this year.

Next, the working meeting via the digital system continued with a report of the khyakim of Dashoguz velayat S.Soltanmyradov on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

Cotton fields were reported to be undergoing inter-row tillage, thinning and weeding. In this regard, everything necessary is being done to effectively use agricultural machinery and units.

Wheat care and vegetative watering continue. At the same time, for the organized harvest, steps are being taken to prepare grain reception points, and conditions are being created for the harvest and storage of wheat seed material in accordance with established requirements.

Currently, silkworm care and cocoon harvesting are carried out in the region.

Information was given about the preparation of events in the velayat dedicated to the Constitution Day and the National Flag of Turkmenistan, the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi, as well as the progress of construction work within the framework of the National Rural Program at social and industrial facilities planned for commissioning this year.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized priority tasks in the field of agriculture, including the importance of strict adherence to agricultural technology standards when caring for fields sown with cotton and wheat. The head of state also gave the khyakim a number of specific instructions on preparing for the grain harvest season.

Along with this, the head of state ordered to ensure the quality and timing of the construction of facilities for various purposes within the framework of the National Rural Program, scheduled for opening this year, assigning the khyakim to keep current work in this direction under control.

Then the khyakim of Lebap velayat Sh.Amangeldiev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As noted, in the cotton fields of the velayat, in order to obtain good seedlings, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding are carried out. In this regard, everything necessary is being done to effectively use agricultural machinery and units.

Relevant work to care for the crops continues in the wheat fields. At the same time, reception points and elevators have been prepared to harvest grain without loss and deliver the harvest to the storage of the Homeland.

Preparatory work is also underway to collect and store seed grain.

Silkworm care continues in the velayat, and cocoons are currently being harvested.

It was also reported about the scheduled events on the occasion of significant dates and the pace of construction within the framework of the National Rural Program of social and industrial facilities, the commissioning of which is planned for the current year.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of proper implementation of current agricultural work, instructing the khyakim to ensure strict compliance with agricultural technology standards when caring for wheat and cotton, as well as to prepare the grain harvest at the proper level.

Noting the significance of successful implementation of tasks within the framework of the National Rural Program, the head of state ordered to keep under review the quality and timing of work in the velayat in this direction.

Then the khyakim of Mary velayat B.Orazov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As reported, in the areas where cotton seedlings have appeared, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding are carried out. Measures are being taken to ensure the effective use of agricultural machinery and equipment in this work.

Vegetative irrigation continues in fields sown with wheat. Along with this, preparations are being made for the organized holding of the grain harvest season, including reception points and elevators.

Appropriate steps are taken for harvesting, transporting and storing seed wheat.

In addition, the harvesting season for silkworm cocoons continues in the velayat.

The khyakim also reported on the preparation of events dedicated to the Day of the Constitution and the National Flag of Turkmenistan, the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi, as well as the pace of construction of facilities for various purposes within the framework of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028 and the National rural programs planned for commissioning this year.

Summarizing the report, the head of state noted that the main requirement when caring for cotton and wheat crops is compliance with agro-technical standards, and gave the khyakim a number of specific instructions. The President of Turkmenistan also ordered to take appropriate measures for the organized holding of the wheat harvest.

In addition, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need for continued control over the pace and quality of construction of facilities for various purposes as part of the country’s socio-economic development programs, which are scheduled to open this year.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the velayats.

As noted, in order to grow a rich harvest of “white gold” in the country, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding are currently carried out in the fields sown with cotton. Agricultural machinery and outfits are effectively used in this work.

At the final stage – care work and vegetative watering of wheat crops. At the same time, preparations for an organized grain harvest continue.

Appropriate measures are taken for the harvest, transportation to collection points, as well as for proper storage of the wheat seed crop.

In accordance with the tasks set by the President of Turkmenistan for the organized conduct of the cocoon production season, silkworm caterpillars are currently being cared for and cocoons are being stored up.

After listening to the report, the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in order to obtain a rich harvest of agricultural crops, all established requirements should be fulfilled in a timely manner and at the proper level, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to keep under review the conduct of seasonal agricultural work in the country’s wheat and cotton fields in accordance with agro-technical standards , as well as preparation for the upcoming grain harvest.

Moreover, the President of Turkmenistan, having addressed the khyakims of the velayats, ordered to ensure strict control over the proper operation of the institutions and enterprises subordinate to the khyakimliks.

Concluding the working meeting via the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants success in solving the assigned tasks.




On May 13, 2024, a meeting was held between the Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, D.Gulmanova, and the head of the                      Japan-Turkmen inter-parliamentary friendship group, member of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Japan T. Endo.

During the meeting was emphasized the important role of inter-parliamentary cooperation in the relations established between the two friendly countries in various fields. In order to implement the idea of ​​​​creating a dialogue «Central Asia + Japan», put forward by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairperson of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, during his visit to Japan, for the purpose of developing parliamentary cooperation on a regional basis, the importance of the initiative to hold the first meeting of the leaders of the Japanese Parliament was noted in Ashgabat.

During the conversation, it was emphasized that parliamentary dialogue has become an important part of expanding the scope of cooperation between the two countries and the activities of parliamentary friendship groups on a bilateral basis increase opportunities for exchanging experience in legislative work.

During the discussions of the current state of Turkmen-Japan relations and prospects for their development, the parties emphasized that there are great opportunities for expanding cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. In particular, it was noted that the events held within the framework of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi, the great thinker of the East, the founder of Turkmen classical literature, give a great impetus to the development of cultural, friendly and fraternal ties between peoples.



On May 13, 2024, the following meeting of the Japan-Turkmen parliamentary friendship group was held in the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.

During the meeting, issues of improving the work of inter-parliamentary friendship groups created on a bilateral basis, as well as improving the work of parliament in legislative activities were discussed.

In the conversation, it was emphasized that the parliamentary dialogue has become an important part of deepening the cooperation between the two countries, and the establishment of parliamentary friendship groups on a bilateral basis increases the opportunities to exchange experience in legislative work and developing parliamentary diplomacy.

The parties expressed their readiness to support intergovernmental cooperation through parliamentary diplomacy, strengthen the legal foundations of these relations as well as exchange experience in parliamentary and  legislative work.



On May 13-14, 2024, representatives of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan are on a working visit to the city of Samarkand of the Republic of Uzbekistan to participate in the Asian Women's Forum. 

The purpose of the conference is to create a unique dialogue space in the region for realizing the opportunities of women, expanding their participation in the economy as well as for sharing experience in strengthening the role of women in modern conditions. 

According to the program, representatives of the Mejlis will take part in the Asian Women's Forum entitled «Regional approach in issues of women’s economic, social and political empowerment» to achieve effectiveness in the Central Asian region to ensure gender equality, and the empowerment of all women and girls. Conference participants made presentations on program activities for the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.


Молодое поколение с Аркадагом: в будущее со стремительностью скакуна!

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана, Почётный старейшина Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов совершил рабочую поездку в город Аркадаг, где посетил Международную академию коневодства имени Аба Аннаева. Здесь Герой-Аркадаг ознакомился с ходом выполнения задач по развитию конного спорта и встретился с детьми, интересующимися традициями национального коневодства, побеседовал с ними об уникальных особенностях ахалтекинцев.

Герой-Аркадаг посетил крытый манеж Академии. Здесь дети, увлечённые коневодством и конным спортом, с радостью встретили Аркадага. Национальный Лидер туркменского народа с удовлетворением отметил интерес подрастающего поколения к коням и побеседовал с ребятами. Увлечение молодёжи скакунами свидетельствует о продолжении на современном уровне традиций коневодства, которые наш народ совершенствовал на протяжении своей истории.

Мастер-коневод Герой-Аркадаг во время конной прогулки детей по манежу рассказал об особенностях конного спорта, его истории и нынешнем развитии, а также поинтересовался увлечениями ребят. Особенно отрадно, что нашлись те из них, кто решил стать сейисом, наездником, научным специалистом в этой области, ветеринаром.

Безгранично почитающий скакунов Герой-Аркадаг выразил уверенность, что дети, которые любят проводить свободное время, ухаживая за лошадьми, в будущем станут известными сейисами, приумножат славу ахалтекинцев, усовершенствуют на научной основе национальные традиции коневодства, а может будут членами группы национальных конных игр «Galkynyş».

Здесь в одном из живописных уголков, считающихся издревле местом обитания всемирно известных ахалтекинских коней, благодаря огромным усилиям Национального Лидера туркменского народа вырос новый город, основанный на инновационных архитектурных решениях. Построенные и ныне действующие в городе Международная академия коневодства имени Аба Аннаева, Научно-производственный центр коневодства, Государственный конный цирк имени Гёроглы, Международный ахалтекинский конноспортивный комплекс и современная конюшня для содержания 600 ахалтекинских скакунов придали мощный импульс дальнейшему эффективному развитию профильной отрасли на базе передовых достижений науки.

Дети с интересом слушали мастера-коневода Аркадага. Катаясь верхом на ретивых скакунах на таких современных аренах, как в Международной академии коневодства имени Аба Аннаева, они заверили, что внесут достойный вклад в развитие национального конного спорта.

И вот сегодня представители молодого поколения, заинтересованного в продолжении дела отцов, встретились с Национальным Лидером туркменского народа и с большим вниманием слушали рассказы об особенностях национального коневодства. Слова Героя-Аркадага об образцовых для всего мира принципах коневодства, созданных нашим народом, вдохновили ребят на глубокое освоение выбранных профессий, достижение высоких рубежей в данной области.

Затем мастер-коневод Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов подарил детям, увлекающимся верховой ездой, подарки. Ребята с радостью и благодарностью приняли их и попросили Героя-Аркадага сделать с ними памятное фото.

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа удовлетворил просьбу детей и сфотографировался с ними.

Как отметил Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана, отрадно, что подрастающее поколение интересуется принципами национального коневодства, и выдвинул предложение о создании новой группы молодых коневодов. Также Аркадаг подчеркнул целесообразность поддержки этой группы со стороны Благотворительного фонда по оказанию помощи нуждающимся в опеке детям имени Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова.

Предложение Героя-Аркадага было принято с энтузиазмом. Мастер-коневод Аркадаг, благословив деятельность новой группы, адресовал ряд поручений вице-президенту Международной ассоциации ахалтекинского коневодства Б.Реджепову по поддержке детей, увлекающихся верховой ездой, и привлечению в группу ребят, интересующихся конным спортом.

Также Герой-Аркадаг сделал акцент на том, что следует создавать необходимые условия для еженедельной тренировки детей, занимающихся верховой ездой. В этой связи отмечалось, что Фонд будет оказывать последовательную поддержку в получении детьми профессий, связанных с коневодством. Это является ярким свидетельством отеческой заботы мастера-коневода Аркадага о подрастающем поколении, которое хочет связать свою жизнь со скакунами.

В продолжение беседы Герой-Аркадаг отметил, что в конкурсе рисунков «Biz, Arkadagly Serdarly Watanyň bagtyýar nesilleri», проводимом при поддержке Благотворительного фонда по оказанию помощи нуждающимся в опеке детям имени Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова, участвует много ребят, которые изображают в своих работах великолепных ахалтекинских скакунов. Это свидетельствует об увлечённости подрастающего поколения конями.

Вице-президент Международной ассоциации ахалтекинского коневодства подчеркнул, что нынешнее посещение Героем-Аркадагом Академии, а также его ценные советы по управлению скакунами, скачкам, основанные на собственном опыте, подняли дух молодёжи, увлекающейся верховой ездой.

Вице-президент Ассоциации выразил сердечную признательность Национальному Лидеру туркменского народа за благословение молодёжи на получение специальностей в области коневодства и детей на занятия верховой ездой. Вице-президент Ассоциации, приведя поговорку «At – myrat», выразил уверенность, что благодаря заботе Героя-Аркадага и Президента Туркменистана мечты ребят о желаемой профессии сбудутся, и ещё раз высказал Герою-Аркадагу признательность за проявляемую поистине отеческую заботу.

Национальный Лидер туркменского народа, Председатель Халк Маслахаты Туркменистана мастер-коневод Аркадаг пожелал успехов детям в избранной профессии и отбыл с места события.


Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, the agenda of which included a number of issues in the life of the country.

The first speaker was the Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, who informed about the ongoing activities to provide legislative support for various areas of state policy.

As reported, drafts of a new edition of the Civil Code of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan “On the Literary Heritage of Magtymguly Fragi” and a legal act related to the ratification of an international treaty to which our country has acceded are currently being prepared. Work also continues to introduce, in accordance with the requirements of the time, changes and additions to the Sanitary Code, the Laws of Turkmenistan “On Physical Culture and Sports”, “On State Scientific and Technical Policy”, “On Seed Production”.

At the same time, information was provided on practical steps being taken to strengthen inter-parliamentary contacts and expand cooperation with international organizations. Thus, during the meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Turkmenistan, issues of further development of bilateral cooperation were discussed.

Along with this, deputies of the Mejlis take part in various events to explain the population the goals of domestic and foreign policy, adopted legislative acts, and the historical significance of the transformations being implemented in the country.

Summarizing the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of strengthening the legal foundations of the ongoing activities on further improving the social and living standards of the people. In this regard, the need to continue consistently to improve national legislation in accordance with international law was emphasized.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H.Geldimyradov reported on the ongoing work to introduce a digital system in the economic sector and transfer government services to electronic format.

In this context, information was provided on the practical steps being taken to implement the measures defined in the “State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025”, including those related to the creation and implementation of automated electronic information databases, ensuring their accessibility and cybersecurity. In particular, it was reported on the draft technical conditions and terms of reference for an identical system in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population and the Pension Fund of Turkmenistan.

After hearing the report, the head of state focused on the need further to improve the activities of the country’s Pension Fund. Noting the importance of expanding the range of digital services and fully utilizing their potential, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out appropriate work to create automated electronic information databases in this area.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Amanov reported on the measures being taken to strengthen the material and technical base of the supervised industries, in particular, the Türkmengaz State Concern.

As reported, in order to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of production enterprises in the structure of the fuel and energy complex, practical steps are being taken to supply them with the necessary funds on a regular basis. At the same time, work is underway to modernize and increase the capacity of units in this sector, update machinery and equipment, as well as introduce modern technologies.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the significant role of the oil and gas industry in the national economy and instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to take appropriate measures to further strengthen the material and technical base and export potential of this sector.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyyev, spoken then, reported on the state of affairs in the area under his supervision and the seasonal agricultural campaigns being carried out in the velayats of the country.

As reported, currently in the regions, vegetative irrigation is carried out on cotton-sown fields, and in areas where seedlings have been obtained, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding are carried out.

Relevant work is being carried out on land with wheat crops. Along with this, the necessary measures are being implemented to prepare grain receiving enterprises, combines and other equipment for the upcoming harvest season.

It was also informed about organized cocoon production activities in the country. In addition, in accordance with agro-technical standards, caring for agricultural crops and harvesting the grown crops continues.

A separate topic of the report was the practical steps taken to provide agricultural areas with water and improve the land reclamation condition.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the need to organize seasonal agricultural work at the proper level in the velayats of the country, timely conduct of vegetation irrigation and other agro-technical measures in the fields allocated for cotton. There were also given instructions, related to irrigation and care of wheat, proper preparation for the harvest.

Continuing the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister, reporting on the development of the draft Resolution “On measures for the organized conduct of the grain harvest in 2024,” presented the document for consideration by the President of Turkmenistan.

Summarizing the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of consistently increasing the volume of wheat produced in the country, harvesting the grown crop promptly and without losses, as well as ensuring its uninterrupted transportation to barns and elevators, and timely settlements with grain producers. Having signed the presented Resolution, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent the document to the Deputy Prime Minister via the digital system and gave appropriate assignments.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Annamammedov reported on preparations for the upcoming festive events in Ashgabat on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker and classical poet Magtymguly Fragi, widely celebrated in our country.

In order to hold the planned celebrations at a high level, work is underway to plant trees in the capital’s parks and squares, as well as to improve the areas adjacent to the buildings. Great importance is attached to the festive adornment and decoration of the main city of the country. On the occasion of this significant date, advertising banners, symbols and mottos are placed along the central avenues.

The construction of the Magtymguly Fragi monument, being one of the pillars of classical literature of the Turkmen people, and the improvement of the Magtymguly Fragi cultural and park complex, on the territory of which monuments to famous foreign poets and prose writers, famous masters of words have been erected, have been fully completed.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that celebrations dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi are being held in the independent Homeland, including Ashgabat. The head of state commissioned the Deputy Prime Minister to continue work on the decoration and improvement of the capital in connection with the events scheduled for the occasion of the significant date celebrated at the international level.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Atdayev reported on preparations for the International Exhibition of Modern Food Production Technologies to be held on May 15–17 of the current year.

It is expected that companies specializing in the production, packaging, storage and processing of food and agricultural products will take part in the show. The exhibition will feature technological equipment, packaging materials, production resources, etc. It will include presentations of new technologies, modern equipment and products, as well as bilateral meetings with the aim of exchanging experiences and establishing mutually beneficial cooperation.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized, the most important tasks are to increase the capacity of the food industry in the country, ensure an abundance of high-quality food products in the domestic market, and develop international cooperation in this area. The upcoming international show in the capital will be of great importance for familiarization with new technologies, modern equipment and products, as well as best practices, the head of state noted, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to hold the exhibition at a high level.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammedova reported on preparations for the opening ceremony of the “Magtymguly Pyragy” cultural and park complex and the monument to the great Turkmen poet.

In this regard, it was reported that practical steps are being taken to organize the planned celebrations. The event will include a display of literary and artistic compositions, performances by theater artists, cultural figures and masters of the country’s arts, as well as laying flowers at the monument, a drone light show, and a festive fireworks display.

It is expected that the participants in the opening ceremony will be foreign guests of the International Conference at the level of Ministers of Culture dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi, the International Scientific Forum “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, representatives of the National Commissions for UNESCO of the TURKSOY member states, as well as leaders and employees of diplomatic missions accredited to our country.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that in the year “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, events and conferences are held at the international level in honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the Turkmen poet and thinker. The opening ceremony of the monument to the great son of the Turkmen people Magtymguly Fragi and the cultural and park complex is scheduled for May 17, the head of Turkmenistan said, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out appropriate work in order to organize the upcoming celebration and international forums at a high level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N.Amannepesov reported on preparations for the planned scientific conferences and events on the occasion of Science Day.

Thus, in accordance with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, the International Forum “Science, technology and innovative technologies in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state” will be held on June 12–13 with the participation of domestic and prominent foreign scientists. Within the framework of the International Scientific Conference, organized by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, current trends in scientific and technological progress will be discussed.

In order to disseminate the developments of Turkmen scientists, exchange experience and strengthen international cooperation, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Important directions of the green economy: eco, nano-, bio- and information technologies” will be held on June 8 at the Oguzhan Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan. In addition, on June 12, the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly will host an award ceremony for the winners of the scientific work competition among the youth of Turkmenistan.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that our country attaches great importance to the development of the field of science. In this context, the head of state ordered the organized holding of international scientific forums “Science, technology and innovative technologies in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state” and “Important directions of the green economy: eco, nano-, bio- and information technologies”, as well as an award ceremony for the winners of the scientific work competition among the youth of Turkmenistan.

Next, the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the preparation by the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, together with the relevant ministries and departments, of the State Program for the Comprehensive Development of Biotechnology in Turkmenistan for 2024–2028. Its main goal is to increase the role of science within the framework of reforms in all sectors of the country’s economy, including accelerating, through biological science and biotechnology, the development of innovative technologies for the production of environmentally friendly, energy saving, import substituting and export products. In this regard, a draft relevant Resolution was submitted to the head of state for consideration.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that today great attention is paid to the widespread use of innovative technologies in the scientific field. In order to develop the scientific foundations for the formation of a developed bio-industry in the country with the help of biotechnologies, the head of state signed the Resolution “On approval of the State Program for the Comprehensive Development of Biotechnologies in Turkmenistan for 2024–2028” and, having sent a document via the digital system, addressed a number of specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov, spoken then, reported on preparations for the forum dedicated to the 30th anniversary of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the European Union.

One of the main directions of the foreign policy of the Homeland, consistently implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is the development of constructive interaction with authoritative international organizations. A clear example here is the established fruitful partnership with the EU. In order to further strengthen it, it was proposed to hold a conference “30 years of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the European Union: working together for the future” on May 14, 2024.

Thematic sessions will discuss issues related to the development of interparliamentary relations between our country and the EU, interaction in the field of security, in the areas of trade, education, green energy, and the implementation of programs in these areas. It is also planned to organize a press conference to introduce new projects that will be implemented jointly with the European Union.

The forum envisages the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, the Türkmengaz State Concern and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) on the implementation of the project “Measures and political dialogue to combat climate change in 2024–2028”. On the same day, an exhibition dedicated to the activities of the European Union in our country is scheduled in the Foreign Ministry building.

Next, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs reported on preparations for the 10th meeting of the National Commissions for UNESCO of the member states of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), upcoming in Ashgabat on May 16 of the current year.

In accordance with the relevant Order of the head of Turkmenistan, measures are being implemented to ensure that this event is held at a high level. A draft meeting program has been prepared. Currently, a draft relevant document is being developed, being expected to be adopted following the meeting.

Then a report was made on the steps taken to develop Turkmenistan’s partnership with the International Labor Organization (ILO), which is a specialized structure of the UN. In order to build up this traditional interaction, a number of relevant proposals were submitted to the head of state for consideration.

As noted, a Roadmap for cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the ILO for 2024–2025 has been prepared. In this context, the participation of representatives of state and public organizations of our country in the implementation of the activities provided for in it is proposed.

It was also reported that the 112th session of the ILO International Labor Conference will be held on June 3–14 this year in Geneva (Swiss Confederation). In this regard, it seems appropriate to hold meetings with the leadership and representatives of this Organization within the framework of the visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to Geneva.

In addition, in order to discuss planned joint events scheduled for 2024, it is proposed to organize a visit of ILO experts to our country on May 14–17.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan is making the necessary efforts to strengthen and develop constructive interaction with international structures. Continuing the topic, noting the special importance attached to interaction with the European Union, the head of state instructed to hold a conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the EU at a high level.

At the same time, it was assigned to ensure proper preparation for the 10th meeting of the National Commissions for UNESCO of the TURKSOY member countries.

The foreign policy strategy of the Homeland finds broad support from authoritative international organizations, the head of Turkmenistan said, addressing the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with appropriate instructions on the further development of a fruitful partnership with the ILO.

Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakyyev reported on the ongoing work to train international-level personnel for the field of civil aviation.

As reported, on the basis of the Aviation Personnel Training School of the Türkmenhowaýollary Agency, it is proposed to organize training for both domestic and foreign specialists in the areas of “Training of the State Flight Safety Inspector” and “National Aviation Safety Observer”, taking into account the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).

The created opportunities will facilitate the improvement of teaching methods in this educational institution in accordance with international standards and the development of cooperation in this area. In this regard, the head of the Agency submitted a corresponding proposal to the head of state for consideration.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that partnerships with relevant authoritative organizations in the field of training international-level specialists for the country’s civil aviation should be further strengthened and ordered the necessary measures to be taken for their training by the International Civil Aviation Organization and the European Civil Aviation Conference.

Continuing the meeting, it was informed about the work being carried out to strengthen the material and technical base of domestic railway transport and maintain the country’s railways in proper condition.

In particular, it was reported that in order to modernize, electrify, improve the management system of this industry, train personnel and other measures provided for by the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028”, best practices in this direction are being studied. In this context, the head of the Agency reported on negotiations with leading foreign companies specializing in the field of freight and passenger transportation, logistics, and modernization of railways.

As noted, in the speech of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the Turkmen-German business forum, held as part of a working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany in 2023, emphasis was placed on the importance of fruitful cooperation with the Deutsche Bahn Holding Company. In this regard, a number of proposals were submitted for consideration by the head of state.

Highlighting that the material and technical base of domestic railway transport is constantly being strengthened and international cooperation is being established, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov commissioned the head of the Agency to increase interaction in the railway industry with the above-mentioned German company.

A number of other issues of public life were also considered at the meeting, on which appropriate decisions were made.

Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished everyone good health, family well-being and great success in their work for the further prosperity of the sovereign Homeland.


President of Turkmenistan took part in the celebrations held in Moscow in honour of Victory Day

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the invitation of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin as a guest of honour took part in solemn actions on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

At the due time, the presidential motorcade arrived in the building of the Kremlin.

There the Russian leader welcomed the head of Turkmenistan warmly. 

From the Kremlin President Serdar Berdimuhamedov together with other honoured guests - heads of the delegations who arrived in Moscow for participation in festive actions, headed towards the venue of solemn military parade - Central podium on the Red Square.

… Over seven decades have passed from the date of Great Victory. In days of the war, an irreplaceable loss was made to all humanity, peaceful life of millions of people and sacred values, development of world economy, culture, science, literature and art. The past time does not erase from the national memory the event of those remote heroic years and highlights firmness, fearlessness and courage of soldiers at the front even more brightly, selflessness of workers of the home front, more weighty and accurate becomes comprehension of world-wide and historical value of defeat of fascism and Nazism. 

For in days of the Great Patriotic War the general dream of peaceful life united millions of the people fighting against evil and violence. They brought a worthy contribution to approach of long-awaited Victory. Together with other fraternal people, courageous Turkmen nationals with firmness-withstood hardships of war, displayed highest moral qualities, samples of bravery, valour, unprecedented heroism and true patriotism in the bloody fight for peace, tranquillity and peaceful life on the earth. The feat of arms and courage of heroic ancestors were written by golden letters in the glorious history of our native land.

Following facts serve as a vivid example for it. In severe years of war at the front fought more than 265 thousand brave Turkmen nationals. Many of them for their heroism were awarded decorations and medals. 104 soldiers were awarded the high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union, 19 front-line soldiers became full cavaliers of the Order of Glory. 

The fact that among participants of the Second World War - grandfather of National Leader of the Turkmen people, great-grandfather of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov - Berdimuhamed Annayev, whose life is a worthy example of true service to the country and its people, evokes a particular pride. Having gone as a volunteer to the front in 1943, he bravely fought in the 748th rifle regiment of the 206th rifle division of the 2nd Ukrainian Front. Having returned from war because of the serious wound, Berdimuhamed Annayev continued his teaching activity. 

One should note that the illustrious son of the Turkmen people, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Body of the USSR from March 2, 1949, was awarded the Distinguished Service Order and according to the Decree signed in June, 2018 by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin – the high state award of the Russian Federation - medal «For courage», for personal courage, bravery and valour, shown at fulfilment of soldier's duty in days of the Great Patriotic War.

In 2020 on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Victory Day from Russia to Turkmenistan the battle banner of the 748th rifle regiment of the 206th rifle division under which Berdimuhamed Annayev was in war, was delivered. This valuable exhibit, which became a symbol of courage and boundless courage of Soviet soldiers and also one more sacred relic - medal «For courage», awarded valorous soldier Berdimuhamet Annayev, were transferred to eternal storage in the Memorial complex «Halk hakydasy». 

Today, the life and work record of this modest and fair teacher, front-line soldier and instructor serves for the younger generation as a sample of ardent patriotism, unusual diligence, courage and valour. In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State in Turkmenistan great plans and grandiose transformations initiated by grandson of Berdimuhamet Annayev - Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and nowadays successfully realised by great-grandson - President Serdar Berdimuhamedov who have devoted his life to the service of his Fatherland and Turkmen people, are realised.

… Victory Day, one of the most valued and sacred holidays, personifying peace, safe and happy life of people, marked with tears in the face, has a special significance for all mankind. For even after decades, bitterness of losses of those terrible military years’ heavy memoirs lives in the hearts of nations of the world, including Turkmen. Despite past 79 years, the heroic history of military men finds a ready response in our hearts, filled with pride for compatriots.

With eternal gratitude to honour memory of heroes, self-denying defenders of the native land, with great respect to their names filled by glory - sacred traditions of our people. Paying tribute to the high feat of soldiers-Turkmen nationals, according to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, in our country books «Hatyra», immortalised names of the heroes who lost their lives in war and «Şohrat», on which pages lists of soldiers, who retuned back with Victory were published. 

Today grey-haired elders, who have a huge life experience and those compatriots who bravely fought, defending freedom and independence of the people of the planet, whose self-denying work helped win a long-awaited victory, are surrounded with general respect and honour. With every passing year, the number of veterans of that war becomes lesser. 

The Turkmen state attaches a huge significance to regular improvement of their social conditions. Annually in honour of Great Victory in the war of 1941-1945 under solemn conditions, costly gifts are presented to veterans and widows of perished soldiers. Numerous social privileges are also provided for veterans of war and home front. With their admonishments and wisdom front-line soldiers and heroes of the home front, soldier's widows bring their contribution to the strengthening of unity of society and education of the youth in the spirit of patriotism and humanism. The senior generation urges the rising generation to love and loyalty to their native land and follow the principles put by ancestors - friendship, mutual respect and philanthropy …

By the way, one should point out that on May 9, 2010 - in the year of celebration of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War on the Red Square, along with soldiers of the Armed Forces of Russia, military men - representatives of the people participating in fierce battles of 1941-1945 also marched. Soldiers of the company of the Guard of honour represented Turkmenistan in that year. 

On completion of the military parade, by the developed noble tradition, heads of the states who took part in celebrations on the occasion of the significant date, walked to the Alexander Gardens located along the Kremlin wall where the flower laying ceremony to the Tomb of the Unknown soldier took place.

To sounds of mourning music, leaders of the friendly countries proceeded to a majestic architectural complex, which got in November 2009 the status of the National memorial of military glory. Soldiers with a wreath walk before them. 

The President of Turkmenistan, paying a tribute to the memory of the heroes who fought for protection of peace life and freedom of all humanity and fell in fight with fascism on fields of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, laid scarlet roses the Eternal fire.

Soldiers of the Guard of honour pass with a solemn march in formation by the memorial. 

This holiday is dear to everyone in an especial way. Indeed, the victory in the Great Patriotic War required from all fraternal people inconceivable efforts and diligence, firmness of spirit and unity. Today, celebrating this bright holiday, everyone thanks all those who displayed unprecedented heroism and patriotism for peace on the planet.

The memory of feat of heroes will always live in our hearts, uniting fraternal people even more strongly, and will serve as a reliable basis to strengthen interstate relations.

On completion of solemn actions, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov headed towards the airport "Vnukovo-2", from where he took off for Ashgabat. 

In some time, the plane of the head of the state landed in the capital International airport where officials met the President of Turkmenistan.


Народу независимого нейтрального Туркменистана

Дорогие соотечественники!

Уважаемые ветераны войны!

От всей души поздравляю с 79-й годовщиной Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 годов!

1941–1945 годы – самый безжалостный и в то же время наиболее скорбный период мировой истории, когда захватническая и грабительская война унесла жизни миллионов людей и привела к невосполнимым потерям, оставив незаживающие раны. С самого начала той беспощадной войны, затянувшейся на 1418 дней, наши соотечественники добровольно отправились на фронт, где бок о бок с братскими народами сражались на полях жестокой схватки, проявив беспримерную храбрость и мужество. За это они удостоились множества орденов и медалей. Имена наших воинов, которые сложили головы в кровопролитной войне, и тех, кто вернулся домой с Победой, занесены в многотомные издания «Hatyra» и «Şöhrat».

Наши соотечественники денно и нощно трудились не покладая рук, и в те лихие годы они собрали большие урожаи зерна и хлопка. Ими двигала непоколебимая вера и надежда в Победу. Война опалила и изувечила сердца, но наши женщины и девушки, следуя исконным принципам, без малейшего раздумья передали в Фонд обороны 7392 килограмма золотых и серебряных украшений. Тогда же ими был соткан огромный ковёр «Душа туркмен», который стал проявлением стремления туркменского народа жить в мире и благоденствии. Воспоминания о ратной доблести наших храбрых предков, трудовых достижениях соотечественников золотыми буквами навсегда вписаны в летопись Отечества.

Мы безмерно гордимся нашими героями, отважными предками, сражавшимися ради мира на Земле, безмятежного неба и счастливой жизни потомков, а также соотечественниками, самоотверженным трудом которых приближалась Великая Победа. Вечная им слава!

Родные туркменистанцы!

В эру Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства мы высоко чтим представителей старшего поколения, чья доблесть и удивительная школа жизни служат всем примером. Они, самоотверженно проявляя ратный и трудовой героизм во имя свободы человечества, приближали славную Победу. В году «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги», ознаменованном чередой событий, как у нас, так и за рубежом, мы также увековечиваем светлую память героев возложением букетов свежих цветов в столичном мемориальном комплексе «Halk hakydasy» и в других мемориалах боевой славы и народной памяти. Вместе с тем по случаю праздника Победы по всей стране проходят тематические музыкально-песенные и культурно-массовые мероприятия, ветеранам войны торжественно вручаются праздничные подарки. Таким образом мы проявляем безграничную благодарность и уважение нашим героям, отдавшим жизни во имя свободы на полях войны 1941–1945 годов, а также соотечественникам, которые с достоинством преодолели суровые лишения и стали примером беззаветного служения Родине, народу и человечеству.

Дорогие туркменистанцы!

Сегодня в нашей суверенной Отчизне царят мир и благополучие, а национальная экономика развивается ускоренными темпами. Мы, руководствуясь главным принципом «Родина является Родиной только с народом! Государство является государством только с народом!», успешно выполняем задачи во имя счастливой и изобильной жизни человека – высшей ценности государства, то есть каждого гражданина Туркменистана. Постоянно интересуемся здоровьем и бытом ветеранов войны, почтенных старейшин и убелённых сединой бабушек и матерей, предоставляя им различные социальные льготы. Своими наставлениями и мудростью они вносят колоссальный вклад в укрепление единства общества, воспитание молодёжи в духе патриотизма и гуманизма. Старшее поколение призывает нас любить и быть преданными родной земле, следовать принципам национального менталитета, заложенным предками, – дружбы, доброй воли и гуманизма.

Проводимая нами политика по поддержанию мира, всеобщей безопасности и стабильности снискала независимому нейтральному Туркменистану высокий авторитет на международной арене. Выступая за расширение уз дружбы и братства между государствами, всестороннее содействие устойчивому развитию, мы активно участвуем в разработке оптимальных решений глобальных проблем. На 63-м пленарном заседании 78-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединённых Наций была единогласно принята инициированная Туркменистаном Резолюция «2025 год – Международный год мира и доверия». Это стало отрадным событием, торжеством на планете наших исконных принципов миролюбия, дружбы и доверия и приумножившим авторитет в мире Туркменского государства как миротворческого центра.

Мой родной народ!

Уважаемые ветераны войны!

Ещё раз от всей души поздравляю с праздником Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 годов – знаменательной датой, отмечаемой во славу великих ценностей человечества на планете – мира и гуманизма!

Желаю вам крепкого здоровья, счастливой жизни в благополучии и больших успехов в работе во имя дальнейшего процветания любимой Родины!

Президент Туркменистана 

Сердар Бердымухамедов.


The President of Turkmenistan left on a working visit to the Russian Federation

This afternoon, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov left on a working visit to the Russian Federation, where, at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, he will take part as an honoured guest in the celebrations in honour of the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The head of state was seen off by officials at the capital's International Airport.

This visit of the President of the country to the Russian Federation is the next step towards the progressive development of constructive interstate relations, which in the modern epoch have been given new impetus and content.

One of the unforgettable, main pages of our joint history is the war of 1941-1945. The great feat, courage, unprecedented heroism shown at the fronts and in the rear during the harsh war years remained forever in the memory of our peoples. May 9 - Victory Day is truly a historically significant event that unites the peoples of the CIS.

In this context, the constant participation of the President of Turkmenistan in the celebrations on the occasion of the Great Victory in the Second World War, including the current ones, is deeply symbolic. At the same time, this is a reflection of respect for the common feat of the liberating heroes, whose memory will live forever.

The Turkmen people made a worthy contribution to the Great Victory won in fierce battles for the Motherland. His brave sons, shoulder to shoulder with representatives of other fraternal nations, not sparing themselves, fought heroically on the fronts, in partisan detachments, and worked selflessly in the rear. To this day, the valiant military feat of our fellow countrymen in those harsh years remains for all of us a true example of love for the Fatherland, honour and fidelity to duty.


Глава государства принял участие в открытии Яшлыкского водоочистного сооружения

Сегодня Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов принял участие в торжественной церемонии ввода в строй Яшлыкского водоочистного сооружения мощностью 30 тысяч кубометров воды в сутки, расположенного в этрапе Ак бугдай Ахалского велаята.

Забота о благополучии народа, систематическое повышение уровня и качества жизни людей – приоритет государственной политики Туркменистана, последовательно реализуемой под руководством Президента Сердара Бердымухамедова. На достижение поставленных целей направлены принятые и успешно осуществляемые в нашей стране масштабные программы, в том числе «Национальная программа по преобразованию социально-бытовых условий населения сёл, посёлков, городов этрапов и этрапских центров на период до 2028 года». При этом одной из ключевых задач определено обеспечение туркменистанцев чистой питьевой водой.

Наша страна располагает существенным опытом в деле рачительного и эффективного водопользования. Испокон веков туркменскому народу присуще бережное отношение к воде. В современную эпоху эти мудрые традиции находят воплощение в предпринимаемых комплексных мерах по модернизации инфраструктуры водного хозяйства, широком внедрении в практику достижений науки и инновационных экологически чистых водосберегающих технологий. Большое значение также придаётся цифровизации отрасли.

В Туркменистане уделяется неослабное внимание совершенствованию подходов к управлению водными ресурсами и их охране, созданию дополнительных запасов воды, улучшению водоснабжения городов и сёл, увеличению ёмкости водохранилищ, пропускной способности рек, оросительных и коллекторных сетей. В этих целях претворяются в жизнь профильные проекты, для отрасли приобретаются специализированные техника и оборудование новейших модификаций.

В данном контексте особое значение имеет реализация проекта строительства Туркменского озера «Altyn asyr». Сооружение этого рукотворного водоёма, а по сути, сложнейшей гидротехнической системы призвано способствовать успешному решению насущных экономических и социальных задач в стране, а также вопросов экологического благополучия как в Туркменистане, так и в регионе Центральной Азии. В этом плане Туркменское озеро – проект по-настоящему инновационный, подтверждающий, что наша страна вносит конкретный вклад в решение глобальных проблем, связанных с сохранением водных ресурсов планеты и защитой окружающей среды.

Как отмечает Президент Туркменистана, рациональное использование водных ресурсов, обеспечение населения планеты чистой питьевой водой определено одной из глобальных Целей устойчивого развития. Вместе с тем водохозяйственный аспект непосредственно связан с климатическим фактором. Противодействие изменению климата и его последствиям также включено в ЦУР. Демонстрируя ответственный и дальновидный подход к решению данных вопросов, Туркменистан конструктивно сотрудничает с Организацией Объединённых Наций и другими авторитетными международными структурами.

Активно продвигая водную и экологическую дипломатию на региональном и глобальном уровне, наша страна стремится содействовать укреплению плодотворного партнёрства в этих жизненно важных сферах, разработке передовых практик, которые могут послужить всему человечеству. Этому также призваны способствовать инициативы Туркменистана об открытии в Ашхабаде Регионального центра по технологиям, связанным с изменением климата в Центральной Азии, и о подготовке Водной стратегии Организации Объединённых Наций.

Кроме того, наша страна выступила с предложением о создании специальной Программы ООН для бассейна Аральского моря. Как известно, в мае 2023 года на 79-й сессии Экономической и социальной комиссии для Азии и Тихого океана (ЭСКАТО) была единогласно принята инициированная Туркменистаном Резолюция, касающаяся данного вопроса.

… Вертолёт главы государства приземлился на вертолётной площадке близ нового объекта. Затем Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов проследовал к месту проведения торжества.

С вдохновенной вокально-хореографической композицией, славящей достижения Отчизны и масштабные преобразования, инициированные Героем-Аркадагом и ныне успешно продолжающиеся под руководством Аркадаглы Героя Сердара, выступают мастера искусств страны.

По сложившейся доброй традиции под аплодисменты собравшихся Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов перерезает праздничную ленту и открывает новый объект.

Затем глава государства проследовал в Центр управления водоочистного сооружения, расположенный в административном корпусе. Здесь специалист ознакомил Президента Сердара Бердымухамедова с работой Центра, которая, как и деятельность других отделений комплекса, полностью автоматизирована.

В Центре принимаются такие решения, как подача с объекта очищенной питьевой воды в установленных объёмах, и по мере необходимости – их регулирование. Лаборатория, входящая в структуру комплекса, осуществляет контроль над приготовлением применяемых для очистки воды химических реагентов (смешивание растворов сульфата алюминия и гипохлорита натрия) согласно установленным нормам.

Выразив Президенту Туркменистана, а также Герою-Аркадагу искреннюю признательность за постоянное внимание к развитию водохозяйственной отрасли и заботу о её тружениках, за созданные возможности работать на современных предприятиях, оснащённых передовыми технологиями, специалист обратился к главе государства с просьбой благословить пуск водоочистного сооружения.

Нажатием кнопки на пульте управления Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов вводит новый объект в эксплуатацию.

На мониторе демонстрируется видеоролик, позволяющий получить наглядное представление о Яшлыкском водоочистном сооружении и технологическом процессе очистки воды.

Новый комплекс оснащён современным специализированным оборудованием от отечественных и зарубежных производителей. Из Каракум-реки вода поступает в резервуар, где она предварительно отстаивается. Затем осуществляется её механическая фильтрация посредством специальных решёток.

Далее с насосной станции вода подаётся по трубопроводам на водоочистное сооружение, где подвергается каскадной аэрации, естественным образом обогащаясь кислородом, а также проходит этап деминерализации – в частности, из неё удаляются такие элементы, как железо и марганец. После вода поступает для отстаивания и далее направляется для очистки химическим методом. Затем она насосами подаётся для дальнейшей фильтрации через песчаные и угольные фильтры.

Отфильтрованная и полностью очищенная вода дезинфицируется гипохлоритом натрия и направляется в 4 резервуара. Далее она подаётся в посёлок Яшлык, а также в близлежащие сёла. Кроме того, чистая питьевая вода поступает для водоснабжения села Гяверс и расположенных в его окрестностях населённых пунктов.

В целях обеспечения экологической безопасности осадок, образующийся в ходе очистки воды, соответствующим образом обрабатывается. Это осуществляется посредством специального оборудования, в том числе декантера, предназначенного для обезвоживания, сгущения и высушивания осадка.

Продолжая ознакомление с новым водохозяйственным объектом, глава государства зашёл в химико-бактериологическую лабораторию, поинтересовавшись её оснащением и спецификой работы.

Как рассказал специалист лаборатории, здесь установлено высокотехнологичное оборудование иностранного производства, в том числе спектрофотометр, выполняющий более 50 тестов, в частности, на содержание различных химических элементов в воде и на определение её жёсткости. С помощью турбидиметра измеряется степень мутности воды. Для приготовления химических реагентов предназначен магнитный смеситель с подогревом. Имеются также аналитические весы, потенциометрический PH-метр для измерения водородного показателя в воде, сушилка для используемых в лаборатории стеклянных изделий.

Выразив Президенту Сердару Бердымухамедову глубокую признательность за ввод в эксплуатацию нового объекта, имеющего большое значение для обеспечения туркменистанцев чистой питьевой водой, за предоставление молодёжи возможности трудиться на современных предприятиях, специалист адресовал главе государства, а также Герою-Аркадагу Гурбангулы Бердымухамедову пожелания крепкого здоровья, долголетия и больших успехов во всех благих делах.

Выйдя из административного корпуса, Президент Туркменистана вручил ключи от новых автомобилей, предназначенных для отрасли.

Тепло попрощавшись с участниками церемонии, глава государства проследовал на вертолётную площадку и отбыл в Ашхабад.

Таким образом, сегодняшние события, вписав новые яркие страницы в летопись года «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги» эры Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства, стали очередным свидетельством успешности осуществляемых под руководством Президента Сердара Бердымухамедова комплексных преобразований, нацеленных на дальнейшее динамичное развитие национальной экономики, планомерное совершенствование социально-бытовых условий жизни народа. Всё это – наглядное подтверждение уверенного движения независимой нейтральной Отчизны по пути прогресса и созидания.


Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов принял участие в открытии второй очереди Бахерденского цементного завода

Сегодня Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов принял участие в торжественной церемонии ввода в строй второй очереди Бахерденского цементного завода мощностью 1 миллион тонн цемента в год.

В эру Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства развитие строительно-промышленного комплекса, играющего определяющую роль в упрочении экономического потенциала Отчизны, определено одним из приоритетов государственной политики.

Благодаря масштабным преобразованиям, начатым в этой важнейшей отрасли национальной экономики Национальным Лидером туркменского народа Героем-Аркадагом и успешно продолжаемым под руководством Президента Сердара Бердымухамедова, неуклонно увеличиваются ассортимент и объёмы выпуска импортозамещающей, экспортно-ориентированной продукции на основе богатейших местных сырьевых ресурсов, создаются благоприятные условия для кооперации с отечественными частными предпринимателями, принимающими самое активное участие в возведении промышленных объектов по всей стране.

Полная автоматизация производства, внедрение инновационных технологий, создание новых мощных и модернизация имеющихся предприятий обусловили вхождение Туркменистана в число индустриально развитых государств мира.

В строительную индустрию вкладываются огромные средства, которые направляются на укрепление материально-технической базы отрасли, комплексный рост промышленного сектора, обеспечение высокого качества и конкурентоспособности выпускаемой продукции, в частности, стройматериалов.

Показательным тому примером служит налаженное в стране производство цемента. Так, совсем недавно – в марте текущего года – при участии главы государства состоялось открытие второй очереди цементного завода в Лебапском велаяте мощностью 

1 миллион тонн продукции в год. И вот теперь в Бахерденском этрапе Ахалского велаята вводится в строй вторая очередь нового производства, высококачественная продукция которого востребована на многочисленных стройках Туркменистана.

Цементный завод «Bäherden», сданный в эксплуатацию в 2005 году, является одним из крупнейших подобных предприятий в Центральноазиатском регионе.

Флагман отечественной стройиндустрии представляет собой целый комплекс, расположенный у подножия величественных гор Копетдага, включающий огромные промышленные установки и производственные корпуса. Здесь выпускаются наиболее востребованные марки цемента, что обеспечивает высокие темпы ведущегося в Туркменистане строительства.

Вторая очередь промышленного гиганта годовой мощностью 1 миллион тонн цемента построена в соответствии с Постановлением главы государства индивидуальным предприятием «Beýik bina».

К работе также была привлечена крупнейшая германская инжиниринговая компания «KHD Humboldt Wedag», которая поставляет оборудование и оказывает услуги, включая проектирование процессов и управление проектами для мировой цементной промышленности.

Таким образом, неуклонно проводя политику «открытых дверей» и широкого международного сотрудничества, Туркменистан активно привлекает к развитию всех отраслей национальной экономики, в том числе строительной промышленности, ведущие зарубежные компании, располагающие большим опытом и инновационными технологиями.

Утром Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов прибыл на вертолёте на специальную вертолётную площадку и направился к расположенному неподалёку месту проведения торжества по случаю ввода в строй нового современного производства.

По этому знаменательному для страны событию здесь собрались Председатель Меджлиса, заместители Председателя Кабинета Министров, руководители министерств и ведомств, хяким Ахалского велаята, а также представители СМИ и широкой общественности.

Участники церемонии с большим воодушевлением приветствуют Аркадаглы Героя Сердара.

Неповторимый праздничный настрой торжеству придали песенно-музыкальные выступления мастеров искусств.

Глава государства проходит в зал, специально обустроенный для нынешней церемонии.

Выступая перед участниками торжества по случаю запуска второй очереди цементного завода «Bäherden» в Бахерденском этрапе Ахалского велаята, Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов отметил, что в независимом Туркменистане регулярно открываются объекты социальной инфраструктуры и производственные комплексы, что ныне стало традицией.

– Сегодня мы также примем участие в торжественной сдаче в эксплуатацию водоочистного сооружения в посёлке Яшлык этрапа Ак бугдай Ахалского велаята и передадим в качестве подарка около 200 автобусов современной модели, что предоставят жителям региона высококлассные пассажирские услуги, – сказал глава государства, от всей души поздравив присутствующих с этими замечательными событиями.

Как подчеркнул Аркадаглы Герой Сердар, сегодня, в эру Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства, нами реализуются целевые программные меры по социально-экономическому развитию страны, в частности по повышению динамики сфер национальной экономики. Их масштаб, определённый Программой «Возрождение новой эпохи могущественного государства: Национальная программа социально-экономического развития Туркменистана в 2022–2052 годах» и Программой социально-экономического развития страны в 2022–2028 годах, охватывает также промышленный и строительно-производственный секторы – одни из крупнейших отраслей экономики нашего государства.

Усердием и самоотверженным трудом промышленников стройплощадки страны снабжаются отечественными материалами высокого качества, в частности цементной продукцией, которая выпускается профильными заводами – «Bäherden», «Balkan» и «Lebap» – на базе инновационных технологий последнего поколения. Она в полной мере соответствует международным стандартам и пользуется большим спросом на внутреннем и внешнем рынках.

У нас сформировано многопрофильное строительное производство, в современных кластерах которого приоритет отдаётся расширению номенклатуры и увеличению объёма выпускаемых товаров. Отдельное внимание уделяется эффективному освоению инвестиций в стройиндустрию и наращиванию производственного потенциала предприятий.

Параллельно возводятся новые профильные объекты, которые оснащаются инновационными технологиями и способны выпускать из местного сырья высококачественную продукцию по международным стандартам. Один из них – современное предприятие, которое мы открываем сегодня в торжественной обстановке, продолжил глава государства.

Отмечалось, что данный объект построен членом Союза промышленников и предпринимателей Туркменистана – индивидуальным предприятием «Beýik bina» – по заказу Министерства промышленности и строительного производства страны и укомплектован передовой техникой, сконструированной в ведущих странах мира, что в свою очередь позволит оптимизировать производственные процессы и выпускать качественную продукцию.

Предприятие, представляющее собой комплекс из административного здания и 48-ми сооружений, рассчитано на производство по международным стандартам 1 миллиона тонны цементной продукции высокого качества, в том числе сульфатостойкой. Во второй очереди цементного завода «Bäherden» предусмотрены все условия для работы около 250 сотрудников и их досуга.

Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов выразил твёрдую уверенность в том, что промышленники независимой нейтральной Отчизны и впредь будут самоотверженно трудиться в целях развития страны, снабжая стройплощадки и граждан строительными материалами высокого качества.

В числе приоритетов государственной политики также было обозначено обеспечение населения чистой питьевой водой. Как отмечалось, в этом плане принимаются действенные меры для поддержания бесперебойной подачи качественной чистой воды в регионы нашей страны.

– И сегодня в посёлке Яшлык этрапа Ак бугдай Ахалского велаята сдаётся в эксплуатацию водоочистное сооружение мощностью 30 тысяч кубометров воды в сутки, которое располагает передовыми технологиями от ведущих стран мира. Мы продолжим эффективно работать над строительством в регионах новых и реконструкцией действующих водоочистных сооружений и систем водоснабжения, – подчеркнул в своём выступлении Аркадаглы Герой Сердар.

Глава государства отметил, что в нынешнем году также намечено запустить предприятие по выпуску отделочных керамических материалов в Бахерденском этрапе Ахалского велаята и водоочистное сооружение в городе Теджен этого же региона мощностью 30 тысяч кубометров воды в сутки. Кроме того, в Ахалском велаяте предусмотрено открытие множества объектов социальной и жилищной инфраструктуры. Словом, успешно продолжатся программные меры по комплексному развитию регионов и созданию новых производств, отвечающих требованиям времени.

Ещё раз поздравив работников сферы промышленности и строительного производства, а также население Ахалского велаята с торжественными мероприятиями, ознаменовавшими год «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги», – открытием второй очереди цементного завода «Bäherden» в Бахерденском этрапе Ахалского велаята, водоочистного сооружения в посёлке Яшлык этрапа Ак бугдай Ахалского велаята, а также с передачей жителям региона современных автобусов в качестве подарка, глава государства пожелал всем крепкого здоровья, благополучной и счастливой жизни, больших успехов в работе.

Затем слово было предоставлено представителю компании «KHD Humboldt Wedag/ZAB» (Федеративная Республика Германия) – заведующему сервисной службой Геннадию Махтумову.

Искренне поздравив Президента Туркменистана и собравшихся с открытием второй очереди Бахерденского цементного завода, представитель компании подчеркнул, что вместе с туркменскими партнёрами были приложены большие усилия для выполнения строительства на высоком уровне нового предприятия, которое, безусловно, станет важной частью промышленного комплекса страны.

Пользуясь случаем, специалист выразил Президенту Сердару Бердымухамедову глубокую признательность за усилия по дальнейшему развитию сотрудничества между Туркменистаном и Германией, поддержку немецких бизнесменов, пожелав успехов в деятельности на благо страны и народа.

– Мы готовы продолжать плодотворные связи и в будущем, тем самым способствовать успешному развитию экономики Туркменистана, – сказал Геннадий Махтумов, заверив, что «KHD Humboldt Wedag» предоставляет своим партнёрам высокотехнологические решения, материалы и услуги, обеспечивая высокий уровень безопасности, защиты здоровья и окружающей среды.

Под аплодисменты участников церемонии министру промышленности и строительного производства Туркменистана был вручён Сертификат, подтверждающий, что установленное оборудование и инженерные работы, выполненные компанией «KHD Humboldt Wedag» при реализации второй очереди Бахерденского цементного завода, полностью соответствуют международным стандартам, действующим в Германии: DIN (промышленным стандартам Германии); стандартам цементной промышленности; стандартам IEC (Международной электротехнической комиссии) и стандартам ISO.

Затем на большом мониторе был продемонстрирован специально подготовленный видеофильм о второй очереди Бахерденского цементного завода.

Построенный и введённый в эксплуатацию индивидуальным предприятием «Beýik bina» промышленный гигант сочетает в себе достижения современного индустриального производства.

Главными критериями реализации данного проекта стало обеспечение полной автоматизации всех процессов и создание комфортных условий для высокопроизводительного труда работников.

Новый завод мощностью 1 миллион тонн цементной продукции в год оснащён передовым оборудованием от ведущих мировых компаний, что позволит выпускать высококачественный цемент востребованных марок ПЦ-400, ПЦ-500, ПЦ-600 и сульфатостойкий портландцемент.

Особое внимание, как и на других аналогичных предприятиях, уделено экологичности производства и соблюдению всех необходимых норм, ибо защита окружающей среды выступает одним из неотъемлемых условий при строительстве крупных промышленных объектов в Туркменистане.

По завершении официальной части церемонии Президент Туркменистана вышел из зала заседаний и вручил хякиму Ахалского велаята ключи от новых автомобилей, подаренных жителям велаята по случаю нынешнего знаменательного события.

От имени счастливых жителей велаята выразив искреннюю признательность за подаренные новые современные автомобили, хяким Ахалского велаята адресовал Аркадаглы Герою Сердару и Герою-Аркадагу пожелания крепкого здоровья, долголетия и успехов во всех начинаниях на благо народа и Отчизны.

В торжественной обстановке, под аплодисменты собравшихся, глава государства перерезает символическую ленту.

В этот момент в небо взмывают разноцветные воздушные шары.

Затем Президент Туркменистана направился к зданию администрации.

По пути Аркадаглы Герой Сердар осмотрел территорию завода, заслушал информацию о функциональном предназначении возведённых здесь объектов.

Глава государства также с интересом ознакомился с выставкой разнообразной продукции, выпускаемой предприятиями отечественного строительно-промышленного комплекса.

Как известно, в соответствии с реализуемыми программами масштабной индустриализации в стране возведены и продолжают строиться крупные промышленные предприятия, которые, как и многочисленные объекты социально-бытового и иного назначения, диктуют необходимость их надёжного и бесперебойного обеспечения электричеством.

В этих целях ведётся большая, целенаправленная работа, в рамках которой во всех регионах страны сооружаются современные газотурбинные электростанции, оснащённые передовым оборудованием от известных мировых производителей, ЛЭП, распределительные электроподстанции, обновляется система энергообеспечения столицы, других городов и населённых пунктов. Благодаря этому, за последние годы производственные мощности энергетической промышленности возросли многократно, что позволяет не только полностью обеспечивать внутренние потребности страны, но и растущие объёмы экспорта туркменской электроэнергии за рубеж.

Большое внимание в эру Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства уделяется и развитию отечественной химической промышленности. Государственный концерн «Türkmenhimiýa» предпринимает последовательные шаги по увеличению производственных мощностей и цифровизации профильных предприятий, расширению спектра выпускаемой продукции, внедрению передовых технологий, обеспечению химической отрасли высококвалифицированными специалистами.

Определяющая роль в реализации масштабных программ социально-экономического развития страны по праву отводится строительной сфере.

Наблюдаемый строительный бум – одно из самых ярких свидетельств укрепления экономической мощи нашей прекрасной Родины.

Развёрнутое по всей стране масштабное строительство обусловило возрастающий спрос на качественные стройматериалы, дав толчок ускоренному развитию сферы их производства на основе местного сырья.

Широкий ассортимент производимых сегодня современных строительных и отделочных материалов наглядно демонстрирует, насколько успешно решаются в Туркменистане задачи, связанные с модернизацией строительной отрасли, созданием новых мощностей по выпуску стройматериалов, укреплением производственного и научно-технического потенциала отрасли.

Значительные средства государство направляет и на неуклонное совершенствование сферы автодорожного строительства. В соответствии с Указом Президента Туркменистана в феврале 2022 года было создано Государственное агентство по управлению строительством автомобильных дорог.

Осуществляемые в настоящее время масштабные проекты по прокладке новых и реконструкции уже существующих автотрасс напрямую способствуют формированию современной транспортно-логистической системы и укреплению позиции нашей страны в качестве ключевого транспортно-транзитного коридора на континенте.

На выставке Президент Туркменистана ознакомился с продукцией предприятия «Türkmen aýna önümleri» Министерства промышленности и строительного производства. Данное предприятие является современным производством, обеспеченным инновационной технологией. Здесь производится стекольная продукция различного вида, соответствующая мировым стандартам, в том числе тонированное стекло, ламинированное стекло, закалённое стекло, стеклопакеты. Кроме того, на предприятии, на основе технологии «float» производятся закалённые прозрачные и цветные стёкла.

В настоящее время под руководством Президента Туркменистана проводится масштабная работа по инновационному развитию и диверсификации строительного и промышленного комплексов страны, в результате чего укрепляется национальная экономика. Наряду с этим особое внимание уделяется повышению конкурентоспособности строительных материалов и расширению ассортимента, укреплению производственной, научно-технической базы строительной промышленности, внедрению эффективных механизмов ведения хозяйства.

К слову, на выставке широко представлена продукция хозяйственного общества «Aýdyň gijeler», созданная совместно с Министерством промышленности и строительного производства Туркменистана. Изучив передовой мировой опыт, оно выпускает импортозамещающую, соответствующую мировым стандартам продукцию.

Таким образом, представленная экспозиция дала наглядное представление об успехе начатых Национальным Лидером туркменского народа Героем-Аркадагом и успешно продолжаемых Президентом Сердаром Бердымухамедовым масштабных преобразований, нацеленных на приумножение экономической мощи и международного авторитета Отчизны во имя благополучной и счастливой жизни нашего народа.

Войдя в административное здание, Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов поднялся на третий этаж, где размещается центральный пункт управления производством, откуда регулируется весь технологический процесс.

Выразив от имени работников цементного завода глубокую признательность Президенту Туркменистана, а также Национальному Лидеру туркменского народа Герою-Аркадагу за постоянное внимание к вопросам развития промышленной и строительной отраслей и заботу о её тружениках, специалист обратился к главе государства с просьбой благословить сдачу в эксплуатацию второй очереди Бахерденского цементного завода.

Наступает кульминационный момент – нажатием кнопки на пульте управления Президент Сердар Бердымухамедов даёт старт работе крупного промышленного объекта.

Демонстрируется видеофильм о начале работы второй очереди Бахерденского цементного завода и запуске сложного технологического процесса производства.

Таким образом, новый гигант национальной экономики, специализирующийся на выпуске первоклассной продукции из отечественного сырья, начнёт скоро выдавать первые тонны цемента – главного компонента производственного конвейера строительной индустрии.

Нет сомнений, что высококачественная продукция сданного сегодня в эксплуатацию завода придаст ещё больший размах и ускорение строительству предприятий, коммуникаций и объектов социально-культурного назначения в рамках Государственных программ, в том числе Программы «Возрождение новой эпохи могущественного государства: Национальная программа социально-экономического развития Туркменистана в 2022–2052 годах», Программы Президента Туркменистана социально-экономического развития страны в 2022–2028 годах и других.

Выйдя из административного здания, глава государства вручил директору цементного завода ключи от выстроенной здесь же, на территории комплекса, новой мощной спецтехники, которая будет задействована на производстве.

По завершении торжества Президент Туркменистана, тепло попрощавшись с его участниками, проследовал на вертолётную площадку и отбыл к следующему новому объекту – водоочистному сооружению мощностью 30 тысяч кубометров воды в сутки, расположенному в посёлке Яшлык этрапа Ак бугдай Ахалского велаята.


The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via the digital system

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting via the digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, and the khyakims of the velayats, at which the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the country was reviewed.

The first floor was given to the khyakim of Ahal velayat R.Hojagulyev, who reported on the state of affairs in the region.

As noted, currently in the agricultural areas of the velayat, in order to obtain a rich cotton harvest, vegetation irrigation, inter-row cultivation, weeding and thinning of seedlings are carried out. Agricultural machinery and units are effectively used in this work.

Wheat fields are maintained in accordance with agro-technical standards. Along with this, measures are being taken in the region to prepare grain receiving stations, elevators, grain harvesters, vehicles and other equipment for the harvest.

In accordance with the tasks set by the President of Turkmenistan to provide the population with vegetable and melon products produced in the country, care for potatoes and other crops continues.

The silkworms are being cared for in order to successfully implement the cocoon production plan.

In addition, it was reported on the progress of construction of social and industrial facilities within the framework of the National Rural Program, planned for opening this year.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of conducting current seasonal agricultural campaigns at the proper level, in particular, compliance with agro-technical requirements when caring for cotton and wheat crops, addressing the khyakim with a number of specific instructions.

Along with this, the head of state ordered to take all measures to successfully complete the tasks provided for by the country’s socio-economic development programs, as well as to ensure a high level of organization of the opening ceremonies planned for the near future.

Then the khyakim of Balkan velayat, H.Ashyrmyradov, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

As noted, in areas sown with cotton, vegetation irrigation is carried out, and in areas where seedlings have appeared, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding are carried out. Agricultural machinery and units are used at full capacity to care for crops.

Wheat care is also carried out in the velayat, in particular, vegetation irrigation. In preparation for the harvest season, appropriate steps are being taken to prepare receiving points, elevators, grain harvesters and vehicles for transporting grain.

Along with this, plantings of potatoes and other vegetable and melon crops are maintained in accordance with agricultural technology standards.

In order to successfully implement the cocoon production plan, the silkworm is cared for.

The khyakim also reported on the progress of construction of facilities for various purposes within the framework of the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan to transform the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period until 2028, planned for commissioning this year.

After hearing the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of the currently ongoing seasonal agricultural work, instructing the khyakim to ensure strict compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for cotton and wheat crops.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to keep under constant control the timing and quality of construction of social and industrial facilities within the framework of the National Rural Program, scheduled for opening in the velayat this year.

The working meeting via the digital system on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns continued with a report from the khyakim of Dashoguz velayat S.Soltanmyradov.

As noted, cotton sowing continues in the region. Necessary measures are being taken to complete it within the prescribed time frame. Fields where seedlings have already been obtained are cared for in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology, while agricultural machinery and units are used at full capacity.

Proper care of fields sown with wheat is being carried out in order to obtain a rich harvest in 2024. At the same time, the region is taking steps to prepare grain receiving points, elevators, and vehicles for the harvest.

The plantings of potatoes and vegetable and melon crops are also cared for, in particular, watering and cultivating the crops.

The cocoon production season continues in the velayat. Currently, farmers take care of the silkworm.

It was also reported on the pace of construction work on social and industrial facilities within the framework of the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan to transform the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period until 2028, scheduled for commissioning this year.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the priority tasks facing the agricultural industry and instructed the khyakim to ensure the effective implementation of all work – sowing cotton and caring for wheat in accordance with agro-technical standards.

The head of state also noted that an important requirement is compliance with the quality and timing of construction of facilities for various purposes within the framework of the National Rural Program, planned for opening this year. The President of the country pointed out the need to keep under constant control the implementation of ongoing work in this direction.

Further, khyakim of Lebap velayat Sh.Amangeldiev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As noted, these days in the velayat, vegetation irrigation of fields sown with cotton, inter-row cultivation, weeding and thinning of seedlings are carried out. Agricultural machinery and units are effectively used in this work.

In areas with wheat, vegetation irrigation continues. At the same time, for the organized conduct of the harvest season, the preparation of combines and vehicles for transporting grain, its reception points, and elevators is underway.

In the fields of the velayat, potato and other vegetable and melon crops are cared for, as well as onions are harvested.

Caring for the silkworm continues and cocoons are being prepared.

Along with this, it was reported on the pace of construction of facilities for various purposes within the framework of the National Rural Program, the commissioning of which is planned for this year.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for crops, which is one of the main conditions for obtaining rich harvests. In this regard, the head of state assigned the khyakim to ensure strict compliance with the established requirements when caring for wheat and cotton.

The President of the country also ordered to keep under review the quality and timing of the construction of facilities for various purposes within the framework of government programs scheduled for opening this year.

Then the khyakim of Mary velayat B.Orazov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As noted, in areas where cotton seedlings have appeared, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding are carried out. In this work, agricultural machinery and units are used at full capacity.

In fields sown with wheat, vegetation irrigation is carried out. In addition, appropriate measures are being taken to prepare receiving points, elevators, grain harvesters, and vehicles for grain transportation for the harvest season.

Along with caring for the plantings of potatoes and other vegetable and melon crops, the collection of onions and their supply to markets and stores continues.

Silkworms are also cared for and cocoons are prepared.

It was also reported on the progress of construction of facilities for various purposes within the framework of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028 and the National Rural Program, planned for commissioning this year.

After listening to the report, the head of state drew attention to the importance of carrying out seasonal agricultural work at the proper level on these days, in particular, ensuring care for cotton and wheat crops, giving the khyakim a number of specific instructions.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also ordered to keep under constant control the pace and quality of construction of facilities for various purposes as part of the country’s socio-economic development programs, which are scheduled to open this year.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.

As reported, cotton growers are using all the opportunities created by the state to increase their labor productivity. In areas sown with cotton, vegetation irrigation is carried out, and where seedlings have appeared, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding are carried out. In this work, agricultural machinery and units are used at full capacity.

Wheat is being cared for in the fields of the velayats, in particular, vegetation irrigation. Along with this, measures are being taken to prepare receiving points, elevators, and grain harvesters for the harvest season.

In order to fulfill the tasks set by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to ensure food abundance in the country and increase the volume of potatoes and other vegetable and melon crops grown, caring for their crops in accordance with agro-technical standards and harvesting continues in the agricultural areas of the velayats.

To organize the cocoon production season, silkworm care continues in the regions of the country, and cocoons are also being harvested in Lebap and Mary velayats.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyev, on behalf of the agricultural workers, expressed heartfelt congratulations to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hero-Arkadag on the occasion of the upcoming holiday – Victory Day, wishing them sound health, longevity and success in responsible activities.

After hearing the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the need for an integrated approach in fulfilling the tasks of obtaining rich harvests of agricultural crops and instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to maintain strict compliance with agro-technical requirements when caring for cotton and wheat under constant control.

Addressing the participants of the working meeting, the President of Turkmenistan, once again focusing on the importance of timely and high-quality implementation of seasonal agricultural work, gave specific instructions. The head of state also commissioned to take all measures to prepare for an organized wheat harvest.

During the working meeting held via the digital system, the President of Turkmenistan considered other important issues on which he made relevant decisions and signed a number of documents.

Concluding the working meeting via the digital system, the President of Turkmenistan wished its participants success in solving the assigned tasks.


В Меджлисе Туркменистана было проведено заседание, посвящённое итогам деятельности четырёх месяцев текущего года

На заседании, проведённом в Меджлисе Туркменистана, были подведены итоги проделанной работы за четыре месяца года «Кладезь разума Махтумкули Фраги» в соответствии с определёнными задачами Аркадаглы Героя Сердара о проведении эффективной деятельности по продолжению совершенствования законодательной системы нашей страны, разработке новых законопроектов.

На заседании были заслушаны отчёты о проводимой деятельности по дальнейшей модернизации национальной законодательно-правовой базы нашей страны в соответствии с требованиями эпохи и обсуждены предстоящие в этом плане задачи.

Также было подчёркнуто о ведущейся в настоящее время в Меджлисе работе, связанной с подготовкой проектов новой редакции Гражданского кодекса Туркменистана, Закона Туркменистана «О культурном наследии Махтумкули Фраги», законов о внесении изменений и дополнений в Санитарный кодекс Туркменистана, законы Туркменистана «О физической культуре и спорте», «О государственной научно-технической политике», «О семеноводстве».

В выступлениях на заседании были затронуты вопросы о последовательно проводимой деятельности по развитию результативных отношений с международными организациями и укреплению межпарламентского сотрудничества, об участии депутатов национального парламента в учебных семинарах, разъяснении населению значения государственной политики, социально-экономических преобразований, содержания принимаемых законов, в мероприятиях по популяризации культурного наследия Махтумкули Фраги и определены предстоящие задачи.

Участники заседания заверили нашего уважаемого Президента Аркадаглы Героя Сердара, Героя Аркадага, что приложат все усилия по совершенствованию национального законодательства в соответствии с требованиями эпохи.


The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to consider results of the work carried out in branches of economy for four months of the current year as well as to discuss a number of other issues.

The first floor was given to Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, who informed on results of the activity for the January-April period of 2024.

During the period under consideration, 9 Laws of Turkmenistan and 11 resolutions of the Mejlis were adopted. Among new legal acts - Laws of Turkmenistan «On institution of the anniversary medal of Turkmenistan «Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna», «On energy saving and efficient use of energy», «On hydrometeorological activity», «On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on international road transport». In addition to it, respective amendments and additions were made to a number of laws of the country.

At present, together with representatives of ministries and sectoral departments preparation of the bills aimed at regulation of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens as well as the work carried out for careful preservation of cultural heritage, development of economy and agriculture, further improvement of standard of living of population are carried out.

Under the specified period for students of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan with participation of deputies of the Mejlis, the seminar on modern methods and principles of legislative activity was organized.

At the instructions of the head of the state, credentials of credentials from the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of a number of foreign states were received. Within the strengthening of productive relations with foreign parliaments and international organisations for the given period 13 meetings were held. Besides it, deputies took part in more than 30 seminars concerning improvement of legislative activity, organised together with authoritative structures. With a view of exploration of advanced experience business trips of national members of the parliament were organized abroad.

The information on participation of deputies of the Mejlis in actions for explanation of goals of the state policy, successes reached in the country and purposes of adopted legal acts to the wide public was also delivered.

Summing up the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to give particular attention to development of the bills connected with protection of legitimate interests of citizens, development of branches of economy, increase of social standard of living of people. At the same time, an emphasis was made on necessity of strengthening of partnership adjusted with foreign countries, along with consecutive expansion of inter-parliamentary relations.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov, reporting on macroeconomic indicators for four months of the current year, informed that the rate of increase of gross national product made up 6,3 percent.

As compared to the similar period of 2023, the volume of production increased by 11,4 percent, industrial indicators by sectors were positive.

From the beginning of year, retail goods turnover as compared with the same period of the past year, grew by 11,1 percent.

The revenue part of the state budget was fulfilled at the level of 102,6 percent, and expenditure part - 97,4 percent.

The rates of salaries by large and medium size enterprises of the country as compared to the corresponding period of 2023 for the January-April period were higher by 10,4 percent. Salaries, pensions, welfare payments and student's scholarships were in due time financed.

As compared with the similar period of the past year, for four months the volume of realized capital investments increased by 23,9 percent.

Data on the course of realisation of the national rural redevelopment program was also delivered.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to continue the work aimed at further growth of indicators, reached following the results of the January-April period of the current year. Besides it, he also instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to carry out henceforth program activity for strengthening of economic potential of the country and increase of social standard of living of population.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Amanov reported on the measures adopted to increase in volumes of oil and gas production for the specified period.

As he informed, fulfilment of the plan by «Türkmennebit» State Concern for production of oil and gas condensate made up 102,4 percent, for oil refining - 102,9 percent, for gasoline - 100 percent, for diesel fuel-100,6 percent, for lubricant oils-110,1 percent.

He also reported on technical and economic indicators in production of polypropylene, liquefied gas, natural and associated gas, export of the "blue fuel».

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out importance of effective continuation of complex measures for development of volumes of extraction of natural gas and oil at deposits. At the same time, one should give particular attention to realisation of innovative projects in the oil-refining branch.

As a whole, the activity of the oil and gas complex of the country should be improved constantly, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined, having given the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet corresponding instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev reported on results of the work carried out in the sector under his supervision for the January-April period of the current year and seasonal agricultural campaigns carried out in velayats.

As he informed, by the agricultural sector, the rate of increase of volumes of output of production made up 124,4 percent. At that, by the Ministry of Agriculture, the given indicator reached 144,2 percent, by the Ministry of Environmental Protection - 100,1 percent, by the State Committee for Water Management - 137,9 percent, by the «Türkmenpagta» State Concern - 100 percent, by the «Türkmengallaönümleri» State Association - 220,9 percent, by «Türkmenobakhyzmat» State Association - 107,4 percent, by State Association of Food Industry - 113,6 percent, by State Association of Livestock and Poultry Industry - 125,6 percent and by the «Türkmen atlary» State Association - 101 percent. The plan for realization of investments was fulfilled by 282,6 percent.

At present, according to agro-technical standards, the sowing of cotton and vegetables and gourds as well as care of these crops and wheat proceed. Due measures aimed at effective involvement of agricultural machinery, preparation of profile enterprises for the forthcoming season of harvest, reception points of grain and grain elevators as well as vehicles, are taken.

Along with it, practical steps with a view of successful fulfilment of the plan for production of cocoons are realised. Besides it, proper efforts are made to develop water management of the country, to clean irrigation and drainage networks.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined significance of continuation of the work to increase the capacities of enterprises, their modernisation and strengthening of the material and technical basis and to introduce digital economy in the agricultural sector.

Having marked necessity of timely fulfilment of the work in the fields of regions to obtain a high yield of crops, the head of the state gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of instructions.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov reported on results of activity of construction and industrial sectors for the January-April period of 2024.

The plan for production and the work carried out by the complex for the accounting period was fulfilled by 122,5 percent.

The Ministry of Construction and Architecture fulfilled its production plan by 107,3 percent, Ministry of Industry and Construction Production - 101,5 percent, Ministry of Energy - 111,6 percent, «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern - 159,3 percent, State Agency for Road Construction Management - 111,5 percent, khyakimlik of Ashgabat city - 126,4 percent.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that with a view of strengthening of the industrial basis of the sector, one should continue work on expansion of types of production, which are manufactured by operating enterprises, their achievement of the design capacity, modernisation, and adjustment of new manufactures.

For successful implementation of the goals put before the sphere of construction of highways, one should strengthen the material and technical basis of the branch, the head of the state underlined. He also instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to hold under a strict control completion of construction of projects, apartment houses planned to be commissioned in 2024 at established terms.

Then, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Atdayev reported on the indicators reached in subordinate ministries and departments as well as in the private sector for four months of the current year.

By the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the growth of volume of goods turnover for the January-April period as compared with the similar period of past year made up 104,1 percent, production - 102,7 percent.

The growth of volume of goods produced by enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry, including cotton fabric, was equal to 108,4 percent, sewing and knitted products - 104,8 percent, leather products - 117,3 percent.

The plan for production by the «Türkmenhaly» State Corporation was executed by 100,7 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange held 98 trading auctions and registered 9 thousand 511 contracts for the January-April period.

The rate of increase of the work, carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the accounting period, made up 110,3 percent, 6 exhibitions and 41 conference were organised.

By the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the rate of increase of volumes of output of agricultural and food products for four months made up 111,7 percent, industrial goods- 107,2 percent.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out necessity of expansion of the assortment of high quality and competitive products and provision of population with modern services at the expense of effective utilisation of manufactures under subordinate enterprises of the trade complex. At fulfilment of the given work, one should involve actively members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country, the head of the state underlined and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet instructions in this respect.

Then, Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova reported on results of activity of establishments under her supervision for the January-April period of the current year.

So, from the beginning of year in the country various events were held on the occasion of national holidays and 300th birthday anniversary of the great thinker of the East, Turkmen poet-classic Magtymguly Fragi, opening of social projects.

In the specified period with a view of maintenance of high level of celebrations planned in honour of the 33rd anniversary of independence of our fatherland, the Organizing committee was created.

The presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan «Anau – the culture from depths of millennia» took place.

Various events were held within international cooperation. She in this connection informed on cultural actions, concerts, conferences held in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey and France.

She also informed on results of activities of theatres, circuses, cinemas, film and concert centres, libraries, museums, Turkmen State Publishing Service, «Türkmenfilm» Association named after Oguzhan, State News Agency for four months.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in our country and in many foreign states, large-scale actions dated to the 300th birthday anniversary of the great thinker and poet Magtymguly Fragi are held. In the given context, she was instructed to take corresponding measures for organisation of creative actions in honour of this significant date at high level.

Separate instructions concerned preparation of a great number of TV and radio broadcasts devoted to preservation of historical, cultural and cultural wealth, their study on a scientific basis and popularisation in the world were given. At the same time, importance of coverage of the work carried out in this area in the printed media was underlined.

The head of Turkmenistan made a special emphasis on necessity of regular conduction of events among the younger generation on significance of primordial cultural heritage, song-music art, traditions and customs. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also underlined that it is necessary to stage plays, which highlight the home and foreign policy of the state, development of national culture and art in theatres.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Turkmenistan N.Amannepesov reported on the work carried out for the January-April period of the current year in such areas as education, science, public health services and sports.

During the period under consideration, the reforms aimed at upbringing of well-educated generation, perfection of curricula and programs, strengthening of material and technical basis of education sphere continued.

With support of the President of Turkmenistan and National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the International Math Olympiad among schoolchildren, creative competitions, physical training-sports, cultural-public actions, IV Open International Math Olympiad, II Open International Olympiad in computer science were held in Arkadag city.

The actions devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi, international scientific conferences «Ancient culture of Anau », «Ancient fortress of Amul: keeper of secrets of the past» evoked a wide resonance in the world scientific community.

According to the Government program «Saglyk», a large-scale work aimed at construction of specialised diagnostic and medical centres, hospitals, sanatoria, improvement of quality of medical services, increase of life expectancy of population continued during this period. The complex of buildings of the Mother and Child Health Protection Centre of Mary velayat was put in operation.

At the expense of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care, various operations and planned regenerative actions after specialised treatment of children from velayats in the children's health and rehabilitation centre named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov were performed.

In the country, an effective work is carried out to develop physical training and sports as well as Olympic movement, to prepare national teams for the Olympic Games and international competitions. With assistance of the head of the state, on the occasion of World Health Day, mass bicycle race as well as various cultural and sports actions took place.

The international tournament in hockey, organised at high level in the winter sports centre in Ashgabat, increased the sports image of the country. By its results, the 1st place and main prize were won by Turkmen hockey club «Galkan».

In total for the specified period at international competitions, national sportsmen have won 114 medals (37 gold, 39 silver and 38 bronze). On behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sportsmen who successfully performed in the international competitions and took prize-winning places, were awarded solemnly.

Summing up the report, the head of Turkmenistan underlined importance of the further modernisation of educational activity according to concepts of perfection of training in establishments of the given sphere. Speaking of priorities facing the scientific institutions, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed him to give special attention to application of innovative technologies in the work, to propose to introduce advanced methods and practice.

Further, necessity of development of activity of medical institutions according to realities of the time was marked. The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet was entrusted to take appropriate measures for efficient control over sports objects, wide attraction of the youth to physical culture and mass sports.

Then, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov reported on results of the work carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the January-April period.

With a view of practical realisation of foreign policy strategy of neutral Turkmenistan, fulfilment of the instructions given by the head of the state and the solution of tasks in view, complex work was carried out to further develop constructive cooperation both in bilateral and multilateral formats within international organisations.

He in this connection informed that on January 4-6, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag made a visit to the United Arab Emirates, on March 1 – to the Republic of Turkiye for participation in the third Antalya diplomatic forum, on April 4-5 – to the Republic of Tajikistan. During visits, meetings and summit talks took place.

The President of Turkmenistan held telephone conversations in the period under consideration with Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kirghiz Republic and the Russian Federation.

With a view of participation in celebrations on the occasion of the national holiday of Turkmen horse, Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation visited our country.

The visits, which were made in the January-April period to Turkmenistan as well as business trips of national delegations abroad, testify to the dynamic character of interaction with foreign partners of foreign delegations.

During the current year, meetings and negotiations of various levels, including online ones were held. The legal basis of international cooperation of Turkmenistan was filled up with 68 documents.

On a regular basis bilateral contacts at level of foreign policy departments, including consultations between foreign services were carried out.

During the period under consideration, negotiations with the supreme representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy were also carried out.

A great significance was given to the strengthening and expansion of diplomatic relations through embassies.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined importance of further steady realisation of foreign policy of our fatherland based on principles of good neighbourhood and mutually beneficial cooperation in regional and global dimensions.

In the given context, the head of the state emphasised consecutive promotion of traditionally friendly and brotherly relations based upon mutual good will with countries-partners.

Having also pointed out necessity of maintenance of high organizational level of preparation for numerous international actions planned during the current year and forums, the President of Turkmenistan gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concrete instructions.

Further, Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on results of activity of subordinate establishments for four months.

For the accounting period, by the given complex the rate of increase in fulfilment of work and services made up 118 percent.

This indicator for cargo and passenger transportations by all types of transport was equal to accordingly 103,5 and 102,6 percent.

The rate of increase in services for the January-April period by «Türkmendemirýollary» Agency reached 104,3 percent, «Türkmenawtoulaglary» Agency - 110,5 percent, «Türkmenhowaýollary» Agency - 161,2 percent, «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» Agency - 114,8 percent, «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» Agency - 111,9 percent.

He also informed on the measures adopted according to the «Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025».

In addition to it, he also informed on the course of construction of industrial and social projects in various corners of our fatherland for the transport-communication complex.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed him to increase volumes of international cargo transportation at the expense of effective utilisation of transport-transit potential of the country. One should modernise constantly the material and technical basis of the branch, the head of the state noted and gave the head of Agency corresponding instructions.

Then, addressing participants of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan stated that results of the work executed for four months of the current year in our independent fatherland, show success of realised programs. So, during the considered period the rate of increase of gross national product made up 6,3 percent. The given indicator in the industrial sector reached 3,7 percent, in transport-communication sector - 7,2 percent, in services - 8 percent, in trade complex - 8,2 percent, in construction - 5,8 percent, in agriculture - 5 percent.

As was underlined, in the country, construction of large industrial and social objects including new settlements, apartment houses, entertaining and health centres, schools, kindergartens and other constructions proceeds.

This month of the year «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» marked the opening ceremonies of numerous objects, a number of international actions will take place, the head of the state continued. Among forthcoming basic celebrations are the international forum devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary of the great thinker of the East and poet-classic Magtymguly Fragi and the international scientific-practical conference «Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy». In the given context, the relevant authorities were instructed to provide a high level of forthcoming actions.

In the near future, summer holidays of schoolchildren and labour holidays of citizens will come, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted and instructed all responsible heads to approach properly to work on preparation for the summer season of vacation spots, in particular, hotels, entertaining and health improving centres in Avaza, sanatoria, children's health and recreation centres in velayats and Ashgabat city.

During the meeting other important issues of state life on which corresponding decisions were made, were also considered.

Having concluded the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family well-being and big successes in their work for prosperity of our sovereign fatherland.


The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan

Today, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, army general Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular meeting of the State Security Council, in which the results of the work of military and law enforcement bodies of the country for the January-April period of the current year were summed up. It also discussed issues of security and peace in our independent fatherland, strengthening of the material and technical basis of security structures and further perfection of their activity.

Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defence B.Gundogdyev who reported on measures realised for four months to maintain stable development of the country, law and order, to strengthen defensibility, to improve working and social conditions of military men and to train highly skilled personnel, was the first to take the floor. He also reported on the course of call-up of citizens for military service, events for patriotic education of young soldiers who will with honour continue noble traditions of their courageous and brave ancestors.

Having heard the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country noted significance of the military doctrine of the Turkmen state, which bears an exclusively defensive character. As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined, successful fulfilment of the goals following from the defensive military doctrine of Turkmenistan by security forces, directly depends on the level of professionalism of officers, their legal awareness, skills in modern technologies and digital system.

Having focused the attention on the work, which is carried out today to discharge from the military service into the reserve and to call up citizens of the country for military service, the head of Turkmenistan instructed the Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defence to provide their conduction according to legislation. He also instructed him to hold proper fulfilment of the Program of development of the Armed Forces under a strict control.

Besides it, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country instructed him to provide a high organizational level of the celebrations planned to be held on May 9 in the capital and velayats on the occasion of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Then, Attorney General B.Muhamedov reported on results of the activity for the January-April period of the current year, results of supervision of execution of regulatory legal acts by legal and physical persons by application of measures of prosecutorial supervision. At the same time, he informed on complex steps on realisation of the Program of development of bodies of the Office of Attorney General.

Having heard the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country pointed out that a significant role is given to the given institution in maintenance of prevalence of law and prevention of illegal actions. In this connection, one should further take due measures to maintain law and order, to observe provisions of national legislation, the head of Turkmenistan said and instructed the head of the Office of Attorney General to introduce the digital system actively.

Further, Minister of Internal Affairs M.Khydyrov reported on the work carried out by accountable structures for four months of 2024 and practical steps implemented to maintain law and order in the country, to prevent offences, road and transport incidents. He also reported on the measures adopted with a view of perfection of activity of the Service of Fire Safety and solution of issues of social character.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew the attention to necessities of organisation of work of all structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to realities of the time. In connection with the forthcoming summer season, he was instructed to strengthen measures on observance of fire-prevention rules. Having noted importance of wide application of modern technical means and systems of safety of traffic, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country gave the Minister corresponding instructions.

Chairman of the Supreme Court B.Khojamgulyev reported on fulfilment of the instructions given earlier by the President of Turkmenistan as well as the work carried out for the specified period for modernisation of the judicial system. In addition to it, he also reported on the steps taken to introduce the digital system and advanced practice in the given sphere.

Having heard the report, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed him to provide a strict control over observance of law. At the same time, importance of creation of all conditions for effective legal proceedings was marked, paying at that paramount attention to constant improvement of professional skill of judges. Having defined successful fulfilment of the Program of development of the given structure among priority plans, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country gave the head of the Supreme Court a number of instructions.

Minister of National Security N.Atagarayev who spoke next, reported on the work carried out from the beginning of the year and fulfilment of instructions given earlier by the President of the country to maintain law and order. He also reported on issues of training of specialists and improvement of professionalism of employees.

Summing up the report, the head of Turkmenistan emphasised a key role of MNS in maintenance of internal political stability and instructed to carry out the co-ordinated activity in this direction.

Head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuryev reported on practical measures taken for the January-April period of the current year to protect sacred boundaries of our fatherland. Issues of strengthening of the material and technical basis of frontier units and creation of appropriate conditions for service and life of military men became a separate topic of the report.

Summing up the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country noted a role of frontier troops in deepening peaceful and fruitful relations of Turkmenistan with world countries, first of all with neighbouring countries. In fulfilment of the tasks assigned to the Service, one should be guided by these principles, providing inviolability of land and sea boundaries of our native land, which is borders of friendship, and brotherhood, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated and instructed him to hold under a strict control issues of modernisation of subordinated infrastructural objects and strengthening of personnel potential.

Further, Minister of Adalat M.Taganov reported on results of the work carried out from the beginning of the year, complex measures taken for the considered period to improve national legislation, in particular, to develop proposals on updating some legal acts, called to promote accelerated achievement of goals and objectives of progressive reforms in various segments of economy.

Having heard the report, the head of the state stated importance of transformations carried out in the sphere of justice that is accompanied by adoption of new important laws covering all spheres of public relations. Among the basic functions of the given body is maintenance of legal awareness of population, provision of qualified legal aid, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined and instructed him to organise the work properly in this direction.

Then, Head of the State Customs Service M.Khudaykuliyev reported on results of the activity of the department under his supervision for the January-April period of the current year and regular measures taken for improvement of professional level of employees and exploration of advanced experience in this sphere.

Having heard the report, the head of Turkmenistan emphasised the priorities facing the given structure. As was marked, the work carried out should be aimed at perfection of customs administration with a view of creation of favourable conditions for protection of national interests. Having stated significance of active introduction of high technologies for improvement of efficiency of fulfilment of basic functions by structural divisions, adjustment of interdepartmental information interchange, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country gave the head of the Service a number of concrete instructions.

Further, Chairman of the State Migration Service A.Sazakov reported on the work carried out from the beginning of the year, implementation of the Program of development of the department as well as the course of introduction of digital system and measures adopted to apply modern methods with a view of proper execution of assigned powers.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that realisation of the migration policy, which is an integral part of the state course of Turkmenistan, is carried out on the basis of the principles established by the Main Law, conventional norms of international law. As key goals for future act an active use of innovative technologies and information and technical means. In the given context, the head of the Service was instructed to organise exploration of advanced experience and training of young competent experts properly.

Summing up the meeting, the head of the state underlined that according to the defensive military doctrine of Turkmenistan, measures are taken to maintain security and integrity of our independent neutral fatherland at high level. The priority attention is given to the strengthening of defensibility of the country, improvement of social living conditions of defenders of our fatherland and members of their families, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said and pointed out that the work in this direction will be continued.

At the end of the meeting, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, army general Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health and big success in their responsible service for peace and happy life of our people.


Meeting was held in the Mejlis of Turkmenistan with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan


On May 1, 2024, a meeting was held in the Mejlis of Turkmenistan with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Hiroshi Sasaki with Representatives of the national Parliament of Turkmenistan.

During the meeting, the main issues of cooperation within the parliamentary friendship group were discussed.  Ambassador Hiroshi Sasaki informed that the delegation led by the Chairman of the Japan-Turkmenistan Friendship Group, Toshiaki Endo, plans to visit Turkmenistan from May 12 to 14 this year. He noted that the visit of the interparliamentary friendship group would be a great contribution to the further development of bilateral cooperation and parliamentary relations

At the end of the conversation, the parties noted their readiness for supporting interstate cooperation through parliamentary diplomacy, developing cooperation relations between the two countries in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields will be beneficial for both sides.


The meeting of the Turkmen-Uzbek Intergovernmental Commission

Today, the administration centre of Lebap velayat hosted the regular meeting of the Joint Turkmen-Uzbek intergovernmental commission on issues of water management with participation of heads and representatives of a number of state structures of two neighbouring countries.

Its agenda included issues of practical realisation of agreements reached earlier as well as determination of partnership prospects.

Opening the meeting, co-chairmen of the commissions with satisfaction stated a high level of the Turkmen-Uzbek relations, which are based on principles of equality, good neighbourhood, mutual trust and benefit. As was marked, both countries aspire to use as much as possible available potential for realisation of joint projects.

At present, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, considering similarity of principles and approaches to the basic issues of international policy, show aspiration to promotion of productive relations answering for not only mutual interests, but also goals of well-being and prosperity of the entire region.

As was marked, cardinal transformations carried out today under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the chosen course for accelerated development of national economy along with maximum involvement of the gained experience of joint work and rich natural resources, available huge economic and export potential open big possibilities for expansion of a spectrum of partnership of the two states.

Having underlined a positive dynamics of mutual relations in priority areas, the parties confirmed readiness for continuation of constructive relations in the field of agriculture and water management. The special attention was given to issues of rational and careful use of water resources.

It was pointed out that combination of joint efforts in realisation of available possibilities would enable to bring Turkmen-Uzbek cooperation up to a qualitatively new level in the near future.

Having emphasised necessity of regular conduction of bilateral consultations, participants of the meeting supported the further strengthening of the constructive dialogue in interests of both countries and their fraternal people.


The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a working meeting via a digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhallyev, who is in charge of the agricultural sector, and the khyakims of velayats to review the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the regions of the country.

The floor was first given to Akhal Velayat Khyakim R.Hojaguliyev, who reported on the current situation in the region.

As was reported, work continues on the high-quality and timely completion of cotton sowing. Vegetative irrigation is carried out in the sown areas, and inter-row treatment is carried out in the areas where seedlings have germinated. Measures are taken to ensure that agricultural machinery and equipment are operated at full capacity.

The fields sown to wheat are also watered. At the same time, the necessary work is in progress to prepare for the harvest collection points, elevators, grain harvesters and vehicles to be operated in harvesting and transporting grain.

In view of the objectives set to provide the population with potatoes and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops grown in our country, these plantations are treated in the farmlands of the velayat in accordance with agro-technical standards.

At the same time, appropriate steps are taken to care for the silkworm in order to successfully fulfill the cocoons production plan.

The governor of the Akhal Velayat also reported on the construction progress of facilities for various purposes under the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for transformation of the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period up to 2028, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of seasonal agricultural work currently underway, instructing the khyakim to take the necessary measures to organize cotton sowing within agro-technical deadlines, as well as to ensure the treatment of wheat fields in compliance with the established requirements.

At the same time, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under control the deadlines and quality of building social and industrial facilities ongoing as part of the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning in the velayat this year.

Then, Balkan Velayat Khyakim H.Ashyrmyradov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

As was reported, cotton sowing has now been completed in the region. Vegetative irrigation, inter-row treatment and crop care are underway in the fields where seedlings have germinated.

The treatment of wheat fields continues, including vegetative irrigation. In view of the upcoming harvest season, appropriate preparation of vehicles and grain collection points is underway in the velayat.

Plantations are treated in order to grow a bountiful harvest of potatoes and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops and provide them to the population in sufficient quantities.

Along with this, work continues to care for the silkworm to ensure the successful implementation of the cocoon production plan.

The report included information on the construction progress of social and industrial facilities under the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program, to be opened the current year.

Summing up the report, the head of state highlighted the importance of conducting current seasonal agricultural campaigns at the proper level, instructing the khyakim to ensure compliance with the agro-technical cotton and wheat caring requirements.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered to keep under constant control the quality of the work planned for this year in the velayat as part of national programs.

The working meeting via a digital system was continued with a report from the Dashoguz Velayat Khyakim S.Soltanmyradov on the state of affairs in the agricultural lands of the region.

As was reported, cotton sowing continues, the necessary measures are taken to complete this crucial season within the established deadlines and effectively operate machinery and equipment. Inter-row treatment is underway in the areas where seedlings have germinated.

Appropriate wheat care is carried out in the fields of the velayat. In order to conduct the harvesting campaign in an organized manner, gather the grown crop without loss and uninterruptedly transport it to the collection points, preparations for this responsible season are currently underway in the velayat.

Appropriate treatment is carried out in areas sown to potatoes and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops in accordance with agro-technical standards.

Work is in progress to care for the silkworm in order to fulfill the cocoons production plan by farmers.

The khyakim also reported on the state of affairs in the construction of social and industrial facilities under the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Summing up the report, and stressing the importance of conducting cotton sowing efficiently and within agro-technical deadlines, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the governor of the region to keep under constant control the work on wheat care in compliance with the established requirements.

The President of Turkmenistan also ordered to ensure high-quality and timely construction of facilities for various purposes ongoing as part of the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning in the region this year.

Further, Lebap Velayat Khyakim Sh. Amangeldiev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As was reported, these days, cotton sowing and vegetative irrigation continue in the agricultural areas of the region, and inter-row treatment, thinning and weeding are carried out in the areas where seedlings have germinated using agricultural machinery and equipment.

Wheat is cared for in accordance with the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan to maintain food abundance in the country.

Every necessary effort is made in the region as part of preparations for the grain harvest season in order to ensure the proper operation of collection points, elevators, grain harvesters and vehicles for transporting wheat, as well as other equipment.

Along with the care for potato and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops, work is underway to gather grown onions.

The silkworm is cared for in order to successfully fulfill the cocoons production plan.

The khyakim also reported on the construction progress of facilities for various purposes as part of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of complying with the agro-technical requirements when caring for wheat and cotton to get high yields, instructing the khyakim to focus on these issues.

The head of state also ordered to take all measures to successfully implement the provisions provided for in the country’s socio-economic development programs and activities in this area.

Then Mary Velayat Khyakim B.Orazov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As was reported, cotton sowing continues in agricultural lands these days. Inter-row treatment, thinning and weeding are carried out in areas where seedlings have germinated. Measures are taken to operate agricultural machinery and equipment at full capacity.

Treatment and vegetative irrigation are carried out in the fields sown to wheat. Along with this, preparations of facilities are underway for the harvest season, including collection points, elevators, combine harvesters and vehicles for transporting wheat, as well as other equipment.

Moreover, potato and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops are cared for in accordance with the agro-technical standards.

The cocoons production season is ongoing in the region, and work is currently underway to care for the silkworm.

The report also covered the construction progress of facilities for various purposes under the National Rural Program to be opened the current year.

Having heard the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of properly conducting the current agricultural campaign and instructed the khyakim to take all measures to complete the cotton sowing within the established deadlines, and ensure compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for wheat.

The head of state also ordered to keep under constant control the construction pace of facilities for various purposes ongoing as part of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028, which are scheduled for commissioning this year.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhallyev, who supervises the agricultural sector, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.

As was reported, cotton sowing and vegetative irrigation continue in agricultural lands of the Homeland. Inter-row treatment, thinning and weeding are carried out in the areas where seedlings have germinated. Special attention is paid in this work to the effective operation of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Wheat is cared for in the fields of the regions. Along with this, the necessary measures are taken to prepare for the harvest season collection points, elevators, combine harvesters and grain transportation vehicles.

In order to achieve the goals set to ensure food abundance in the Homeland and raise the yield of potatoes and other vegetable, watermelon and melon crops grown in the country, planting and care for crops continues in accordance with agro-technical standards in agricultural lands of the velayats.

The silkworm care is currently ongoing in the regions of the country in order to increase cocoon production and conduct this campaign in an organized manner.

Having heard the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that an important objective today is to conduct current agricultural campaigns at the appropriate level in agricultural lands of the country’s regions, in particular cotton sowing, proper and timely care for wheat, instructing the deputy prime minister to keep an eye on these works.

A number of instructions were also given to ensure constant control over the care for winter crops.

Addressing the meeting participants, the President of Turkmenistan said that the National Holiday of Turkmen Horse was stately celebrated in our independent state, and expressed appreciation for the organization of events on this occasion at a high level, stressing that work on the worldwide popularization of the “heavenly” horses will be continued.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhallyev expressed, on behalf of the agricultural industry workers, heartfelt gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty for the excellent conditions created to increase the number of Akhalteke horses, the pride of our people, preserve the purity of the breed and develop the horse breeding industry in accordance with the requirements of the time, wishing the Head of State and the Hero Arkadag sound health, long years of life and success in the responsible activities.

Concluding the working meeting via a digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants success in fulfilling the outlined plans.


Respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the festive celebrations

Today, the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse is widely celebrated in the country, on the occasion of which the main events took place at the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex with the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

In the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, the thousand-year-old customs of our people and the ancient traditions of horse breeding are enriched. Invaluable merit in preserving and enhancing the world glory of the Akhalteke belongs to the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and this activity continues worthily under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Evidence of this is the names given to the newborn foals: Shahyr – Hero-Arkadag and Ylham – Arkadagly Hero Serdar, taking into account the fact that this year, held under the motto “The Fount of the Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, the 300th anniversary of the great poet and thinker of the East Magtymguly Fragi.

Today, caring for Akhalteke horses, its popularization, and enriching the traditions of horse breeding have reached a new level. One of the clear proofs of this is the opening of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev in the new city of Arkadag.

Created on the initiative of the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty and established in accordance with the relevant Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, the higher educational institution will train highly qualified specialists in the field of horse breeding. The structure of the university has created faculties of horse breeding, equine veterinary medicine, equestrian sports, tourism and national equestrian games, and agricultural economics. The Academy is equipped with advanced apparatus, special teaching aids and innovative technologies for conducting lectures and practical classes, seminars, as well as research work.

In addition, a Research and Production Center for Horse Breeding was built in Arkadag city, the equipment of which meets international standards.

Among those present at the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex are members of the Government, the Chairman of the Mejlis, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, the chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of Arkadag City under the President of Turkmenistan, the khyakims of Ashgabat and Arkadag cities, heads and employees of diplomatic missions accredited to Turkmenistan and international organizations, as well as representatives of the media.

Everyone greets President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with great enthusiasm.

The guest of honor of the holiday was Rustam Minnikhanov, Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, who specially visited our country these days.

Welcoming those gathered and exchanging warm congratulations, the head of state and the guest of honor enter the territory of the complex, which for a time turned into a city of craftsmen and needlewomen. The atmosphere of the holiday was enhanced by performances by folklore groups and an exhibition of decorative and applied arts.

The “ak öý” yurts installed here, representing the capital, Arkadag city and the velayats of the country, with integral attributes, recreate the way of life of an ancient Turkmen village. Women weave carpets, embroider, felt felt mats to the accompaniment of ancient tunes. The workshop of a zerger is staged, creating unique jewelry in front of the audience.

Museum exhibits and works of contemporary artists are also displayed here. Images of beautiful horses are captured in carpets, original sculptural compositions, engravings, photographs, and magnificent jewelry sets for the ceremonial vestments of horses testify to the great love for them.

The bright color inherent in a real Turkmen “toi” was brought by the virtuoso playing of the dutar by bakhshi musicians, as well as the competition of palvans.

The head of state, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, together with the guest of honor, watched the palvans demonstrating unique Goresh wrestling techniques, their strength and agility.

In front of the main building of the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex, masters of the country’s arts met the participants of the celebration with a festive musical dedication.

Before a horse will delight everyone with its beauty, stature, and agility, you need to invest a lot of effort and painstaking work, knowledge, talent and love into it. The ancestors of the Turkmens worked hard in this direction, and the Akhalteke breed is a clear confirmation of this. Our people are able to enthusiastically celebrate their successes and achievements.

As is known, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov devoted many scientific and literary works to “heavenly” horses, in which a huge layer of folk wisdom can be traced. Translated into different languages, these works became the property of the world community, playing a significant role in the rapid growth of interest in the Akhalteke horse breed.

And today, in honor of the people’s favorite, the country is once again organizing a large, colorful toy, an integral attribute of which has long been horse racing.

...President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and a guest from the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation go to places specially designated for them.

Being a true connoisseur, expert and popularizer of the legendary breed of “Nisei” horses, the head of state, through his active participation and full support, makes a huge contribution to the development of the national equestrian industry. A striking example of this is the presentation on the eve of the National Day of the Turkmen Horse to the teaching staff of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev, scientists of the Scientific and Production Center for Horse Breeding, as well as horse breeders of Arkadag city, the keys to new apartments in modern residential buildings built in the “smart” city.

The host announces the start of the festive races – the most prestigious competitions of the season.

It should be noted that, having created such a work of the highest art of folk breeders and seis as the Akhalteke horse, preserving the purebred of these priceless horses, domestic horse breeders do not cease to nurture their best qualities.

The main difference of the national school for training sports horses is that the Turkmens do not train them, but rather educate them. Experienced horse breeders note that the strong character and indomitability of the horse indicate that only if the foal is properly raised does it become a kind and devoted friend to man.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov set tasks for specialists to expand the scientific base in breeding work using modern methods, to intensify the development of various types of equestrian sports in the country, and to strengthen international cooperation in this area.

From century to century, from generation to generation, horse breeding traditions have been passed on, and today the glorious relay of reverent attitude towards the living heritage of the nation, which determined its historical destiny, continues.

As before, horse racing is extremely popular in Turkmenistan. The competition, which was watched with delight by spectators in the stands, lasted more than two hours. They demonstrated agility and became “heavenly” horses – the glory and pride of the Turkmen people.

Horse racing is also a test for jockeys. An equestrian sport requires courage, resourcefulness, perseverance and, of course, love for horses and the ability to understand them.

Today, seven races took place at various distances, in which dozens of horses took part, demonstrating their best qualities.

In the first race of 1,200 meters, horses competed for the prize of the financial and economic complex.

The best horse was Yologly from the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan. Rider – M.Kichigulov.

In the second race of 1,200 meters for the prize of the oil and gas complex, Garayol horse of the State Association of the Food Industry of Turkmenistan took the lead. Rider – K.Polaev.

In the third race of 1,200 meters for the prize of the shopping complex, Dorsekil horse, owned by the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production, came first to the finish line. Rider – Y.Allanazarov.

In the fourth race of 1,600 meters for the prize of the transport and communication complex, the winner was Menzil horse of the State Border Service of Turkmenistan. Rider – H.Nazkulyev.

In the fifth race of 1,600 meters, where the prize of the construction and industrial complex was played, the Shagirt II horse of the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan was the first to finish. Rider – S.Charyev.

In the sixth race of 1,800 meters for the prize of the agro-industrial complex, the leader was Begzada horse of the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan. Rider – Sh.Myradov, 1st year student at the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev.

An intense struggle for the main prize of the President of Turkmenistan and the Challenge Cup took place in the final, seventh race. The first to overcome the distance of 1,800 meters was the horse Bezirgen, belonging to the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan. Rider – B.Agamyradov.

Musical performances were organized between races. There were melodies and songs of bakhshies, which sang the glorious past and the grandiose transformations of our time.

As always, the current races have become a truly fascinating spectacle. The competitive spirit, passion and, of course, the agility and beauty of Akhalteke horses invariably give such competitions an emotional edge.

Then a ceremony took place on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to present valuable prizes to the winners of the holiday races, as well as the marathon and show jumping competitions held this week.

In the long-distance marathon, not only speed qualities, but also athletic endurance with the best result were demonstrated by Meshkhur horse, belonging to the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan, the rider – O.Annaev, a 1st year student at the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev.

Akhalteke horses have become famous in the history of world horse breeding for their participation in long treks, demonstrating amazing endurance. Many of their records could not be repeated today.

The first place in the show jumping competition was taken by Toychy horse, belonging to the Equestrian Federation of Turkmenistan, with jockey Y.Garajaev, a 1st year student at the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev.

After the award ceremony for the winners of the marathon and show jumping competitions, valuable gifts, large cash prizes and diplomas awarded at the current races took place. In addition, the leader of the final race was awarded a large cash prize and the Challenge Cup of the President of Turkmenistan.

Receiving well-deserved awards and expressing sincere gratitude to the President of the country for his concern for the development of national horse breeding and equestrian sports, the jockeys assured that they would make every effort to preserve the illustrious traditions of horse breeding and further popularize the Akhalteke breed.

At the end of the award ceremony, a festive atmosphere still reigned at the site of the complex, music sounded, creative groups performed for the Turkmen citizens and guests of the country who had gathered here on the occasion of the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse. Then President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said a warm farewell to everyone and left the venue.

* * *

On Sunday, events on the occasion of the National Day of the Turkmen Horse were held throughout the country, which included concerts, exhibitions, literary, musical and poetry evenings, as well as honoring domestic horse breeders and seyis.

Cultural and sports events dedicated to the holiday became a dedication to the “heavenly” horses, which occupy an important place in the history and life of the Turkmen people and today continue to inspire and delight people.

With the current celebrations and large-scale work carried out under the leadership of Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov to develop the national horse breeding school, Turkmenistan is strengthening its position as a major international center for horse breeding, relying on thousand-year-old traditions and rushing, like an unstoppable horse, to new horizons.

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